Episode 1
Season 2
Magnetic Messaging Starts with Confidence -Kristie Kennedy
Welcome Kristie Kennedy, Image Confidence Expert, to Saturday Soundbites! Join Kristie and Veronica as they discuss the power of image confidence and how it supports your brand, your work, and your business growth. This is key to a successful visibility strategy! Kristie shares her insights on how leaders and entrepreneurs can turn their can't into cans and their dreams into plans. Her life is a testament that you can shift from mediocrity to magnificence one bold step at a time.
[00:00:00] Veronica: Hello. Hello and welcome to Saturday soundbites. I'm your host, Veronica. So for, and I am so excited to be here with you. We have got an amazing lineup for 2022. We are kicking the year off right here at Saturday soundbites. You know, we talk about everything. Visibility strategy, that's advertising, marketing.
[00:00:21] Public relations, my personal favorite Brandy networking. And then we throw in all those really important components that are going to help you grow your business and grow your brand. Whether you're an online entrepreneur, you've got a traditional brick and mortar business. I've got lots of professionals tuning in.
[00:00:36] So all you realtors and doctors and lawyers out there who are just getting some really great nuggets from the show. Thank you for giving us some great feedback so we know how we can tailor this yet. To really fit your needs. So we're going to go ahead and get started today. I've got a coach that is going to blow your mind because she talks about confidence and we know that that's exactly what we need to make sure our visibility is really reflective of who we are so that we can share with the world, the gifts that we have, the services we provide and the products that we have created.
[00:01:06] So with that, I'm super excited. We're going to dive right in. We're going to remind you, of course, to download our podcast on your favorite podcast form, make sure you hit subscribe. And if you're watching on Facebook, let us know. You're watching, give us some comments and my guests and I will be able to come back.
[00:01:21] So if you're watching on the replay and you let us know that you're watching what the hashtag replay, we can also follow up with any answers to questions you have. So with that, we're going to bring on Ms. Chrissy Kennedy, who is joining us. I'm so excited about today's interview. Welcome.
[00:01:38] Kristie: Hello? Hello. It's so good to be here, Veronica.
[00:01:41] Veronica: Thank you. Thank you. Well, you know, when I saw your profile and I realized you were tying in two of my favorite things, which are mindset and visibility strategy, I was like, okay, I have to have Ms. Kennedy on the show. So tell us a little bit about your. Oh,
[00:01:56] Kristie: listen, I am one of a kind by design. I'm super excited to be here.
[00:02:00] I'm from Sarasota, Florida originally. So home near the beaches came to Tallahassee, Florida in 92, came to FSU to study and I was in this in-between space. What am I going to do with my life after college and went on this journey of discovering. Am I, that was the question I started with and I was a timid introvert, and I've started doing this inner work because most people have the misconception that introverts are timid and shy.
[00:02:29] Now I was timid and shy, but introverts are some of the most powerful individuals in the world, Oprah Winfrey for one. And I had to redefine who I was, um, part from societal labels. And that's what led me on this journey that I've been on for a double deck.
[00:02:46] Veronica: That's amazing. That's amazing. So tell us a little bit about how you have correlated the work that you've done, not only with yourself clearly, um, and, and how you have correlated that into the business space.
[00:02:58] So, you know, professional executives, CEOs, CFOs, um, I'm a, I'm a chief. I know how that works. We bring in experts to help us because there are times when we get stuck. Yeah. And oftentimes the conversation's laid back always to mindset, but you've done something really remarkable with, with the work that you've done and you've named it, you've coined it.
[00:03:18] And you sounds like you've got a formula to help people. So tell us a little bit about what that looks.
[00:03:23] Kristie: Hm. Hm. You know, at its simplest is rise rule and reign rise above your fears, rule over your doubts and arranging in your divine domain of authority. Now each and every one of us, we were created with a special gift and that.
[00:03:41] Only one of us can share it. And so you think about when, when you first come in the coaching space coming this leadership space, people will tell you, this is my formula. This is my formula. This is my form of that. But what happens for a lot of newcomers emerging entrepreneurs, Veronica, is that they lose themselves in all of these forums.
[00:04:02] And so the heart of queen finance is returning back to our pure essence. It is being an all with your own aura. Can I say that again? It's being in all of your own aura, because if I think about one of the first things they told us to do is come up with, you know, your ideal client, right. And I'm surrounded by 21 vision board six.
[00:04:22] 'cause I, I had to figure out what makes me come alive, because if I can find my own fire, my ideal client will be attracted to me and everybody else will be repelled by me. You know, some women can not handle a strong, confident woman and some women, they feel. This is too much. You're not my ideal person to work with because I'm looking for the individual that was just like me timid within themselves.
[00:04:47] Not showing up, not giving themselves permission to speak, to be bold, be audacious, to go forward to Greenlight their greatness. That's who I'm looking for. And she'll say. Some of that.
[00:05:02] Veronica: Yes. Yes, absolutely. And it's so important to know that about yourself. What are some of the challenges? Um, clearly, like, I love what you said.
[00:05:10] I want to repel those people. It does it all that means is that there's someone else for you. Right. But how do you bring them in and help them see that? Because I think a lot of us, we have these blocks, whether they're from our childhood or from our early part of our career, We have these sabotaging blocks and behaviors and it shows up in your marketing materials.
[00:05:32] It really does. People can
[00:05:34] Kristie: see right. Yes. Ma'am and you hit it right on the head where I like to start is compassion. So confidence, I believe in my mental world is it's a golden keys of keys. Confidence is the key that unlocks the door to this mansion of many manifestations, right? So once we go through the door and you're in this huge place, there are limitless possibilities.
[00:05:58] I can go into the right door. I can go down several, you know, halls to get. Next door and that door may lead me to what the tech stage, but I, I will never get to all of these opportunities, Veronica until I use this golden key of keys. And so before we can even get to that key, I personally believe self-compassion is critical.
[00:06:21] It's paramount. And that's where I started. It was self love because what you're talking about, those blocks, we're talking insecurities and that's when you're. Disempowered state the fear of what other people will think. So if I love me holistically, everything that I've gone through, all of the heart aches and pains, the setbacks, the poverty that I experience, uh, I remember at my lowest, I was selling vacuum cleaners and see when we learn how to convert our pain into power.
[00:06:49] And we're no longer we're shamed of it. We're no longer judging. We're free to be in whatever space we step into. That's when we get to step into that stratospheric success.
[00:07:00] Veronica: I, I, that speaks so much to a lot of the challenges that people have had in this last year and a half really. Um, we've had a lot of people talk about going from the corporate space to working from home and then deciding.
[00:07:15] This isn't it. I love working from home. This is the thing I want to do, trying to find their place in the world of entrepreneurship. And then all of a sudden, it's not quite what you thought it was and you, it tests your confidence and it tests your faith and your, the belief in yourself. And so I love that.
[00:07:31] Um, you talked about honoring all parts of that because I think that's where we get lost a lot, especially in the entrepreneurial space for women, especially.
[00:07:40] Kristie: Oh, yeah. Oh yeah, because there's this constant comparisonitis here going on. And I think about one of the stories I just read, it was Thomas Edison and Henry Ford.
[00:07:50] Now Henry Ford was introduced to Edison as the man who was trying to build a car that runs on gasoline. And so Edison, when he meets him, he says, this is a brilliant idea. He gets excited. He slept. Based on the desk. And he says a car that has his own power plant will at this point, Henry Ford was discouraged.
[00:08:11] He was about to give up on his dream and here comes one of the most brilliant minds, Veronica and affirms and validates his idea. What we lack, you know, amongst women is validating each other's ideas saying, oh, well, gosh, Veronica, I love, I'm excited about what I'm hearing you tell me about. We don't do it enough because oftentimes we haven't learned to celebrate our own.
[00:08:32] How can you give that away? If you haven't given it to you?
[00:08:35] Veronica: Yeah, that's so true. I hadn't thought about that, but I, um, I've read too that you are the sum of the five people that influence you the most in the map. And so energetically, we are pooling from all those parts and, um, and I have found to be true.
[00:08:52] And I know this is true for 2021. I purposely and intentionally, after listening to a podcast of a really inspirational entrepreneur, I surrounded myself with those people. It made a world of difference to the validated. Is really key to your success. Um, you said something too about your, um, honoring, how do you get people to a point where they're okay with their experiences?
[00:09:17] Because some people have had some pretty traumatic experiences and it shows up in their business.
[00:09:21] Kristie: Yes, absolutely. And I often think that when we talk about confidence, this is, this is a whole mind. This is a healthy mind. So how do you have a healthy mind? That's healthy. Self-talk if not. What happens is all those limiting beliefs.
[00:09:38] The berating yourself shows up. I made a mistake. I can hear women now in my ear. I'm an idiot. We don't talk to ourselves like that. That's not compassionate. Right. That's not supportive. And so if you're not talking like that to yourself, you're going to probably talk like that to your spouse. You'll talk that to.
[00:09:54] Talk like that, to those that you work with and on your social media, it's just going to come because it's in you, it's your energy, right. And you start changing that inner dialogue and you start practicing how you talk to yourself. So that's what healthy, self-talk it. You can't have healthy self-talk without healthy self care, right?
[00:10:14] That's a lifestyle of caring for you.
[00:10:18] Veronica: Absolutely. I'm so glad you said that. And it's so timely because we're, at the beginning of the year, people are setting goals. People are working with their coaches, they're working with maybe their mastermind group or even their, maybe their leadership team. They're bringing them together and they're outlining the goals.
[00:10:32] And you said something that was really poignant. The self care now more than ever with the world, the way it is, we know that we've got to keep our immune systems up. We've got to keep our mindset fresh and positive. And so that really speaks to, um, the, the, the way we're coming across. Right. So let's bridge now to talk about something that I know you're really good at magnetic messaging, because I think that all connects to how we come across and then ultimately it grows your business, right?
[00:11:00] Like at the end of. Your business will grow. You'll attract to the people that you want to attract, like you said, but how do you get to that magnetic messaging? Because I think that's also a part that people get a little scared about like, well, what does that mean? Do I have to tell my whole path? I don't want that.
[00:11:15] You
[00:11:15] Kristie: know, you know, I'm going to go left here. I first would start with silence. I will start with silence. Why? Because there are so many voices in this world and we have to block out all the noise first to be able to be crystal clear on what it is that we want to say, how we want to say it. Do you see how I just started emphasizing just in that moment, you can see my language and the sounds, everything changing because I am very crystal clear in this moment.
[00:11:50] How do I get that? I walked my dogs earlier, right? I was out in nature every single day. I'm spending time in nature every single day. I have instrumental music on before I go to sleep. There's instrumental music. I'm journaling. So I'm getting crystal clear on my thoughts. How did, how did that feel about.
[00:12:07] The first week in the brand new year, what did I see that make me come a lot? It brought forth that childlike wonder. I saw the quarter moon with the star right next to it. That was beautiful. Do you see that? But that often say powerful presence begins with acute self-awareness. How can you be self-aware if you're here, there, and everywhere.
[00:12:26] And then you're disconnected from yourself. So you're not going to be magnetic. You're not going to be powerful people. Aren't going to feel your energy. I've heard people say they were teaching on a motivational message about it was all about being motivational and their energy. Veronica was dirt low.
[00:12:42] There was in congruence and then you have to live and embody your words. So when they come out. Every single word, pierces the heart. Cause I often say what comes from the heart goes to the heart. See the number one thing I'm known for is my energy. But what they don't recognize is it's all of these self care practices.
[00:13:00] When I leave you, I am going to be at the spa. I take good care of myself because I pour out an enormous amount of energy. And so high energy output requires even greater than that. Yes,
[00:13:12] Veronica: that is so, so true. And I think that especially now, um, our women in this space are identifying the fat is the one thing that can change their business.
[00:13:23] And the reason why I say that is because the last two or three weeks, all I've seen on social media is messaging around self care. And I don't know if it's because filing. Cling to that. And they're like, oh yeah, that's, what's going to help me get through the tasks I need to get through. Or that's, what's going to help me take care of my kids or get them through virtual school.
[00:13:42] Cause I know we've got a lot of moms still the homeschooling in virtual school and they're still trying to run their businesses. The self care part is also comes a little bit with, and speaking from experience a little bit of guilt, right? There's a little bit of guilt in there. And so how do you kind of get, get past that part?
[00:14:01] Kristie: Hm. I had it in my head before you even said the word, because I can see the lady sitting right in front of me crying. Over committed because there is a fear of saying no fear of being judged. I'm not going to get mother of the year award or whatever the thing is that keeps having them say yes, yes, yes, yes, yes.
[00:14:18] And then, then they know they're depleted, but I, here, I feel guilty. I feel guilty for taking time from me, but think about. If your car is in the yard, Veronica and it's already on E the gas light is just about to come on. How far are you really going to get when you leave the driveway? Think about your destiny in order to get to your destiny.
[00:14:40] If you don't take care of you today, you may not make it to tomorrow. And then how do you want to live your life? Do you want to live your life on E I've been on the other end of burnout twice. And that's why I'm such an advocate for health care. Self-care mental one is whatever you want to call it because I was giving her all this energy and then I couldn't even enjoy my own energy.
[00:15:02] Everybody would leave empowered, inspired, ready to touch the moon, kiss it and come back. I have nothing. And I said, oh, I can't live like this anymore. I want to enjoy the morning energy.
[00:15:14] Veronica: Yeah, for sure. For sure. That really resonates with me because it took me a long time to get to that, um, to get to that.
[00:15:20] And, and I know a lot of women who have struggled, but there they have found whatever it was, whether it's meditation, journaling, whatever they have found the key to get to the next level. And it shows up in your branding, right? It does it shows up and the things that you say, I see people going on Facebook live and I'm like, Ooh, I know she was ready for those kids to go back to
[00:15:42] Kristie: school
[00:15:45] Veronica: because you see it right.
[00:15:46] That your messaging has to be your messaging, whether you like it or not is truly reflective of what's going on inside. Oh, yes, it really, really is. And so you can put on a good face, your makeup can look fantastic. Your hair can look great, but if your energy isn't there and it's not so much energy, if your essence, and I think you said that word right stuck in my head.
[00:16:09] If your essence isn't really connected, then you're not going to be able to generate and attract the people that you want to attract into your business.
[00:16:17] Kristie: That's good. That's good. I know. I think another place to start Veronica is assessing where my power leaks. Sometimes you, you mentioned the circle earlier.
[00:16:26] Sometimes it could be one person that's throwing your energy off. They're constantly causing you to leak out energy and it's in the back of your mind, but that can impact how you're showing up. It can affect your productivity because that's swirling around. And so we want to seal those power leaks and those confidence cracks sooner than.
[00:16:46] Veronica: And what do you think entrepreneurs especially are not doing? Right. So if we've got an, an online entrepreneur watching, or maybe someone considering launching a business, what are one or two things that you would tell them right now? Because you have seen it in your. Consistently
[00:17:02] Kristie: and seen it in my own life.
[00:17:04] When you just sit consistency, one being consistent a lot of times as entrepreneurs, we're passionate people. And so that can be our greatest strength and also it can be our Achilles heel. Being consistent, no matter how we're feeling, you have good things, you have not so good days. Right. But then deciding I'm going to show up if this is a good day and if this is a challenging day and I'm still going to give that 1000% energy, believe you me.
[00:17:29] I have cried right before I hit record. And they would never know why, because I'm a little. There is certain expectations attached to this role. If you are not ready to go above and beyond the call of duty, maybe you're not called to leadership. It is going to require sacrifice. We're sitting here on a Saturday.
[00:17:48] I could literally be having the day to myself maxing out. Right. But I have a message inside of me and it's burning and I want to show. Yeah, right. And I'm coming from a place of generosity. I'm not coming from a place of depletion. I'm not depleted. If, if I was depleted, I wouldn't wouldn't have said yes to you.
[00:18:07] And so the other piece is when we talk about new entrepreneurs in identifying what's causing them to be stuck, one it's multi multifocal. You've got to get laser focused on what you want in this window. That's today. What do you want this week? What do you want this month? We're not even talking about 11 months from now.
[00:18:31] And so, yeah, you should have a big picture of the whole year. This is ultimately what I want to experience. I'm standing at December 31st, 2022, and I can look back and these are some of the things that I accomplished now. What are the steps? I love this affirmation. There are no mountains. There are only steps.
[00:18:48] And so we, many of us as entrepreneurs, we stop at start because we had these bright ideas, but we don't have the wherewithal to. It just takes guts.
[00:18:59] Veronica: Yeah. It really does. It really, really does. And it's not, and take the confidence that it takes. And, um, I love what you said about entrepreneur, um, introverts, because you there's assumptions made that people who aren't like a type, a personality or don't have the right.
[00:19:15] Um, I, you know, profile can do this, but it, it, it sounds like once you tap into that, then you absolutely can in your. And the way that's right for you.
[00:19:28] Kristie: Yeah. I often say play by the rules. You right. And that's what I had to do when I was designing my life, because I say we live by design and not default. I was on the default setting.
[00:19:36] I was trying to live like an extrovert and that burnt me out and I'm like, okay, we got to figure out what works for Christie. Facebook lives. Don't really work for me for energetically. I have 44 mental health clients right now. So they, they get a lot of my energy, right. To do a Facebook live that would put me over a three minute video.
[00:19:57] With some music in the background, I can rock that and still have my energy. Do you see
[00:20:01] Veronica: that? Yeah. Yeah, absolutely. And I think that's part of designing, right? Designing your business. Um, and you talked about these cookie cutter coaching programs, um, and I've seen some of them, you know, I've seen some of them and, um, having a coach who can come alongside you and support you in creating your business is really key.
[00:20:22] Key, key, key. So speak a little bit about how you help folks in that.
[00:20:27] Kristie: Absolutely. We start with one their vision. I'm trying to see, I think I moved in. I have a spoke, you know, right here in the center. That is the dream. What is the dream? Let's start with the big picture, the 30,000 foot view. What do you really want?
[00:20:43] And give yourself permission to say that out loud, and then you start breaking that out and it's like, Your dream may, if they desire to be married, your, your dream mansion, it doesn't have to be a mansion, but that represents, represents the home that you want to live in. We're talking about the mindset.
[00:20:58] What kind of mind do you have? We don't even think about that often. What kind of mind do I want to have? You know, I want to have a sharp mind. I want to be able to be a master of brevity because we live in a world where people are very gracious. You know, they just constantly talk and no one's really listening.
[00:21:14] So I want to be able to listen more than I speak. And so. Speak is very pointed. Right? And so we're talking about breaking all of these pieces of your life down to. Th every single thing from the individual, your mentors, what kind of mentors do you want to surround yourself with? Think about your next mentor?
[00:21:34] Who is that person you've been watching and you've been soaking up their content. It's time to make a move.
[00:21:40] Veronica: Yeah, absolutely. And now more than ever. And I think the, the, the, some of the words that. Um, people connect to our words like confidence and magnetic messaging and powerful mindset. And you've talked about massive momentum.
[00:21:55] That was another word I highlighted. Those are words that really resonate with people. And you said something at the very beginning that I wanted to circle back to, and that was, that words have power. How are you working with folks to once they get to that point, they've identified their dream or dreams and they've, they're ready to there.
[00:22:14] They might be a little timid, but their confidence has definitely been boosted. Now they're ready to go out there and show up, how do you not necessarily get them there, but how do you see those people overcoming some of those challenges and getting out there and showing up authentically?
[00:22:30] Kristie: I always go back to the.
[00:22:33] Because in their head, they have the thousand steps. Yeah. And that's, that's gonna keep them paralyzed. So what's the one step you're willing to take to. And because action is one of the fastest way to overcome anxiety. They have anxiety, which is what fear. They have fear of these unknowns fear that the camera's not going to work, fear that they're going to laugh at them.
[00:22:55] Fear that they're not pretty enough all that self-taught, but, but if we've done the compassionate. Prior to you can hit the record button and think of, I like to go into generosity as a value because values can override emotions. And so I'm just being generous with myself. The richest person is to me, the one who gives the most left.
[00:23:17] Yeah, it means a generous. And you think about somebody is in pain and you have the solution, you have the antidote to help them get out of that pain. Wouldn't you want to get that to them as fast as you can.
[00:23:30] Veronica: Really. Absolutely. And that's what I love about this conversation is I feel like that's exactly what we're doing and you know, 20, 30 minutes, we are giving you an influx of resources and confidence and just things to start thinking about so that you can get to whatever's next for you.
[00:23:44] You don't, maybe you're sitting in. And executive director level. And you want to go for that VP level or, you know, you're, you're trying to work your way up, but something stopping you. I love what you talked about generosity and assessing your values and being able to have the confidence to take just that little.
[00:24:01] Mm, because there's, there's a book and I forget the name of it. You probably know where you're talking about, I'm eating the elephant one bite at a time, or? Yeah. And, and I've always, in my mind, I thought that was always a silly title for a book or concept. When I read it, I think I did a book study with my leadership team.
[00:24:16] It made complete sense. When you take those small components, we divide them up. We decided what we're going to do today, what we're going to do tomorrow and what we're going to get done by the end of the next quarter, then it seems much more manageable for us. And we just get so overwhelmed by that. And I love that you are forgiving and understanding that people do we get overwhelmed.
[00:24:37] Yeah. And it sounds like when you're working with your folks, you, you, that's the gifts that you give them is the ability to take a step back. And I love that. So, um, how can people reach you? Because I know that, um, we've got a lot of people watching. And I love your energy and excitement. And I want people to learn more about your content, because this is exactly what we need, regardless of what your space is to grow your brand so that you can get an authentically connected and do what it is you're supposed to be doing for the war.
[00:25:04] Kristie: Yes, visit me online. Queen prudence.com E N F I D E N C E. Queen evidence.com
[00:25:15] Veronica: queen dot com. And that will be in the show notes folks. So make sure that you connect there. Christie, do you have any. For our guests. I know we're getting close to the end, but I love that we are starting off 2022 with energy and some great motivation to grow our businesses.
[00:25:30] And I'm just, I'm so thrilled that you're here. So just give us one party.
[00:25:34] Kristie: Yes, I'm going to give you a little tea to sip on. I wrote it down. Tea trust trust that you will show up for you. He expect that the tables will turn around and appreciate the entire journey. That's where the Juul is. Our.
[00:25:53] Veronica: I love it.
[00:25:54] Well, that is definitely the TCIs. I love it. I love it. I will be transcribing that for the show notes for our guests. Chrissy has been an absolute delight having you on you have totally, totally made the show. And I can't wait to reconnect with
[00:26:10] Kristie: you. Thank you so much, Brian.
[00:26:13] Veronica: Thank you. Thank you. All right, guys.
[00:26:14] So if you love to the content, make sure you check out her website. All the details will be in the show notes. I want you to go check out her content. I'm also going to list all of Christie's social media assets, so you can be following her. Tips. This is exactly what you need in your life to grow your business.
[00:26:32] Your visibility strategy starts with you being authentically connected to who you are, so that you can share your message, share your product, share your services with folks because people will see right through all those formulas. They're going to see right through all those templates. And we want you to make sure it's.
[00:26:48] So with that, I'm going to end the show again. If you're listening on the podcast, hit subscribe. We don't want you to miss any episodes of Saturday soundbites. And if you're watching on the replay, hashtag replay and Christy, and I will circle back and get with you. All right, everybody, I am sending you lots of positive energy and light, and I thank you so much for joining us.