Episode 39
Stopping the Scroll – How to Leverage Videos in Your Visibility Strategy with Chloe Tascoff
Welcome, Chloe Tascoff, video marketing expert to Saturday Soundbites! Chloe has used her talents and entrepreneurial mindset to grow a phenomenal video marketing business in the "teachers helping teachers" space, and is highly sought after,
Chloe, a former teacher, saw a need, found a solution, and grew a business. She shares her expertise, suggestions, and tip on how to incorporate video marketing into your visibility strategy.
Be sure to tune in and take notes. Class is in session!
[00:00:00] Veronica: Hello. Hello and welcome to Saturday soundbites. I'm your host Veronica. So for Anne, I am here with you for another fantastic episode where we're going to talk all things. Visibility strategy here at 70 soundbites, we talked about. Marketing advertising, public relations, all of those tips and strategies that are going to help you grow your business.
[00:00:22] And today I have a phenomenal Gasper. You, you know, we haven't talked a lot about video lately and I know videos. They're cute card of some of your social media campaigns. And so I invited Ms. Toby, Chloe task off to join us. Chloe is phenomenal. She's got a phenomenal origin story. She broke into the entrepreneur space, but she's also got some great tips that are gonna apply to everyone.
[00:00:45] So no matter what your service line is, no matter what your product is. I know some of you have a multi-level marketing businesses. Some of you have a brick and mortar business. Chloe's got some tips that are really going to help you incorporate video and grow your visibility strategy. And that's what we're all here to learn.
[00:01:00] So without further ado, I'm going to bring her on stage. But before I do that, let me make sure if you are watching on Facebook, you give us some comments so we can engage with you. And if you're listening on our podcast hit subscribes that you don't miss our episodes. So let's bring Chloe on the stage.
[00:01:15] Good morning. Hello.
[00:01:17] Chloe: Good morning. Thanks for having me on.
[00:01:20] Veronica: Absolutely. I am so excited to have you. All right. So Chloe, tell us a little bit about yourself, about video, how you got into this because your, your story is fascinating. I just love it.
[00:01:33] Chloe: So I think that my story is something that a lot of, at least women can relate to.
[00:01:39] Um, I was a teacher for five for four years and I ended up having a baby. Um, but since I was only a teacher for four years, I didn't have enough sick days to cover my maternity leave. Um, so then I ended up docking my pay. So I think it was from like October to July, um, is when I got October is when I got back from maternity leave and I was only making.
[00:02:08] $750, uh, per month. Wow. Wow. Per month. That's not like I weekly that's. That was what I was getting per month. And, um, you know, I, there was another teacher. He was about to retire. He had like 400 sick days. They wouldn't let him give any to me. Um, it was just like, I. I couldn't have another baby, you know, I'm like, can I ever have another baby without asking my parents for money, um, to support us.
[00:02:41] And so that was when I kind of, I felt like I was done, you know, just along with some other things. So there's a site called teachers, pay teachers where, um, teachers, uh, they upload their own curriculum, like in PDF format, they make it themselves. And then I sell up. So I started doing that. And then I had another friend who asked if I would just try to make a video of her resources.
[00:03:10] So I did, and it was terrible, but they kind of like got me into, um, creating product videos. So if you think about like a hand model, like an overhead view of a hand model, I'm like filling out teaching resources or coloring or showing how to use. Um, teaching resources basically. And that is something that no one was really doing in this space.
[00:03:36] And keep in mind, these are like six and seven figure entrepreneur, like teachers who, who sell stuff. Um, and no one was really doing it yet. So it just like exploded. Once people started talking about what I was doing. Um, so now it's turned into, you know, a multiple six figure. Business and I'm hiring people to help me because I can't do it on my own.
[00:04:06] And like we kind of talked about before this it's really hard to balance. I have another little one at this point and you know, I'm done. Um, kind of trading time for money at this point, right? Yeah. I'm trying to kind of step into a CEO role at this point, but, um, yeah, that's kind of where I'm at. So I've really been digging into video and how it helps.
[00:04:31] And I've also been utilizing video, not only of products, but of myself and other people like my face. So yeah.
[00:04:40] Veronica: Yeah. I love that. And so when you realized. Video in this space of teachers helping teachers. And it just blew my mind. When you told me that there's a whole space where teachers are making six figures selling curriculum.
[00:04:55] First of all, I had no idea and I'm in the education space myself, and I didn't know that existed one. And then. How did you, how did you tap into that? And was it word of mouth? So you did a video for someone it went well, did they sell their product? Well, like how did that, how did that work?
[00:05:13] Chloe: Um, it started with word of mouth and actually I tried to get out of it several times because I wanted to work on my own curriculum.
[00:05:20] And then people just kind of kept pulling me back in. Like I would get, um, phone calls from these, you know, seven figure entrepreneurs saying, um, no, I want you to do these videos for me. So I kind of just kept getting pulled back in. And so it was word of mouth and, um, there were some things I did that I think I, I hope that most people would be willing to do, but I think some people aren't willing to do, which is, um, I reached out to people, um, like aiming to get, you know, 10 nos per day, like people saying no to me, um, just to kind of.
[00:05:58] You know, reach out to people and put my name out there. And what I did was I created, um, some videos of products for some well-known TP teachers pay teachers, sellers, and I sent it to them and then they like loved them. And so then they started, you know, all over Facebook, telling people about it and everything like that.
[00:06:25] Um, I eventually made a course on how to do. So that other people could do it themselves, or, I mean, at this point, there's tons of people now offering the service as well. Um, after taking my course, which is totally fine, but, um, but yeah, I would say probably word of mouth and just kind of doing things.
[00:06:44] Yeah. We're like out of the box a little bit about the
[00:06:51] Veronica: people. Yeah. And you know, it's interesting you say that because I think some teachers, you know, they go straight from a traditional, um, matriculation. So they, they graduate from high school. They go to college and then they go right back into. System, they came from so oftentimes they don't get exposed to business.
[00:07:08] Um, maybe they never worked retail or they never worked in the corporate space. Some have, and that's really helpful, especially in the education space, but then it's like, they've got this great product and they don't know how to sell it much less. See how to think outside the box, like you said,
[00:07:23] Chloe: and that is a huge, I don't want to say issue, but it's a huge obstacle that my client base faces because I mean, even me.
[00:07:32] I still am struggling with money mindset because I'm so used to like being on the floor of my car, searching for change, to buy a gas station coffee. Um, so it's like, um, they are they're in this teacher mindset, this employee mindset. And, um, there's actually one of my favorite people that I follow. His name is James Wedmore.
[00:07:56] And he talks about this all the time about how you go to school and to college. And really, unless you're a business major, your mind is not trained to think like an entrepreneur, like your mind. It, it it's, it's built and wired to keep you safe. And that's not like the best. Way to succeed as an entrepreneur, you know, you have to take risks and, you know, think differently than everybody else.
[00:08:24] Veronica: Yeah. I love that. That's so true. And I know that's been true for a lot of folks. Who've gone into traditional professions. I mean, I've had attorneys say the same thing. I was trained. I went to law school. My goal was to get hired by a great firm. And then I followed rank and the idea of going out on my own.
[00:08:41] Too much. Yeah. Um, so tell me a little bit about video strategy. So for someone who is either service-based or product based, is there a distinction between how you approach videos when you're working with a client?
[00:08:58] Chloe: So, yes. And it depends kind of what your aim is with the video. Um, if you're thinking more social media, even if you're product based, in my opinion, um, You want to get your face in front of people and build that?
[00:09:11] Um, no trust and like factor. I personally, I mean, I'm sure a lot of us can think about someone who maybe you follow on Instagram or Facebook and they, they get on stories and they just talk to you and you feel like you're their friend. Um, and you trust them. But if you are product based, I do recommend still taking video of your product because.
[00:09:37] I can't think of a platform right now that isn't pushing the video, including Pinterest, which is where a lot of people buy stuff and get ideas. I mean, they're pushing those idea pins, um, that are videos, video pins. Instagram wants you to do reels all day long. Um, they show actually, uh, in your feed, just the normal posts.
[00:10:00] They're now prioritizing video. And the Instagram feed got it. Facebook ads. They definitely say that, you know, video converts pretty well with Facebook ads. And if you kind of just look at video in general, like video statistics, um, it's the highest converting form of media online.
[00:10:26] Veronica: Interesting. Interesting.
[00:10:28] So if you don't have video in your visibility strategy, because some of us don't, what do we need to do right now? Because it sounds like based on the algorithms and the research and the data that you're seeing, the video really needs to be a part of how you are sharing, marketing, your business, sharing your story, sharing your brand.
[00:10:51] Chloe: Definitely. Uh, it really depends on kind of where your clients or your customers are. So if you know, they're really an Instagram or Facebook taking the first step and just doing a Facebook live, or if you just, for example, maybe you sell on Etsy. And you you're selling us some sort of product and just take a quick video of it and talk, just, you know, just go on Facebook live.
[00:11:19] You don't have to show your face. You showed in your hand and say, Hey, this is, you know, what I'm selling and here's, what's special about it, you know, et cetera. The, if the thing about like, if you're a coach or. Um, you know, maybe like a consultant or even when we talked about how there's people who are lawyers who are watching, um, just getting on and showing your face is going to help you significantly because then people are going to feel more.
[00:11:53] They're going to feel like they can trust you more 100%. And, um, and then they know who they are buying from. Right. It's not just some like logo or a picture or something like they can really. How'd that human interaction with.
[00:12:13] Veronica: Yeah. And do you feel like product videos? Are they look the same? Are you seeing any trends or is there anything that product videos needed to do differently?
[00:12:22] Cause I know we've got a couple of folks who are very product based. They're either MLMs or their candlemakers or essential oil, um, you know, distributors, what do product based people need to do differently to separate
[00:12:35] Chloe: themselves? I would say. Making them high quality. So while I do suggest that you just do it and just kind of get used to doing it, and even just taking like, you know, little, um, videos of what you're selling, which by the way, Etsy and Amazon wants you to post videos now as well.
[00:12:59] Um, yes they are. They're pushing it too. Um, but. Making it high quality. I don't know if you can see no, my computer, my kind of my setups back here. What I do is I have a white table and I put like a white poster board down. And then obviously, depending on what you're selling, um, like for my teaching resources, maybe I'll put some crayons around and like scissors and.
[00:13:30] And then I use a phone Mount and, and I put it through a ring light. I film with my phone. Now you're not selling like PDFs or teaching resources. You could just use, you know, anything like a wooden table, a white table, whatever you wanna use and show it off. Under your camera. The thing that is going to make it look more high quality is super simple.
[00:13:58] And maybe I'll have to send this to you. We can,
[00:14:02] Veronica: we can include it in the show notes.
[00:14:03] Chloe: Yes. Because it just so people can remember, um, it's a free phone app called InShot it's one word. And if you just adjust the colors, um, it's, it makes the video look bright. And in high quality and like it was shot by a photographer or videographer.
[00:14:23] Um, so that the colors aren't so dull, although I do recommend using natural light when you can. Um, but just making sure that your video, um, really is high quality enough to where, you know, the colors aren't distracting people, like if it's too dark or something like that, So, I mean, that's, I could talk, like, go so in depth about that, but that's how I would recommend at least getting started with product-based.
[00:14:58] Veronica: Yeah. And then what about, um, do you need to worry about, um, you know, your background is, is there consistency that you need to be thinking about when we talk about professional videos? I know oftentimes people talk about green screens, how people do people need to get.
[00:15:22] Chloe: Um, so when I do product based video, I make sure that the colors match I'm going to grab them. Yeah, you're good. You're good.
[00:15:37] All right.
[00:15:39] Veronica: He wants to join.
[00:15:42] Chloe: This is buddy. Um, so for example, when I do videos for, um, teachers, I just kind of make sure that they, the background matches their brand. So like, my brand is lucky Clover, so it's green, like green paper. Pencils and stuff. Um, now if it's themed, I'll do like Halloween scrapbook paper in the background, you know, or whatever the theme is.
[00:16:11] Now, if you're taking photos of yourself or video of yourself, I think that just a non-distracting background or one that resonates with your customers or clients. Um, so maybe if you're a coach or, you know, a doctor or a lawyer or. Having a bookshelf with books in the background. Like that's a good way to go to a green screen.
[00:16:38] Um, right now is not the best example from my point of view because my husband is painting our office. So the dining room, but definitely, I don't think you really need to keep it consistent just as long background. Isn't distracting. Like yours is really good, you know, focuses on you. There's not really anything.
[00:17:01] So
[00:17:02] Veronica: yeah, that's, those are good tips. Um, how long do videos need to be and for what format? Cause you mentioned Pinterest. And so I'm curious about what your thoughts are on videos and how long they need to be for what format.
[00:17:17] Chloe: So Pinterest recommends five to 16 seconds. It's interest. You've got to think about the platforms.
[00:17:29] Uh, what you're doing on Pinterest is you're trying to stop the scroll and get them to click to your website. So it's just got to grab their attention and, and go. Now I'm
[00:17:44] Veronica: going to write that down. Stop the scroll.
[00:17:47] Chloe: Yeah. That's what you want on Pinterest. And that's kind of what you want, um, with any sort of.
[00:17:53] Shorter video, even like Instagram reels, which I think can only go past 30, uh, only go up to 30 seconds. I think double check that, but, um, On my, my clients, they can upload a two minute video to teachers pay teachers that they can put on their product listing. And same with, if you sell on Amazon, for example, I don't know what the time limit is, but, um, you know, you can, you can post a longer video and those longer videos on your product descriptions, or maybe your websites, those aren't meant to stop the scroll.
[00:18:32] Those are meant to go more in depth. Maybe have some voiceovers, lots of text overlays, because they're already looking at your product on Pinterest. They're not, they're just searching, but, but once they're at your product or on your website, then you've got them.
[00:18:53] Yeah. Yeah,
[00:18:55] Veronica: absolutely. No, that makes perfect sense. And, and I love the distinction. Um, let me ask you a technical question. Are our videos, how are videos playing or prioritized on LinkedIn? Cause we also have a lot of professionals that tune into the podcast and, or watch our Facebook, um, show is, is LinkedIn a different format or is that more.
[00:19:16] Facebook or how do you categorize it?
[00:19:19] Chloe: LinkedIn? So LinkedIn and I haven't spent much time on LinkedIn, but I know, you know, the basic premise of it. Um, I would say I would compare it to Facebook, you know, cause it's kind of like a Facebook feed, right? No, you're, you're just, it's more professional. So my lining kind of got weird.
[00:19:39] Um,
[00:19:44] Yeah, I would probably just compare it to Facebook. I mean, you could do, like, you could just repurpose your Facebook video. If you do a Facebook live, um, I think you can download those or maybe grandma. Yeah. And then you can just purpose that.
[00:19:58] Veronica: Yeah. Well, I'll tell you, I took down a few notes too, and you said if you're not doing video, you need to be.
[00:20:04] And so tell us a little bit more about what that means. If someone's new to video, maybe they aren't comfortable being on screen, but you've given us some great tips on how you don't have to be on screen. What are first steps other than, um, just doing a lot.
[00:20:21] Chloe: You can, you definitely do not have to be unscreened and you don't have to do a live that takes practice.
[00:20:27] I mean, even the way we're conversing right now, like I wouldn't have been able to do that last year, um, in the same way, just cause you know, we're being broadcast to people and they can see me. But, um, I would suggest, like you said, you can take videos of. Like your hands, if you're product based business or anything like that.
[00:20:54] But another thing you can do on PC and Mac is screen record. Like if you just want to talk about something or maybe you want to talk about a blog post that you just wrote, or you want to talk about your website or something, you can screen, record your website with a voiceover and just kind of talk about it.
[00:21:13] You don't have to be on the video. Yeah. So people are watching your video and watching you go through the website or the blog post or your products listing, and they can only hear your voice. Now, if you're familiar with video editing, um, you don't even have to do a voiceover. You can just do like text overlay, but you'd have to know how to do that on your computer, but that's, if you don't want to talk at all, Um, getting used to it, like really just, just getting, just practicing.
[00:21:51] Right? You want to start, don't have your face in it if you don't want to, you can, by all means. Um, and, and on that note, um, when we are talking about just kind of getting on Instagram stories or Facebook live, I think especially the women here, um, tend to put it off because we don't have. Have makeup on or, or airbrushed or, you know, whatever, like the thing about it.
[00:22:21] And I've noticed this about the people I watch. Like nobody cares that's yeah. People just want to hear how you can help them. And they want to know they like you and they want to see you. Um, they don't care if you don't have makeup on. Yeah,
[00:22:35] Veronica: no, you're absolutely true. Authenticity is key, especially when people are looking for value and if you're bringing value and you're authentic, people are like, oh great.
[00:22:43] Her hair was done or, oh no, her hair wasn't done. No one, no one is judging.
[00:22:48] Chloe: Yeah. I said, literally no one cares. And, and let me tell you about authenticity here. I was doing a course launch two weeks ago and I was doing an Instagram live. And I had my son, he's almost four months old and he was just kind of, you know, on my lap.
[00:23:04] And he just like, as I was doing and just like threw up everywhere, everywhere. And I was, I just stopped because it was, it was just all over my hands and, um, because they could relate to that. Even though I, you know, kind of like ruined my life, but it was real life and, you know, that's what they were seeing.
[00:23:27] Veronica: Yeah. Well, and it's funny you say that because, um, in, in your mind, you, you had an expectation, you had a plan, you had, your talking points were ready to go and he, when he ruined your life, he probably made it so much better. Cause people probably went back and that's so endearing. Cause we've all had that kid do that too, as we're burping them.
[00:23:46] And all of a sudden, you know, Yeah, no I've been there.
[00:23:51] Chloe: Oh yeah. And deaf and people will remember it too, you know, and I actually kind of like repurposed the video and made some like funny Instagram reels with it, you know, it's brilliant. Yeah. They thought it was funny. I just kind of edited that part out, but yeah.
[00:24:05] Or that part into it, the rest of it out. And that's actually, another thing is re-purposing.
[00:24:14] Everywhere.
[00:24:14] Veronica: Yeah, no, that's absolutely right. People are not doing enough of that. I'm seeing more and more of that and I'm like, oh good. Someone's repurposing it. And it's getting more leveraging the content, especially when it's got rich value, because if it's already got value, you may not have seen it on Instagram, but you may catch it on Pinterest or you may catch it on Facebook.
[00:24:33] And so that's really great way to just reconnect with us. Exactly. Yeah, no, I love that. So Chloe, how can people work with you? You talked about a course, you've talked about supporting clients. What does that look like when you know, these are all great tips, but for some people, the idea of even trying to do that on a white poster board is just too much.
[00:24:52] They don't have time. They don't have bandwidth. How can they get help from you?
[00:24:57] Chloe: So we do offer services where we do it for you. And I have several packages. Um, I have not yet had an Etsy or, um, like MLM client or anything like that, but I have done children's books and, um, and I mean, I could easily adapt everything that.
[00:25:17] I do have a course. That's mainly for TPT sellers, but I am actually working on something for different product based businesses to, um, I, I kind of have it all set up, but I need to put the finishing touches on it. So if you did want to do it yourself, um, it's really not too hard. Once, once you get the hang of it, plus I have figured out what not to do for you and then put everything, everything together that actually works.
[00:25:45] So. You know, going through everything, you know, it took me like a year or two to get it, how it looks now, the videos I'm saying. Um, and. Yes. So, so that's kind of how to work with me on the video aspect of everything. Um, I am a little bit pivoting into like helping other service providers, like scale because I was able to do that pretty quickly.
[00:26:11] Um, but yeah, and I think I gave you my website
[00:26:16] Veronica: to put on. Yep. And your website's right there on the screen for anyone. And it'll definitely be in the show notes for those people listening on the podcast. And so you're taking clients. You are you're open to having people reach out. Yeah.
[00:26:28] Chloe: Yes. Um, we have. I'm actually in the process of like building a bigger team too.
[00:26:34] And so that we can accommodate the people who want videos
[00:26:39] Veronica: that, okay. Well, thank you so much, Chloe. This has been fantastic. They're great. Great tips. I appreciate your time to.
[00:26:46] Chloe: Thank you so much for having me.
[00:26:47] Veronica: Absolutely. Great. Great. All right guys, there's her website. hello.chloe task off.com. Make sure you reach out to her, whether you're in the teacher to teacher space, service, provider professional, anything else you need, you definitely want to make sure that you tap into her resources and her courses.
[00:27:05] So. That I would like to sign off and thank everyone for tuning into Saturday soundbites. If you are listening on the podcast, be sure to hit subscribe. We want to make sure you don't miss any episodes when they drop. And if you're watching on Facebook and catching the replay hashtag replay so that if you have any questions, Chloe, and I can go back and answer those for you.
[00:27:24] So with that, I am sending you lots of positive energy in light until next time.