Episode 31
Inspiring Young People to live in Purpose- with Sir Aimezing
Welcome Sir Aimezing to Saturday Soundbites! This powerful and insightful best-selling author and motivational speaker is here to drop some knowledge on how we can all step up and be a HERO!
As Sir Aimezing shares, "everyone needs a hero, why can't it be you?" This is a message he travels the country sharing with not only adults but students as well. This talented and successful entrepreneur shares his experiences to help us all tap into the gifts we have to help others.
During this challenging time, it is important that we all take a moment to reflect on who we are for the world.
[00:00:00] Veronica: Hello. Hello and welcome to another episode of Saturday soundbites. I'm your host, Veronica Sofer. And I'm thrilled to be with you here because we talk all things. I love visibility strategy. We talk about how to get out there and get your brand out there. Get some recognition. We talked about public relations, advertising, marketing, networking.
[00:00:20] And today we're going to talk about professional development and professional speakers and why it is that you and your organization need to bring in folks books that have inspiring messages, because we can be at the computer all day long. We can be connecting and networking and writing our brand articles and really staying on messaging and following our communications plan.
[00:00:39] But if we're not inspired, And if we're not living in purpose, then we are not doing what we need to do. And with everything going on, especially my K-12 friends in education who are dealing with a lot. I thought this was a great time to just pause for a second and talk about something that's really, really important.
[00:00:55] And that's about getting centered and living in purpose and being a hero. So if you're listening on our podcast, make sure you hit subscribe and we want to make sure you don't miss any episodes when they drop in. If you're watching on Facebook, let us know where you're watching from. So we can say hello, and if you have any questions, Yes, be sure to put them in there.
[00:01:12] We will go back to anyone that hashtags replay in the comments on Facebook so that we can both connect with you. So I don't want to waste any more of your time. I want to get your inspiration going. I want to get your mind moving in the right direction. So I'm going to bring on my amazing guests today.
[00:01:27] Please. Welcome, sir. Amazing. Hello.
[00:01:31] Sir Aimézing: Hello? Hello. Thank you so much for having me on. I am excited to talk with you today.
[00:01:36] Veronica: Great, great, great. I love your smile. I love your energy. Tell us who you are and why it is you're doing what you're doing because I, I purposely paused on all of the various strategic advertising communication components to talk about living in purpose.
[00:01:52] And I knew you were the right person to bring in.
[00:01:55] Sir Aimézing: Uh, so my name is Amy Kenny, Jr. AKA surmising. And I'm the author of everyone needs a hero. Why can't it be you? And that is the message of my book. That is the message and my wife, my purpose. And that is why the name is a amazing, um, so my name is Amy and the reason why I.
[00:02:21] I look at amazing, cause I'm really here to remind people how a maze, every single one of us is, uh, you really take a step back. Excuse me. It's amazing that through COVID you and I connected through COVID teachers, students, families have shifted lifestyles that has actually brought them close together.
[00:02:45] Like that's amazing during the pandemic where people are so much. Pain worry, axed. It's amazing to be that one sperm to connect to egg, to conception. Like there's a trillion of them. We're all that one. And that's really my, my messages that I try to share with people. And that's based off my childhood experiences and life experiences within the real world education and so on.
[00:03:08] Veronica: Yeah. Oh, that's perfect. That's exactly what we need to be hearing as so many people are starting back into some level of normalcy, whether it's virtual school or in-person a person's school. So tell us a little bit about how you got started. So your name is a little different. Give us that story, right?
[00:03:24] Because everyone's like, is it on me? Is it a me, like, where does the accent mark give us that.
[00:03:30] Sir Aimézing: Okay. So. Quick breakdown on my name. So my name is actually French. Amy is French and it means love, which I know. I know. And I was born in February. Uh, but, uh, it's really cool to me because I have a Congolese and African-American background.
[00:03:54] So when it comes to my name, my dad I'm junior and my dad says, okay, My mom says Amy. And then as everyone could see on the screen, some people call me surveys.
[00:04:05] Veronica: That's fantastic. I love it. I love it because people often the they'll they'll ask me, how do you pronounce it? I'm like, well, there's one or two different ways.
[00:04:14] And let me just show you what he does. So good job for sharing that. So you, you clearly have a passion. What drove this passion to really connect? I mean, you're, you're a successful young man. You, you, you. You're educated. Tell us that story, that, that got you here. Cause you referenced how wife provided you some, some tools that you're able to now share with people and providing your book.
[00:04:39] Sir Aimézing: Absolutely. First time I ever did any speaking gig, I want to shout out both my grandparents because they're connected to this story. I was four years old. My grandfather has Ms. He held a scholarship for students with disabilities at Howard university. When I was four years old, he's talking to the crowd.
[00:04:56] And I'm an introverted four year old, which I talk about in my book, who, when I went to my aunt's house, I wouldn't even ask for water. Like I just wouldn't talk, but that same four year old me, when it's my grandfather snatch the mic out of his hand and sings, I believe I can fly in the whole, everyone.
[00:05:17] There, it goes crazy. That was the first time I ever did any speaking gig. And. Throughout my entire life. I realized I was giving speeches. When I was in fifth grade, I was always a writer. I was always able to speak well, and I fast forward that to a story that really resonated with me recently with my grandmother.
[00:05:40] So my grandmother mama turned my maternal grandmother, my maternal grandmother, I'm talking about. She passed away at the Southwell cancer in 2010 and it was a really. We were really close. We had a very unique relationship. Our birthdays were very close. Um, and I wrote her a couple of songs when I was in high school.
[00:06:01] We found out that she had cancer. Cause we found out in September of 2009, she had stage four cancer. She passed in April. Like it was quick, quick, you could just see the decline. And when I'm a senior, when I was a junior, when I first wrote the first song I tried out for the variety show, didn't make it.
[00:06:18] Okay. After she passed, like in between. So in between October oh nine and January of that next year, I wrote another song cause by her birthday and her hair was really thin. She was really weak. She ends up passing in a roll around to the next school year and I tried out again, but this time I merged the first song, the second song, and I made a remix off of a song that song power that was out of.
[00:06:46] And I do this, not dedicated to my grandmother. And I've got three to 500 people in there. Power clap, clap it up, spill on my soul because the song is talking about my relationship with my grandmother. But then it's talking about political stuff, like all the power, like one of the lines that was to me was the power it took from my grandmother to vote.
[00:07:07] Like all the elements that come into being a black woman in America with voting rights, like it really hit deep. And that experience too. Afterwards people coming up to me and saying, son, you have a gift, you have a power to not lose it, make sure you use it. And all these things to me, connected to where I am right now and my bachelor's degree in journalism, mass communication.
[00:07:32] One of the, the highest award from my major, the Bob Cooper award for broadcasting excellence to writing the book, which is something that I always wanted to do. And I used to tell myself when I was a kid, I, it. Oh, you can't write a book until you're 30, because by that time you have like more life experiences.
[00:07:46] 28, who wrote the book, wrote the book when I was 26 released when I was 27. So, uh, it all really connects to the whole message that I've been saying. It was, everyone needs to hear a, why can't it be you? Because even in those moments of me thinking so highly of my grandfather and my grandmother, or even me not thinking I could write a book, it actually shows.
[00:08:11] Me being a hero in those moments. And a lot of times we don't think about things in that way, so that's why I try to shift everything. And I always think that all of these things are one.
[00:08:21] Veronica: Hm Hmm. Wow. That's so powerful and so amazing. I mean, I didn't mean to do that, but I can help it, that it works that you were able to, um, that people were able to see that in you and then really, really help you say you cannot not do that.
[00:08:41] You cannot not do this. Like there was, you had no choice. Your destiny was already, it was done and you, you owned it and you took it. And I got to tell you for a journalism major, you know, we don't always become part of the story where we're trained to report and be neutral and, and be the storyteller, but you took it one step further.
[00:09:03] And I think that that's amazing. How, how does that show up for you? Now that, that you, you're a published author. Best-selling author, you go into schools, you talk to teachers, you talk to kids. How does that show up for you every day?
[00:09:18] Sir Aimézing: Oh, it's we talk about purpose and understanding why we're here. So I recently, and that is a later time.
[00:09:25] We'll talk more in depth about this, but I recently dealt with a serious, serious mental health situation series. And my takeaway from it was. I really am here for a reason. In my book, I talk about a situation happened a couple of years ago, where there was a gun to my head, a pistol to my head, the trigger was pulled and there were two bullets in the gun.
[00:10:00] Even, even when my mother gave birth to me. She calls me her miracle baby, because I was a baby that had a, uh, I guess she was eating good, but I almost didn't make it. So those are, that's three different scenarios where I could be gone, but I'm still here. And when the humility of it is 7.8 billion people on the planet who maybe not have that same story, but they have a similar situation.
[00:10:32] Um, so every single day, like I have on my, my slogan, uh, put it up to the camera. Yeah. See, every day is training day. So every day is an opportunity and that training can be mental stimulation through reading. It could be the speaking itself. It could be networking with people. It could be being in the present moment, wherever I am and understanding that all these parts are connected to that.
[00:10:58] That ultimate story, that ultimate purpose of really, you know, from various spiritual side being a vessel, that's what I'm here to do. I'm here to be a vessel of his word of his life and even using the term like amazing, which I've had moments where I doubt it will. Can I say surveys of, but no, as a man thinketh in his heart.
[00:11:15] So it was heat. So if I believe, and I know that I'm amazing and I could share that same love with others who they know are amazing. All we're doing is creating more amazing people across the globe. I
[00:11:25] Veronica: love it. I love it. And, and that probably resonates with a lot of young men, because I know you work with men, young men and that whole, um, you know, masculine type of mentoring and mindset.
[00:11:38] Share with us a little bit about that, because I think that that's really important for people to understand that. We all learn and connect and, and get guidance from people who look like us, sound like us experienced things similar to us. And that sounds like it's very, very powerful. So tell us about some of those things you do with, with young men.
[00:11:59] Sir Aimézing: Absolutely. So I did a project with Cornell university and the CDC in New York state where we survey six to eighth grade young men on healthy masculine. And for me, I was not only a data coordinator collecting the surveys and going to different schools, but I also was a facilitator. And when I was a facilitator with that group of, uh, they were sixth grade boys is very young men.
[00:12:23] It was so to sit down at the table with students, It's not about I'm here, you're there and creating this facade saying that we're so separate we're together. We're just at different stages of this game called life, but to sit down and share vulnerable moments and hear their vulnerable moments of what it's like to be, uh, a black boy black man in America, or just, just to be a man in general, in the new world, it was such a beautiful Villa for me because.
[00:12:58] To them I'm surmising, but sir, amazing knows what it's like to be booked, sir. Amazing knows what it's like to feel like you have to be defensive to prove your strength, sir. Amazing knows what it's like to I'm in this situation and I'm very uncomfortable. So I may move with the crowd just so people don't look at me differently.
[00:13:21] So I th those types of. Of scenarios and situations, especially now with the social media world that has taken over, I really look forward to sharing like, Hey, when I was in college, I was in, I was doing things in the DMS that are the wisest things. And I felt that the next day, you think in that moment, oh, let me just do this.
[00:13:45] And then the next day, when you have to see these people, and then the worst spreads in a small school, like all those different things play a role. So those are just a few examples of, um, to me, the value of, of having that, that connection. I don't want to say mentorship. It's more about that connection.
[00:14:02] Like we're just at different stages of it.
[00:14:05] Veronica: Yeah, and I think it's so important and you can vary, you can very clearly see where there are gaps, um, for our young people. And I think one of the things that attracted me to the work that you're doing is that you were filling those gaps. And I just, I applaud you for that because there aren't enough people who look like you sound like you have your experiences willing to use those God-given gifts that they have to fill those gaps.
[00:14:34] And, and that's what you're, and that's what you're called to do. And you are a hero for those kids. And I just, I just, I love the, I love the fact that you've stepped into it and you own it and you turn it into a thing and, and you're sharing it with the world. And so, um, transitioning a little bit more.
[00:14:51] What, what other kinds of things do you do? I know you've got a bestselling book. I know you've got some other projects. You're working with kids. You work with teachers and educators. Tell us a little bit about.
[00:15:03] Sir Aimézing: Uh, so I, I really want to, and I've really been focusing more on working with students and, and getting at really of all ages through, through college because I think conversations are necessary.
[00:15:15] And like you said, like I'm aware that part of my blessing is my presence. So when I walk in the room, there's a presence that comes in and I can adjust to whatever that crowd is. But honestly, I'm also wrapping up my masters and creativity change and leadership. Just shifted my entire life from, from stepping into the office two summers ago, to learning skills on how to.
[00:15:42] And just shifting the verbiage when we're approaching a problem, how that can just change the whole mind is just, it shifted everything for me. Like my whole life changed since being a part of that program. Um, really it's really about the speaking and getting out the message I've done sermons. Um, I'm really planning on doing some, some more things on social media insurance stories.
[00:16:04] I'm a social media master as well. I have a company that helps businesses grow through Instagram, specifically. All those parts to me are connected because essentially even with Instagram, right. It's really about showing people how amazing and selling that story of the, why you want to support or purchase a product from this company.
[00:16:24] Yeah.
[00:16:24] Veronica: Yeah. And that's right in social media. And we talk about this all the time on this show. Um, sometimes I have entrepreneurs. Sometimes I have media specialist, digital media specialist, and that's it. Regardless. If you've written an ad that's published in a newspaper or you're doing social media, or even, maybe even a, you know, an article about branding.
[00:16:46] The reality is if you were being genuinely authentic and communicating in a clear way that helps people solve a problem, you're going to be successful. And, and it sounds like you've taken that to all those different levels. Um, and not everyone has found the way to do that. And I love that program that you're doing.
[00:17:06] It sounds great. This is like a phenomenal master's degree, by
[00:17:08] Sir Aimézing: the way. Thank you. It is absolutely just, it's very encouraging. And when you're in a room or on a zoom or the, yet with people that have their different spheres of influence, but the passion and the mindset is. Okay, so we're okay. I may focus on healthy masculinity or building people up through motivation, inspiration.
[00:17:34] This person is an art teacher. Who's focusing on implementing that same type of philosophy for their art students. Like that to me is, um, alliancing with lions iron sharpens iron. So that's probably one of the best assets of the program, but also really defining what it means to be a leader in the modern world.
[00:17:53] Because I think there was a, there was a time. Where, like I respect, like, as it, from an athletic standpoint, I do believe Michael Jordan is one of the greatest leaders of all time. That philosophy will not always work. And that doesn't mean that's bad. I'm not going to say, oh, he was a tired, you know, six for six speaks for itself.
[00:18:14] But in 2021, you can have that same intensity in different areas. And this program really, really deep dives, deep into all the different aspects of that.
[00:18:24] Veronica: Yeah, I love that. And I love that you've incorporated that into your work because not everyone is willing to, to adjust when we saw a lot of that during COVID.
[00:18:34] I mean, you referenced it earlier. Um, some people really had to change the way they do business and they had to grow their network outside of it. This podcast came out of COVID and I mean, that's, that's really how we've been able to connect. And so being able to. Use those philosophies, harness them and own them in this new space is really what it's all about.
[00:18:54] And it sounds like that's exactly what you've done.
[00:18:56] Sir Aimézing: Exactly. And so for anybody out there who hasn't read this book, I read this pre COVID four hour workweek by Tim Ferriss. The four hour work week was the entire game plan on how to operate through COVID. But I don't know if many people were aware of it are literally read that book in August, 2019.
[00:19:15] And it changed the way I approached it. Forever. So I don't have any contracts with Tim Ferris, but I switched that out. No, I agree.
[00:19:23] Veronica: I agree. That book has been referenced on this show several times. I'll make sure we add it to the show notes as well. So I agree. I agree wholeheartedly. We've had to pivot through that.
[00:19:34] For 18 months and now we're trying to figure out what's next. What's next? What's next? So tell us, okay. I know we're getting close to time, but let's, let's tell people how to work with you. Tell us about what you're up to. Let's get to the good stuff. Cause I know we got people primed.
[00:19:50] Sir Aimézing: Oh yeah. So here's how you find me the first place to find me is Instagram.
[00:19:54] So if you search amazing on Instagram, you'll catch me. Cause I actually have a. A few different interviews coming up that you can see on IgG live. Um, and I run some Instagram lives myself called overcoming overcoming your demons every Wednesday at 9:00 PM. Tune in as like a spiritual adventure of.
[00:20:14] Releasing whatever's in my heart. And when it comes to all the services, as you can see on the screen, sir, amazing.com, where you can find the information on the social media side and little information on my background, more, uh, the book, and then most importantly, where you can find all the speaking services and all the different topics, because there's so many, there's this, there's so many pieces of information.
[00:20:37] It's like, I just want, I want to share this with many people as I can. And, and, and. Help people maximize who they're supposed to.
[00:20:44] Veronica: Absolutely. Absolutely. And so the book, uh, before we wrap up, I want to make sure can tell us the title of the book again. And it's available on Amazon. Tell us where to get it, because if you haven't gotten this book, folks, you have got to get this book and I'll tell you if you bring Sarah amazing to your organization, whether it's a school district, a university, or it is a corporation, you also want the book, right?
[00:21:07] Because they they're, they can be companion pieces and let's bring the whole show.
[00:21:13] Sir Aimézing: Absolutely. The book is titled. Everyone needs a hero. Why can't it be? You
[00:21:20] Veronica: love it. Love it. Love it. Yeah. That's where you can get it. And it's on Amazon. Yeah. Right.
[00:21:25] Sir Aimézing: It's on Amazon when you, so my, my favorite page on my website is actually Sarah amazing.com/books.
[00:21:33] That's where it has 12 books that I recommend everybody read. When talking to the alchemists, we're talking to seven laws of spiritual success by Deepak Chopra. We're talking as a man thinketh by James Allen, a book, I think you would really like as a wired that way. I can't remember the name of the author, but she, the way she breaks down personality types and how she wraps the book at the end is just super inspired.
[00:21:58] So that's where you define all that. Great.
[00:22:01] Veronica: All right. Well, this has been fantastic. You gave us exactly what we needed. You know, we, we have to transition some times and remember to live in purpose and hearing stories like yours and seeing such a successful young man living in purpose, you were given a gift and you are a miracle.
[00:22:17] You absolutely are. And what you're doing for kids is phenomenal. So I just thank you so much for being on the show. It's been such
[00:22:23] Sir Aimézing: an honor. Definitely honored. Thank you so much for having me. Thank you, everyone. Who's tuned in. I just got to say one thing before I go, please. Yeah. I recently had to do this for myself, but next time you're feeling some doubts.
[00:22:37] The next time you're feeling like a stressful and anxious situation. Write a love letter to yourself. Write a love letter to your spouse. Because when I wrote mine, the line that stood out to me is I'm amazing because I'm Amy,
[00:23:03] not because I'm sir amazing. And someone said to me, think about it from this aspect. I think it's amazing that Amy wants to be surveys and it's everyone that's on their, their journey serving their purpose. And, and just trying to figure this thing called life out. When you write that love letter and you may need to do it over and over again, you just put yourself in a place of appreciation, gratitude, and humility that helps you serve your purpose as help serve the rest of the world.
[00:23:38] Veronica: Yes, I'm going to take your advice. That's exactly what I'm going to do today because that's what I needed. I knew we needed a little something on the show and that's what we needed. So with that, we're going to go ahead and wrap up flux again. If you have not gone to his website, go to his website, we've had phenomenal comments on Facebook.
[00:23:55] So we're going to go back and read those and respond to those. If you're watching on the replay, um, on a and I will definitely go back and connect with you guys. So thank you, sir. We so much appreciate you. You were amazing. Okay. Thank
[00:24:07] Sir Aimézing: you. Thank you. Thanks for that. Amazing. Yeah.
[00:24:10] Veronica: Fantastic. All right. Well with that guys, we are wrapping up this episode of Saturday soundbites.
[00:24:15] I have got to tell you, this was exactly what we needed. We needed to get refocused. We need to remember what we're, what it is we're doing. We're all here launching a new school year. I know a lot of parents who have brick and mortar businesses are sending their kids to school. Some of them are doing virtual still, and we're all in different places.
[00:24:33] But at the end of the day, Got to get focused, take a breath, write yourself that love letter. That's exactly what I'm going to do. And let's remember why it is. We're all here so we can get through all of this together. So I am sending you lots of positive energy and light, and I will see you next time.