Episode 28
Creating SEO magic with Viktoria Altman
Welcome the creative Viktoria Altman, SEO expert to Saturday Soundbites!
Viktoria Altman is one of a few successful women who have taken control of their brand's online footprint and she shares her skills, talents, and tech savvy with her clients. Listen in as she shares tips on how to EXPLODE YOUR SEO STRATEGY!
By aiming to deliver results based on specific goals and identifying her clients' top competitors, Viktoria Altman is able to draw a blueprint and lay a foundation that is tailored to meet the needs of prospective clients. As an immigrant, she values the opportunities that entrepreneurship affords anyone who is willing to commit, learn a skill and take action.
This has been the bedrock of her business philosophy. Viktoria is tech savvy and offers expert advice that speaks directly to those in a specific niche, on not only becoming the top of a Google search, but also at the top of identified conversations between peers. Be sure to check her out at https://bsplegalmarketing.com/
[00:00:00] Veronica: Hello. Hello. Welcome to Saturday soundbites. This is Veronica Sofer. I'm your host, and I'm so excited to be with you again this week to talk about all things, visibility strategy here on Saturday soundbites, we talk about advertising, marketing, public relations, digital media networking. Branding, all of those elements that are going to really help you grow your visibility strategy, whether for your brick and mortar business, your online business, or in your professional space.
[00:00:28] And I also know we've got some phenomenal, uh, people who work in the nonprofit space that watch our show. So thank you so much for all that feedback and checking in with us, letting us know that you're watching. And our goal is really to provide you some tips and strategies to help you grow your business.
[00:00:43] So I see that some of you are watching on Facebook. Go ahead and say, hello. We'll go ahead and pop you on screen. If you're watching on the replay hashtag replay. And if you are listening on our podcast, be sure to hit subscribe, because we want to make sure that you get notified every time we drop an episode.
[00:01:00] So this week I really wanted to focus on. Tips that we're going to help you grow your business. So oftentimes we talk about SEO search engine optimization, and for those of you in the digital space, you're constantly thirsty for information. You're trying to learn and grow and figure out how it is.
[00:01:18] You're going to beat all these algorithms. You're going to raise your stats on, on Google. And I'm always looking for. Tips and experts in today. I found one that is going to really blow your mind. So here in just a few seconds, I'm going to bring Ms. Victoria Altman onto the stage. And we are going to chat a little bit about SEO strategy and how to grow your brand and all of your products and services.
[00:01:41] So with that, I'm going to go ahead and invite Victoria up. Hello, good morning. And welcome.
[00:01:47] Viktoria: Good morning, Veronica.
[00:01:48] Veronica: How are you? I'm fantastic. Thank you so much for joining us on Saturday soundbites. Tell us a little bit about what you do, you know, we've, we've certainly, um, I, I post posted some great information about, uh, your resources and your background and the show notes.
[00:02:02] But tell us a little bit about who you are.
[00:02:05] Viktoria: Well, um, my name is Victoria, like you said, I am an SEO and marketing expert and it is my job to get my clients to the top of Google. I work primarily with small businesses. I work with a lot of attorneys and we essentially take what is usually a relatively limited budget.
[00:02:21] And we help them come up. People with very large, um, firms, you know, that might be 300 lawyers. So we, we kind of help the, utilize the investments in a way.
[00:02:34] Veronica: That's okay. Awesome. And Googled so complicated. And it's ever evolving. How did you get into this, this niche space? Cause it's certainly not something you probably went to college to study.
[00:02:46] Viktoria: No, it's so funny. I was actually just having this discussion with someone yesterday. Uh, if you actually did study it in college, two weeks after graduation, uh, your knowledge would no longer be useful because Google is artificial intelligence. It is the most complicated piece of artificial intelligence in the world, and it is constantly evolving.
[00:03:04] So. Things that I used to do two months ago are no longer applicable to my clients to date. Uh, so the way I got into it was I, uh, I attempted to retire, um, at 38 after selling a company, um, it lasted about a week and a half. It'd be 11 days. It turned out that it's actually kind of boring to retire at 38, who would have thought.
[00:03:29] So I said, okay, you know what, I'm not going to do this anymore. I'm just going to go be a travel blogger. And so I started writing articles and then they realized that there is a million travel bloggers in your articles will never be seen unless you know about SEO. So, you know, instead of like hiring somebody to do it, I was like, well, I have the time, let me do it myself.
[00:03:47] And that was how I started in the field just by trying to get my own blog being seen in, you know, in front of people like Vogue and New York times and other really big publications.
[00:03:59] Veronica: Wow. That's fantastic. And it kind of scares me when you say the technology changes so rapidly because two weeks is that's about a that's about how long it takes me to read and write.
[00:04:08] Digest it consume it and then put it into practice. So you're basically telling me that that's not a good strategy.
[00:04:16] Viktoria: Well, I'll be very honest with you. There is two types of SEO. There is the very fundamental, um, very, I don't want to say basic, but the, sort of the, the brick and mortar, right? The, the regular SEO and that stuff is actually changes.
[00:04:32] Create great contents interact on social media, that kind of thing. Uh, but then there is the kind of complex SEO that's me and other people who really specialize in the do and yes, two weeks is a lifetime in my world.
[00:04:48] Veronica: Wow. Yeah. Okay, great. Well, it sounds like you, you certainly know your business and your, I know your clients are very successful.
[00:04:55] So tell us what are some of the mistakes that people make? Like if you had to brainstorm. Three things that either online businesses or brick and mortar businesses, corporations, nonprofits, whatever, what are three mistakes that they're making today?
[00:05:11] Viktoria: I would say the first mistake is people are looking at the new shiny instead of figuring out what their competitors are doing and finding the one area where they could really make an impact and really make a name for themselves.
[00:05:27] They go on Instagram, they started Instagram, they started Tik TOK. Uh, they do SEO for a little while. Then they do a little web design. They do a little content production. And it's makes no impact. And then they get frustrated and they say, well, marketing doesn't work on my marketing doesn't work. And it doesn't work if you work it that way.
[00:05:44] Um, so the first mistake is not focusing on the things that are working well for your competitors. Uh, I would say the second mistake is not doing well. The things that are working for your competitors, uh, some things you could do yourself. And some things are going to be very hard to do yourself unless you have, um, 50 hours a week.
[00:06:05] Like I do sitting there conducting SEO experiments. You don't want to go into the fancy SEO stuff unless you know what you're doing because you could actually tank your side. If you're doing it wrong. Um, and I would say the third thing is people expect very, very quick results. Now with my clients, I've developed some approaches where even with SEO, we can get them calls within a few weeks, but I always tell them, look, SEO is not about.
[00:06:32] Immediate results. It's like building a house, right? If you really want immediate results, let's get you some ads. And those are you pay for them. Yeah. You get a client, you pay for an ad, you get a client if it's done properly, but you have to be a little bit patient it's. If you really want to build a great business and a great marketing strategy, just like in your line of work, right.
[00:06:51] You were in PR and I think it was one of the first thing you told me. Right? Uh, don't expect overnight results. It takes time to do good work, to be patient.
[00:07:01] Veronica: And I think of that is hard for people to process through because as a business owner, you're either providing a service and so you see results or you're selling a product and you receive immediate, there's an exchange of business there.
[00:07:15] Um, and what people don't understand is that foundation oftentimes has to be built on consistency. And I know, um, you mentioned it early people try this, they try this. And all of a sudden they get frustrated. What do you think is, um, a reasonable amount of time for someone to develop an SEO strategy?
[00:07:33] Whether they're working with someone or they're learning it on their own? I mean, is this a process that takes six months a year? How do you feel like that? W what's a reasonable amount of time for businesses. To think about an SEO strategy. I
[00:07:45] Viktoria: would say with, like I said with me, I will tell my clients you'll be getting calls in a couple of weeks.
[00:07:49] Uh, but I have some strategies other people do not use if you're in a business owner and you're not getting results within two months, you should reconsider your strategy unless, and I'm going to say big, unless, unless this is a brand new website that never existed before, in that case, you'll go into.
[00:08:08] Well, Google doesn't say to us, but we know it to be the sandbox mode where your website essentially has an account. So you have to wait about three months. But I had a client who came to me after having worked in that agency for a year. And understandably, uh, he was very concerned whether whether or not I could deliver results because in a year he didn't get a single call.
[00:08:30] And when he started getting calls with me with a few weeks, he basically was like, oh my God, you're a miracle worker. It's not that complicated. A lot of people just don't know what they're doing.
[00:08:39] Veronica: Right, right. Actually, probably key. Right. And, and we've talked, um, for those of us who work with business coaches, um, and work on teams, we talk about making sure people are in the right seat, on the bus, meaning they are harnessing their expertise and they're nurturing what comes natural to them.
[00:08:57] And it sounds like for people who. Aren't comfortable in this space. It might be beneficial to invest in working with someone with a little bit of expertise, because you could really do some damage to your brand.
[00:09:10] Viktoria: You could very easily do damage to your brand. Um, I've had quite a few cases. Who've come to me and they were working either with unethical SEOs or doing things themselves.
[00:09:22] And I basically had to say, okay, we, we need, we need to fix things just like in your line of work. You know, if, if you start. You know, making controversial statements or whatever you could damage your brand. Same thing for us. If you don't know what you're doing, you could damage your breath, but there are some things you could do that are definitely not going to be brand damaging.
[00:09:40] Right? Great blog posts. You can promote yourself on social media in an uncontroversial way. And those things are, even if you don't benefit from them, you're never going to lose out on that. Right? If you create great content,
[00:09:54] Veronica: No, that's absolutely true. And I believe that to be true, great content, can't be replaced by tricks or algorithms or boosts or anything like that.
[00:10:02] Great content is what's going to get you, um, put in front of the right people. So what are some of the tips that you can share with people? Um, what are just a couple of things people need to know when they are starting to work on their, their digital footprint, even the right word is, is that kind of the term what's the right term for that?
[00:10:21] Viktoria: Okay, so digital marketing presence, online presence, but I would like to go take a step back when you spoke about great content can really, you know, you can replace. So unfortunately the way Google works is if I write a 1000 piece, 1000 word blog posts that is incredible out of this world, but I don't correctly optimize it, using the correct keywords, very few people, if anyone will ever.
[00:10:45] Hmm, right. A very mediocre blog post, but I include very specific keywords that I know for a fact, from my own experiments, Google is looking for, it will be impactful. And it is, it is, it's like it's a little bit of an unfair game, right? Because I have an advantage over someone who knows their content is a beautiful writer, but I'm using the correct keywords.
[00:11:08] But remember, Google is a machine. So what we do as SEOs, we take, uh, if the client creates amazing content, then this is so much easier for us, but we'll go through it line by line and. The right keywords in the right places and optimize it, then the client can always review it. If they want to, you know, make sure it's done well, it will be done well.
[00:11:28] And when we publish it, then that media content explodes. Um, so yeah, I apologize. I kind of forgot the second part of the question. I know. That's okay,
[00:11:39] Veronica: go ahead.
[00:11:43] Viktoria: all good. It's all good. I get so into SEO. I get like, so hyper focused on it. I forget. Sometimes when people ask me.
[00:11:52] Veronica: It's all good. It's all good. I love the fact that, um, you're taking me down a path that I didn't even know existed. Right. Because part of the problem is you don't know what you don't know.
[00:12:02] And all of a sudden, like you mentioned to key words and I was like, whoa, wait a second. What key words? That's important. Let me write that down. And so going back to that, what are some of the things, um, That I didn't ask you about that, that are going to be important for our listeners, because that's really what we're trying to do today is kind of share some tips and what do people need to do right now, or stop doing?
[00:12:27] That's the other thing, what do we need to do? Or what do we need to stop doing?
[00:12:30] Viktoria: Okay. Um, if I could, like, of course I have a million tools, but if I could give like a regular person who doesn't have the tools, advice, if you want to create content that is going to compete with. Very prominent concept on Google.
[00:12:43] Here's a very simple tip. Go and look at number one, two and three articles. See how many words they have and then writes almost the same amount of words, but maybe 50 to 200 more. Hmm. Because length of the content makes a big difference. And the Google calculates how long somebody stays in the pH, how long they're reading it.
[00:13:06] Another really good tip is answer common questions in your blog. Post. A lot of people who start out don't do that. But if you actually, if you just go to Google and you Google any subject matter, it'll actually give you. FAQ's like, if you just scroll down a little bit, so just answer those. Oh, okay. And that will really help your content, the scene.
[00:13:27] Uh, but another thing that people don't realize is that, uh, they go onto like, um, builders other than like WordPress and people don't realize that. Those builders are designed to be simple. They're not really designed oftentimes, uh, to promote your content. So if you have the ability you can, you know, really should be using wordpress.com, it is much more flexible, and it's very hard to wrangle content with other, uh, with other providers, unless you really know what you're doing.
[00:14:01] Veronica: And so, so talking about maybe like a. Squarespace or some of these other, uh, retail, I call them retail platforms. That's where anyone on the street can just start typing and building you think WordPress is designed optimized for SEO expertise, right?
[00:14:22] Viktoria: Well, so WordPress has all these plugins that we can use.
[00:14:26] Uh, and it's an open source software. So it's like. It's like Android versus iPhone, right? I phone is great for certain things, but if you wanted to do a little extra, unless it's physically built into the software, you can't, it's not a great analogy because WordPress is about, it's about 70% of the world.
[00:14:48] Small business uses WordPress, and there's a reason for it, you know, it's very flexible. So yeah. Yeah, it's a good, it's a good way to do it.
[00:14:56] Veronica: That's really interesting. Cause I've never really heard that, you know, a lot of us, um, that don't have some expertise in that space. Want to go to the easy, intuitive?
[00:15:05] Let me just drop my little file over here or drop my picture over here. You're really helping me understand that the strategy starts with the infrastructure. That's what, that's what, that's the lesson I'm getting. The strategy starts with the infrastructure.
[00:15:18] Viktoria: It is a great way to put it this strategist treads with infrastructure.
[00:15:22] And look, you can go on upwork.com and you can hire a. Fantastic. WordPress builder for $15, $20 an hour. You can get out fantastic website done for that much. And then when you hire someone like myself to come in, I don't have to say, listen, we have to redo this whole thing. I can't work on this platform. I can't, I can't help you on this clock.
[00:15:43] So if you are building your website and you're saying, well, I'm going to build this out. And maybe in a few months, I'm going to do some more SEO. Just start off on the right foot. Start off with the right structure. You can always change things later, of course, but starting off on the right foot will help you grow.
[00:16:01] Better faster.
[00:16:02] Veronica: That makes complete sense. Is, are there any other tips about designing, um, a website that might be helpful? I mean, I want to talk about social media too, but before we get to social media, is there anything else about websites that are just really important? Because all of a sudden you're making me second, guess what I've been doing?
[00:16:21] And it makes complete sense now, like you you've opened my mind to the possibilities that I didn't know existed. So.
[00:16:27] Viktoria: Well, first of all, just like everybody else, I'm happy to give you a free website analysis. I will send you a, uh, you know, a lengthy loom video where I'll go through all of your website's structure and let you know things that could be changed.
[00:16:39] That should be changed and all that. So, um, you and everyone else out there, if you need a website analysis, just get in touch. I love this stuff. I love to do it.
[00:16:47] Veronica: Yeah, no, I am. So I can tell you do that's fantastic.
[00:16:53] Viktoria: I do. I really do. Uh, one thing people don't realize is that we have to build sites mobile first, very few people.
[00:17:04] Browse as much on desktop as they will on mobile. So your website has to be very fast and Google just came out with a new algorithm, which really they've been rolling out for years, but whatever they're calling it new, um, that measures how quickly your website loads, the user experience and all that. So your website has to be very well done on mobile and it has to be, uh, very fast.
[00:17:25] Uh, if you Google. If you search for Google speed test, you can actually see how quick your website is on mobile and desktop. And this is very, very important. And what you should do is you should also search your competitors. And if your website is slower than your competitors, you're going to have a very hard time ranking.
[00:17:42] Uh, I'm not saying that's the only thing you need, but it is a base.
[00:17:46] Veronica: Wow. Yeah, absolutely. And now that you mentioned it. I know, I just listened to a podcast recently where they talked about how fewer and fewer people are using desktop laptops to view websites. And before the question was posed, at some point, will we ever need these big clunky devices?
[00:18:05] And of course there was an argument for all the reasons why you do, but it was interesting for information and consumption. People will still have their device in front of them, but then they'll just reach over and pick up their phone to search. And I thought that was an interesting analogy. And then I realized I do the same thing.
[00:18:21] I have my device in front of me, but I still use,
[00:18:24] Viktoria: I do that all the time. And it's the most ridiculous thing. I have three screens in front of me. And what do I do? I reach for myself. It makes no sense. It's like a weird, like our brain is wired that way now or something, you know?
[00:18:39] Veronica: No. And so I think what we need to do as business owners and as people managing brands and visibility strategy, um, and trying to get engagement, we need to be mindful of how people are consuming their information.
[00:18:50] Cause it's by choice. I mean, it's a choice that I have, like to your point and you have several devices in front. Absolutely could just with the keystroke get to a new screen, but you're choosing not to, you're physically choosing to move over to another device so that that's fascinating. Um, that's probably, that's probably a whole nother psychological conversation expertise.
[00:19:09] Viktoria: Yeah. We need a brain expert on for this one. Yeah. I don't know
[00:19:13] Veronica: about that, but it makes sense. Well, let's, let's, let's transition just a little bit over to social media. How do you incorporate, um, you know, you mentioned Tik TOK and Instagram. I know you've got a phenomenal presence on social media, Facebook.
[00:19:27] What are, give us the lowdown on the different types of social media platforms and how they integrate and support a strong SEO strategy.
[00:19:37] Viktoria: So, We in my agency, we don't really focus on social media so much. What we do is we manage social media for Google and people don't realize is that Google is watching how active you are on social media.
[00:19:51] So if you have an Instagram account from 2014 and you haven't posted an a, in three years, Google knows Google is watching everything you do. And there is one type of social media that almost no business owners realize exists. And that is extremely powerful. Um, and it's called Google my business. It is a directory essentially of all businesses in the U S but you can make posts on Google.
[00:20:17] My business that Google will then promote. It is fairly, very powerful and very, very few people are using it. Almost nobody's using it properly. So for my clients, for instance, we'll make posts every three hours, seven days a week on Google my business because it works so well.
[00:20:33] Veronica: Wow. Oh my goodness. Okay.
[00:20:36] Blowing my mind again. So this may be a very archaic mindset, but my understanding was Google. My business was really for brick and mortar businesses. Is it still, is that still the case? I think it may have been the case a few years ago.
[00:20:52] Viktoria: I get clients from Google, my business all the time. I don't have a brick.
[00:20:55] Yeah. Okay. Okay, great. You can absolutely put a Google my business and you can put a service area, Google my business in, you know, you can, you can say I serve this area. Yeah, I don't necessarily have an office to visit, but you don't have to include an office for instance, you are in Florida, right? Texas, Texas.
[00:21:14] Okay. Um, so you could create a Google my business around the area where you were physically located, uh, indicate that you're serving the area. And of course, you're not going to put your home address on there or anything, but if you, if you don't have an office, uh, if you optimize it, probably you could get calls.
[00:21:28] I get client calls all the time from my own Google, my business listing. So yeah, it's, it's, it's definitely not. Stores, of course, you know, it works really well for my lawyers. I mean, 90% of the calls we get are from Google, my business, but all those users
[00:21:44] Veronica: could use it. Yeah, that's a great, um, great idea.
[00:21:47] And so what do people need to do? Um, I know we're getting close to running out of time, but I feel like this is such a great piece of information. What does, what does a business owner need to do? I mean, do you, are there videos or, I mean, how do they figure out about Google my business? Because, and the reason I ask is because a lot of the clients that I work with are either book authors or, uh, professionals.
[00:22:07] Um, I have a lot of professional speakers, um, a couple of nonprofits that I work with, how. First start out on learning about Google my business.
[00:22:18] Viktoria: Well, so if they don't have a listing set up your first, they should search for themselves and see if there's a listing because Google, my business will generate auto-generate listings for a lot of people.
[00:22:26] If they don't have a listing, uh, they would just Google. Create a Google my business listing. They have to find the correct category. So if your category doesn't exist, then that's a different story, right. But there's consultants category, for instance. So even for your book authors, maybe a consultant would be a good fit.
[00:22:42] And then you would send in your information online and they will send you physically send your card. Once they get the card back. Now, this is an important tip. 90% of people I work with have the wrong Google, my business category selected. So for lawyers and I'm going to just focus on lawyers because that's kind of my field of expertise.
[00:23:02] Um, most of them have a lawyer or law firm or an attorney or even legal services, but there are very specific categories for most lines of work. There's personal injury, attorney, criminal defense, divorce, and family estate, and so on. So as soon as you update your Google category to the correct. Category, you might pop all over the place.
[00:23:22] You might start showing it all over the place, depending on the strength of your website. Um, so once you do that, you have to optimize it and you really do. You can just put in the description, you can put, you know, upload of couple of logos, I'm sorry, logo, and a couple of videos if you have them, uh, which are wonderful.
[00:23:39] And then you can make posts on Google, my business and Google reads, those posts, indexes, those posts. And there are also software out there you can use to post I'd like promo Republic, but there's so many different software. Um, and you could say things like I offer this kind of service. There have a service category.
[00:23:56] You could say you could promote events. Uh, there is a lot you could do. And remember Google loves Google. And so it indexes everything. And you could even add your social media posts to Google my business posts. So Google loves Google. Google owns YouTube. If you make a YouTube video and you add it to Google my business, it will be seen by more people.
[00:24:17] Pretty much guarantee you, I
[00:24:19] Veronica: that's amazing that I, you just blew my mind yet again, that's because I have videos they're on YouTube and it never occurred to me to do that. Um, and so I work on another project, um, where we do have a Google my business, and I, I'm not, I'm not in that space, but I'm going to start making sure that those are crossed, uh, connected because it, it makes complete sense.
[00:24:40] Google, why wouldn't they? It
[00:24:41] Viktoria: makes sense. Exactly. Yeah. We call it Daisy chain and you'd connect one post to the next post to the next post, the next post. And then, you know, if let's say you have a PR press release that links to just one post, then that power goes all the way through to all the other posts.
[00:24:57] So it's a, it's a little extra, you know, for you and look all of this stuff. It's so, um, It's it's such fundamental that you can do it yourself. You don't have to, but if you don't want to do it yourself, if you don't have that much time, then you know, I'm happy to chat with you.
[00:25:14] Veronica: Yeah. So let's a perfect transition.
[00:25:15] How, how do people work with you? Because I, I agree. I love learning. Um, but I also keep a full calendar and the truth is, I don't know that I have the bandwidth and I know a lot of entrepreneurs and traditional brick and mortar professionals. They want that expertise, but they just don't have the time to go and learn it.
[00:25:33] How can people work with you and what are the things they need to be prepared to, to bring to you like a website? What are the, what are the assets that you need to get started or to work with?
[00:25:42] Viktoria: I love that question. So. In terms of how people get to work with me. Uh, all you have to do is reach out to me.
[00:25:50] Um, you can reach out to me on LinkedIn, Victoria. Ultimate. You can reach out to me through my website, VSP legal marketing. If you Google legal marketing anywhere in New York, my Google, my business listing will come up first, pretty much forever. Awesome. Well, it would be a shame, right. But, uh, in terms of what they need to bring nothing, we can do everything for you.
[00:26:14] You, if you have a website, great, if you want to us to work with your website and it is a WordPress site, not a problem, uh, we'll do our best. If you don't have content, you don't have money. I'm sorry. You don't have time to create content. Uh, we can, we can create content for you if you don't have any social media at all.
[00:26:30] That's okay. I've had a bunch of clients who never even had a Facebook still. Well, they don't have a personal Facebook, but they now have a Facebook online presence. Um, we'll take care of everything for you. We're sort of, uh, We, we like, we like to, what we like to say is, look, you practice the law, you practice your profession and we'll take care of the marketing.
[00:26:50] We really, you really don't have to get too involved. You can get more involved if you want to, you can create content. Uh, but we'll, we'll take you from zero to a hundred and we'll do it in a relatively short period of time.
[00:27:02] Veronica: Yeah, absolutely. That's so exciting. I love that. And what I love most is that people are getting a chance to see how marketing and PR.
[00:27:10] And advertising are the three legged stool that really holds up your, your visibility strategy. And oftentimes, um, people really want to focus on paid ads or they want to focus on advertising in a way. And yeah, that's important, but you are bringing such knowledge about the marketing component. And I think sometimes marketing doesn't get the, the, you know, the, the true recognition.
[00:27:32] It deserves on how it can grow your business and grow your exposure.
[00:27:37] Viktoria: I think if marketing is scary because, and especially SEO, because people don't understand what we do really. And because there is a lot of scams, there is a lot of shady people in this industry and I completely get that. Um, that's why I say to any of my potential clients, look, go talk to all of my clients.
[00:27:53] Like literally I'll give you all the names. Um, I think because you know, you don't see that immediate, okay. Here's a hundred dollars a year as a client, you know, it's scary, but look, if you want to. Be more successful in your competitor, then you have to do things better, better than them. You know what I mean?
[00:28:11] You have to, you have to be able to put yourself out there. And in my industry, the most successful firms put a ton in their marketing. They really do. We're talking like huge budgets. So, you know, if you want to, if you want to get to the top. Yeah. Um, you have to work with somebody. Great.
[00:28:26] Veronica: That's right. Yeah.
[00:28:27] I was going to say, and I know somebody great. Her name is Victoria Altman and her website and contact information are in the show notes on all, if you're listening on our podcast. So be sure to click that and make sure you share this episode on all your social media guys, because Victoria just dropped some amazing.
[00:28:44] Amazing content and knowledge that I think is going to really help you grow your business. So I know we're getting close to time, Victoria. Thank you so much for joining me. I'm so excited. I literally, I don't know if you see this, but I have the full sticky note of notes that I was jotting down quickly.
[00:28:58] So I'm going to watch this on the replay and I'm going to put down hashtag. I love
[00:29:04] Viktoria: that Veronica. I love that. Listen, like I said, I'm happy to do a website analysis for you. I'll give you lots of great tips you could use. And anybody else out there who you know, is, is looking to grow their small business and get more clients and get more clients quickly.
[00:29:19] I'm here to.
[00:29:20] Veronica: Awesome. All right. Well with that, I'm going to wave goodbye to you. Thank you so much, Victoria. I got to tell you she's amazing. I cannot wait. I'm going to go ahead and book her right now. Cause I've got, I know I need some help and the knowledge I'm so excited about these notes because I'm going to start implementing them right away.
[00:29:37] So if you are listening, On our podcast, it makes sure you hit subscribe because we want to make sure you get notified every time we drop a new episode. And if you're watching on Facebook, make sure you hashtag replay. So we know that you are watching it. And with that, I'm going to sign off for another episode of Saturday soundbites.
[00:29:54] Thanks so much. And we'll see you next time.