Episode 4

Season 2

Attract Ideal Clients with Challenges that Covert

Welcome Natalie Taggart, Launch Coach and Copywriter, to Saturday Soundbites! Natalie helps online entrepreneurs scale their impact and income with a little something she calls The Transformational Launch Method.

She shares with Veronica her methodology for coming along slide her clients and helping them identify the strategy that is perfect for their space and will attract ideal clients. Natalie also shares some of the successes she has helped her clients with, and you will want to tune in to learn!

[00:00:00] Veronica: Hello. Hello and welcome to Saturday soundbites. I'm your host, Veronica. So for and I am here today to talk about all the things we love, branding, marketing, advertising, networking, public relations, all the things you need to grow your visibility strategy, because that's what Saturday soundbites is all about.

[00:00:19] We bring on guests that really helped. All of those components together to grow your business, make sure your copy is on point and make sure the processes you have in place are on point and all the different innovative ways that you can start incorporating new practices that are going to help you grow and launch your business, not just for entrepreneurs, but traditional brick and mortar business.

[00:00:41] So, if you are listening on the podcast, make sure you hit subscribe. We don't want you to miss any episodes of Saturday soundbites. And if you're tuning in on Facebook, drop us some comments. And if you catch the replay hashtag replay. So my guest and I can go back and get. With that I am going to bring on a phenomenally talented lady who is going to share her skills and expertise really around launching and copywriting and all the things that you need to start thinking about to grow your business.

[00:01:09] So I'm going to invite Natalie, tack it up to the stage with us, Natalie. Thank you for joining.

[00:01:16] Natalie: Hi, thank you so much for having me.

[00:01:20] Veronica: Oh, good. Good, good. We're so glad to have you, and you really have a lot of experience with launching and putting together copy, but more importantly, you have a lot of experience with strategy.

[00:01:32] So tell us how you even started.

[00:01:35] Natalie: Yes. So my corporate background, like many people, I had a corporate job before I was an entrepreneur. My corporate background is in marketing and communications and I learned, or I discovered very early on that like, okay, corporate. Not for me. Let me figure out what else to do.

[00:01:55] I discovered the online coaching world almost 10 years ago, which was pretty crazy back in 2013. I worked with my first coach and I was like, what is this? Like, I need it on this. So I got certified as a life coach. I had a life coaching business for many years, and then I discovered. As I was doing more of that, that all of the coaches I was meeting and networking with, they all were having a lot of trouble with their marketing and they couldn't figure out how to talk about their work, how to package their work, how to put themselves out there.

[00:02:33] And I realized that my background in marketing could be really helpful. So. Yeah. So I started focusing on business coaching and marketing coaching, and then I added copywriting a couple of years ago and the copy piece really? I was so excited when I. Put that piece together because a copy, I think is so, I mean, I don't think I know it's so important and it can be, it's very easily overlooked, so it can make a really big difference in your results.

[00:03:05] And that's what I like to, to bring to my claim.

[00:03:07] Veronica: Yeah, absolutely. It does. In the marketing perspective, it is, it's all the components of good copy. Good art, good branding. Obviously a good product, but what are some of the things that you see in terms of lack of strategy in this space? You've worked with a lot of people.

[00:03:24] You clearly have a lot of years of experience, but when you talk about the strategy, that's something, a lot of people don't invest a lot of time or energy into, and I'd love to hear your thoughts on.

[00:03:33] Natalie: Totally. I think the big thing, the biggest mistake I see when it comes to strategy is specificity and like, and lack of specificity.

[00:03:43] So when I say that, I mean, you know, it's very easy to be vague and say, okay, I'm gonna, I'm gonna grow on Instagram or I want to be on Tik TOK because that's where a lot of growth is happening right now. But there's no. It's very like go with the flavor of the month or go with like, what seems trendy.

[00:04:06] Like last year when everyone jumped on clubhouse, I was like, what? Like, I'm not learning a new platform. Me that's my own personal thing. But without thinking through like, okay, is my ideal person on here? Does it make sense for my offer? Do I have time for this? Like, is this something that I really want to commit to for the longterm and getting really specific and drilling down into not only what your, your business goals are, but also like who's your who and what exactly what's the problem that they need solve and where are they searching for that?

[00:04:43] It might not be on Tik TOK. Like you might be making all this content and, you know, people are there to watch funny videos. They're not there to learn how to. You know, whatever it is that your program offers. So yeah, I think really thinking through those top line objectives and then looking at different tactics and different platforms that you can be on will help.

[00:05:05] Your strategy B make a lot more sense and, and a lot more traction for your business. Yeah,

[00:05:11] Veronica: absolutely. And do you feel, and that's so great. You said that because the first question I ask everyone that I'm working with is what problem are you trying to solve? Exactly. Yeah. Once that compass is set. Then you can start thinking about the strategies and the techniques and, you know, look at the data.

[00:05:28] But until you know, that part, you're really just wasting energy and possibly

[00:05:33] Natalie: money. Totally. And it's hard because like a lot of, I work with a lot of creative, like personal development entrepreneurs. Like your business is kind of an expression of who you are and flipping it around and getting so specific on that problem.

[00:05:48] You know, can feel stifling or like, it's your, it's not her like creative flow, but you know, I always say like your business. Actually isn't there to like, be your whimsical creative thing. It's there to again, solve a problem for your ideal customer and make you money. So like, okay. Let's like get really specific so it can do those things for you.

[00:06:12] Yeah, no, absolutely.

[00:06:14] Veronica: And you know, you talk about different strategies and you've helped a lot of people with launches. What has been your experience? Let's talk, let's talk about coaching. Let's talk about the entrepreneurial space. What have you seen work really well with launches? I mean, people are doing quizzes.

[00:06:30] People are doing challenges, people are doing all kinds of things. How do you help people find that? And what are you seeing that's working?

[00:06:37] Natalie: Yeah. I think challenges are by far Anything can work, right? Like I should say that off the bat. Like if you again have the right strategy in place and it's aligned for you, like anything, anything can work.

[00:06:51] But what I see are really popular right now that I've seen working firsthand, our challenges are still extremely popular and very effective and many workshops Like paid masterclasses where you give a result. I think especially for challenges. I what I love about challenges is that you get to create a result.

[00:07:13] Like you get to create a mini result for that person, same with many workshops, but You know, I love challenges, especially because you get to spend lots of time. You get to spend up to five days with your person. You get to deliver tons of value you're in their inbox every day. They're watching videos with you.

[00:07:30] And you get to take them on a journey that you wouldn't. That an hour long class, you know, you just don't have that time. So I've actually created a five step process for entrepreneurs to like help them craft their challenges in order to get that result. Because oftentimes I see entrepreneurs doing.

[00:07:51] 30 day meditation challenge or like five day gratitude challenges, which are great. But again, if we're like trying to solve a problem and really going for creating a mini, creating a mini wins so that they get really excited about like, oh my gosh, if I got this much value from this person in just five days, like, what is their paid course?

[00:08:11] Like, what is their private experience like? Oh my gosh. Like, I can't wait for that. And so when you set your challenge up effectively, Taking that next step and saying yes to the sale, like really becomes a no brainer.

[00:08:25] Veronica: Do you feel like we're at a point where we're seeing too many challenges or do you feel like they're still wet?

[00:08:31] People

[00:08:31] Natalie: are looking, I think if it, if you got the copy, right. If it speaks to, I think if it speaks to your ideal person and really resonates with that, People are going to be curious and want to learn more. I really think that's the truth. I do think that people are getting we're all becoming more sophisticated consumers.

[00:08:54] And I do think that. Free like a PDF download or like, you know, all these like free resources are getting a little, they're not working as well, just because people are getting smarter. Like, oh, I don't, I don't know what value I'm going to get. Actually, you know, like a checklist who knows, but I'm not knocking checklists there.

[00:09:14] You know, we've all downloaded, like something that you thought was going to be great and then it's like not great. So I think we're all getting a little smarter and so we just have to work harder on that front end to make sure we're really delivering and value. That

[00:09:26] Veronica: makes complete sense. And what are some of the mistakes that you're seeing folks make in the space?

[00:09:32] We've already talked about copyright and how important that is, but what are some of the mistakes that or pitfalls that you're seeing people kind of find themselves in before they come and work with you?

[00:09:42] Natalie: Yeah, I think the big one is when it comes to well, when it comes to their messaging, it's that specificity they don't know about.

[00:09:54] They have an idea of their ideal client, but they haven't done the work to really like embody that person and like step into the conversation that's going on in their head. There's a phrase in copywriting where you want to enter the conversation that's already going on in your prospect's head. You want those.

[00:10:15] Yeah, like you really want to align, like that's how you catch a tension, especially in such a noisy space. You want them thinking like, oh my God, I was just thinking that this morning or, oh my gosh, like, how are you reading my journal? Like, that's the, you know that's what we want them thinking. And.

[00:10:32] It can be challenging to really drill down and like get into your person's shoes, especially again, if you don't know what problem you solve. Right. But that's a lot of what I do before I write a word of copy. I have my clients fill out like a giant questionnaire. We go through all of that kind of like psychology and You know, the journey that they're really going to go on throughout their, their launch experience that their audience is going to go through throughout their watch experience.

[00:11:00] So yeah, that's the big one. And then when it comes to challenges again, it's like getting Really focusing on the result that you're offering. I call it a promise, not a premise. So like, what's the promise, what's the result that they're going to have. What's the tangible thing they're walking away with at the end of the five days, if I'm just doing, you know, five day meditation challenge, that's amazing.

[00:11:26] I may see like, oh my gosh, you know, this is great, but it doesn't give me a reason to take the next step unless I'm. Super into meditation, how you can really increase your conversions when you give them that win. That has them excited to take the next step.

[00:11:45] Veronica: Yeah, definitely. And you got me excited just thinking about challenges.

[00:11:48] So that, that probably give it, give us an example, kind of take us through the journey of what it looks like. So for example, if I were to want to do a challenge and it's not something that I've even considered, but if I wanted to do a challenge what does that look like? How do I, okay. I've got a product.

[00:12:05] I've got my packages. I've I know who my ideal client is. I know what my message is. I feel like I'm almost on the. Yeah, what's next. Cause it's not something I've ever explored. And I wonder if any of our listeners are in the same boat.

[00:12:19] Natalie: Yay. Oh my God. Okay. So the F what you want to do is work backwards.

[00:12:23] So if you are clear on your packages and the result that you get your client in, in your offerings, which, you know, in this scenario, it sounds like you are so. It's all. I think of everything as a journey. Like what's the journey that they're on, what are the steps we need to take? So, okay. We're clear on their, their end result at the end of the package, we're clear on the problem they need to solve, like why they're buying.

[00:12:50] So for your challenge, I would think about like, what's the problem before the problem? What false assumptions are they making about? Their issue or their symptoms that you can bust that you can show them like, Hey, you're you might not be thinking about this correctly. Like if you're, you know, experiencing, like, if you're not getting enough PR for your business, it might not be that your you know, your pitch isn't good.

[00:13:18] It might be. Again, you're not specific enough. I feel like I keep talking about that, but that's, you know, it might not be that you need to learn to write better pitches. It's like it could be a bigger issue. So you would want to think about how can you again, meet them where they are, enter the conversation that's already going on in their head, but one step ahead of where they need to be in order to buy your paid program.

[00:13:43] So then you show them like maybe the challenge is called. Right. Five days to like a better pitch. But through those five days, you show them how to get stronger in their messaging, how to collect more compelling stories. Like you solve that underlying problem for them. While at the same time, like giving them what they want and they walk.

[00:14:06] And this tangible result. So then they're excited too, like, oh my gosh, okay, now I have this pitch, but I need Veronica to help show me what to do with it. Or you know, how do you work with people? Does that make sense?

[00:14:17] Veronica: Yeah, I got it. I was going to say, I think a lot of people and you, you mentioned this, that consumers are getting smarter and more sophisticated.

[00:14:27] I wonder, I was wondering as you were talking what that looks like. So you're in day two, you're in day three. When do you start sharing some of your offerings or does it just organically kind of happen throughout the week? I mean, I'm curious about that. Like, do you, do you set it up step by step or do people just naturally ask because they're getting value?

[00:14:48] Cause that's what it sounds like.

[00:14:49] Natalie: Oh, well you definitely still want to know. I have calls to action and like make the sale. You can't ever expect people to just be like, Hey, I'm going to give you money. But yeah, you want to, pre-seed it like starting on Wednesday? I have my clients, like, usually I'll add a pre-seed in the challenge content.

[00:15:07] Like we're going to cover X, Y, Z. And you know, I go a lot deeper into this in my. XYZ paid program. Gotcha. So then by Friday they're like curious, they're excited. Friday is always like, you know, you deliver some kind of like some the next step or whatever the last step of the challenge is. And then you make the invitation into your page.

[00:15:32] And then it usually goes into a week or two week, like actual launch.

[00:15:39] Veronica: Okay. Very, yeah, that makes sense. And do you need a big team to help you with this? Is it something just a one person solopreneur can do? How do you find it most effective? When, when you're talking about like a five day challenge, cause it seems like a heavy lift.

[00:15:54] It

[00:15:54] Natalie: is, it can be a heavy lift. I have done them with one person on my team and You know that it's a lot of work. I, you can definitely do them on your own. I think it comes down to advanced planning and not you know, not trying to do everything the week before, because then you're you know, that's when we end up staying up until 2:00 AM, like writing the emails and all that kind of stuff.

[00:16:19] It definitely takes preparation and I'm thinking about it, but absolutely. You know, a solo printer can pull it off. If you were to have someone on your team, I think someone like a VA to help you schedule the emails schedule a Facebook lives like post reminders. If you're going to do a Facebook group, someone who can kind of handle those niggly, like admin tasks.

[00:16:42] And then if you do have a graphic designer to help you. With Canva graphics and call graphics and stuff like that. But I don't you know, it's absolutely not necessary. You think it's really just showing up and sharing your expertise and engaging with your people, and that will get you 90% of the way.

[00:17:02] Veronica: Yeah, no, I think you're absolutely right. And I think some people work better with teams. And so delegating, you know, you talked about working with a lot of creatives. I think that's oftentimes a challenge for creatives is a strategy, like mapping it out and 12 days before and 18 days before. And like you said, working backwards is probably really challenging for some

[00:17:22] Natalie: creators.

[00:17:23] Yeah. And staying on task, like, you know, just like, okay. Day by day, like getting this done. So that's where like working with me or working with an OBM, like having someone who can help you map it out in advance. Is is very valuable, but you can absolutely pull it off on your own. Yeah. Yeah,

[00:17:42] Veronica: definitely.

[00:17:42] Well, how can people work with you? We, we definitely are interested in challenges. I think it's certainly something that a lot of people have experienced and, and have wondered about. And so how do they get more information and learn about other kinds of launches as well, but challenges.

[00:17:59] Natalie: Yeah, absolutely.

[00:18:00] So my website is my, is my name www.natalietaggart.com. You can learn more about me and more about how I work with people. Up there, you can also find me on Instagram at it's Natalie Taggart spelled the exact same way. I'm having a lot of fun with reels actually. So I've been doing a lot of fun.

[00:18:22] Like copy trading on videos, stuff like that. So if you want to know more about challenges and lunching and behind the scenes of business yeah, come over and follow me. Oh,

[00:18:33] Veronica: that's great. I love it, Natalie. You have been fantastic. I especially loved the emphasis on copywriting. I have to tell you.

[00:18:42] Natalie: Yeah, I, again, I really think it's like the overlooked magic of, of, you know, business, so, and I'm trying to make it more accessible and demystify it.

[00:18:53] So, yeah.

[00:18:55] Veronica: Yeah, no, I think that's key. And I think what you do and bring so much value to folks. And I just appreciate your time and guys please go to our website. I'm gonna put that right back up. All of her links will also be in the show notes. If you're listening on the podcast, we want you to connect with Natalie to learn more about copywriting and about launching.

[00:19:13] Cause it may look different for different people, but with all her years of experience, Natalie can definitely help you out. Thank you so much for spending time with us today.

[00:19:21] Natalie: Thank you again for having me.

[00:19:24] Veronica: All right on Saturday soundbites, we talk about marketing, advertising, public relations, branding, networking, and all the things that are going to help grow your business.

[00:19:32] And Natalie has some really great insights, especially for those. Who've been curious about a launch, maybe you've done a launch and it didn't go the way you wanted, or maybe you just want to learn a little bit more about how you can create challenges and really start bringing people into your business.

[00:19:46] She's got a formula that you are going to love. So make sure you connect with. All right. If you're listening on the podcast, you know what to do hit subscribe. We don't want you to miss any episodes of Saturday soundbites. And if you catch us on the replay on Facebook or YouTube hashtag replay, so Natalie can not, and I can go back and maybe answer any questions you have and just connect.

[00:20:06] So with that, I'm going to send you off by sending you lots of positive energy and light.


Episode 5


Episode 3