Episode 23
Manifesting Your Dream Life & Growing Your Visibility with Sherry Gideons
Welcome the amazing manifestor, Sherry Gideons to Saturday Soundbites with Veronica V. Sopher. As the best-selling author of "Mastering Ultimate Thinking, Steps for Transforming to a Powerful Life" and "1 Habit for Entrepreneurial Success", Sherry has become an expert at visibility strategy!Sherry has an active Facebook community and is a well respected life master consultant and spiritual mindset breakthrough specialists. She is also a transformational speaker and thought leader. Sherry uses podcasts, virtual summits and live events to share her brand, her expertise and to truly live her life's purpose.
Welcome the amazing manifestor, Sherry Gideons to Saturday Soundbites with Veronica V. Sopher. As the best-selling author of "Mastering Ultimate Thinking, Steps for Transforming to a Powerful Life" and "1 Habit for Entrepreneurial Success", Sherry has become an expert at visibility strategy!
Sherry has an active Facebook community and is a well respected life master consultant and spiritual mindset breakthrough specialists. She is also a transformational speaker and thought leader. Sherry uses podcasts, virtual summits and live events to share her brand, her expertise and to truly live her life's purpose.
Hello. Hello and welcome to Saturday soundbites. I'm your host, Veronica V Soper. And I'm so excited to be here with you this Saturday. And I have got a guest that is going to knock your socks off. No kidding guys. My guest is phenomenal. And while we talk about visibility strategy here on Saturday soundbites, we talk about branding, advertising, marketing, public relations, you name it.
[00:00:22] And this woman, she's a best-selling author. She has embraced. All of those components with her visibility strategy, her online presence is just phenomenal. She's well-renowned people are asking her to be on their podcasts and their summit, and she has grown an online visibility strategy that is just to die for her.
[00:00:40] Her niche is in the wellness space. And the mindset space. And what I will tell you is that she is a phenomenal manifester. So for those of you who are not in the wound space and you are in a traditional profession, let me tell you you've got something to learn from this woman. She talks about how the brain really works, how it gets activated and how it can help you grow your brain.
[00:01:00] Business. So we're going to go ahead and start. If you are listening on our podcast, make sure you hit subscribe. You don't want to miss any of our episodes. And if you're watching on Facebook, let us know you're here, where you're watching from. And then if you're watching on the replay, hashtag replay, it's a sharing.
[00:01:14] I can go back and engage with you. So with that, we're going to go ahead and get started and I'm going to bring a Sherry onstage. so happy to be here, Veronica. As always love you and adore you and, uh, just value your friendship very much. Thank you so much. And likewise, it's been fantastic. And we actually met online in because your visibility presence was, was just so there, you had a very active Facebook group, you were engaged in and you were sharing content.
[00:01:45] And other people's groups and on their platforms. And at the time, I didn't really understand how that was both strategic and authentic. So share with us a little about what you do and how kind of, you know, you engage with folks online. Well, I'm a little bit of everything. I am a spiritual teacher. I'm a manifestation expert, a speaker.
[00:02:06] And what I like to call a high vibe thought leader. And the reason that is, is because, you know, backtrack to 24 years ago, I was in that space in my life. I was in the pro bodybuilding industry and I was really. Seeking to understand who I am, what my purpose was in the world. And like so many of us who struggle and we go through those in my worthy, am I deserving?
[00:02:30] You know, how do I meet up to the expectations of the world? Those were the questions that I began to ask myself. And as a result of that, I had a near-death experience and it was that experience that really opened me up. In the core, the core of my being my heart that showed me not only why I'm here, but why we're all here, what we all have the capability of doing and that we are each and every one of us, a gift.
[00:02:57] And we have a blueprint. We have a blueprint. When we come here, we have decisions that we made before we ever came here. And so what that did for me was set me on a path to really begin to break open the limited beliefs. The subconscious truths that I had taken on and not only owned from the people that I had, you know, been born into that family, but all the people that I surrounded myself with.
[00:03:25] And so I began to realize how I created my reality. Um, and in doing that, what did I do? I began to really understand these universal laws, these what we could call laws of nature that we are living in existing in, and having are being missing. That so many of us are unconscious of and don't know how to use.
[00:03:48] And so that's what I do. I help people master their subconscious. Thinking their old wounds, the things that are no longer serving them and have not served them. And I help them to create what I call your unshakable dream. I love it. I love it. You are speaking my language and there are so many guests that we've had on Saturday soundbites who have shared their origin story, their background, and how they really tapped into some of those things you're sharing.
[00:04:17] And what I noticed is that there's different ways of getting there in different modalities. But ultimately that's people's goal. And I love that you shared it in the way that you did, and it took a near death experience and you've actually written a couple of bestselling books and talked about some of this.
[00:04:33] Right, right. Yeah. Absolutely. My first book was, um, ma um, mastering, ultimate thinking. Couldn't even think of the name of it for a second. Steps for transforming your life. And so really what that is all about is these simple steps that you can use on a daily basis to help you create this dream that you deserve.
[00:04:58] A lot of it is NLP. A lot of it I speak about from the idea of the seed and how we think. And we plant that seed in what we call our creative medium, which what we could call our soul. And that's the part of us that is really being watered. The seed is being water, just like when we give birth to, or we're going through the gestational process of, you know, growing a baby within us, especially with women, women can relate to this, but it's through that process that we know.
[00:05:31] That eventually that baby's going to be birthed. The same thing applies to all of our creations. What we're giving power based on our thinking. And our feeling is watering those seeds that are potentially eventually going to come into what we call effect or birds. And so, yeah, so these little things that I share with people in my books were in my hopes to give people tools that they could use to really, you know, start to be aware of how they keep it.
[00:06:02] You know, recreating this life over and over that sometimes doesn't serve us or make us happy. Yeah. And so once you create a book, I mean, cause we've got a lot of entrepreneurs who are in our audience and some of them have a desire to do some of the things that you've talked about doing, maybe create a book or a course or a program or a product that will serve the world.
[00:06:23] Very similar to what you're talking about. What do you do after that? You you've done it. And how do you become a number one bestselling author? How do you. Engage with folks and, and share the story and really create, um, a community. Cause that's what you've done. It's not that you have clients and customers.
[00:06:40] I assert, I assert Sherry Gideon's has a community. Yeah, well, and so much of it requires getting clear, getting clear about what you want. That's really the first step. And so for myself, I have a daily journal process and in that journal, I always start out with I'm so happy and grateful. Now that I start.
[00:07:04] From, as you see how I use the word from the space of how would that look for me if it was true right now? What if it was true right now? How would I feel? How would it look? And so, as I'm writing in my journal, what's happening is as I'm activating in my brain, Neuropathways I'm activating in my brain synapses because it's creating that joy, that feeling that I would have if it were already true now.
[00:07:36] So that's the first step of the process of what I work with now. The other is, is I stay in that space of, as I'm putting that out, there's an infinite presence everywhere in the universe. You can call it God, your higher power. You can call it the universe, but ultimately. The, how was none of our business, truthfully, but as I create this in this vision, writing it all down, okay, I'm going to have a crowd of people that are all going to buy my book.
[00:08:04] They're going to be smiling. They're going to be joyous. They're going to love the content that's in my book. And then what I do is, is I release it to what I call the action of the law, the action of the universe, because there's infinite ways that how can demonstrate. Yeah, people can show up in my life and they can all come together as a community and put it out to all their friends and their community and, and they can promote it through Amazon and all that.
[00:08:35] This is exactly what has happened to me in the promotions of my books, my friends, my community, all the people that I needed showed up. To put my book out there in a massive way through pictures. They snapped pictures with my book when they bought my book and all of that. And that has really planted the seed of people who would have never known about it.
[00:08:58] Yeah, that's fantastic. That's great advice. And I love, um, you know, when people come to me and they ask about visibility strategy and they want this step-by-step guide, and I tell them there's a template, but at the end of the day, it's you authentically connecting with people that is the most successful way to expand your, your brand, expand your reach, and really grow your audience.
[00:09:21] And you do such a great job of it. And I see you in other groups online. I see you connecting. And what I love about the way you connect with people, especially on clubhouse is you share and you bring value. You're always bringing value. So talk to us a little bit about how that can, um, really grow your business and grow your manifestation skills.
[00:09:43] Cause you, you always talk about the law of attraction. You talk about some of these concepts that not everyone is well versed in. Yeah, so, so much should it, it, well, it all comes back to you. And the more that you realize that this is an infinite universe, you were without nothing, but you're without to the degree you believe.
[00:10:06] And so if your belief is that you have to compete, if your belief is that you have to hustle, then that's, what's going to show up for you in your life. Well, I don't believe that I believe that everything I need. You're just going to show up. It'll show up in the moments of moments of today, but I've trained myself, just like a muscle, you know, when you go to the gym and you work out every day and you build that muscle, I've trained myself to believe that everything I need will show up.
[00:10:34] It's not w w it's not airy fairy. So when I bring value to a room, what I'm really seeing is the face of God in every single person that's in my presence. I mean, especially in clubhouse, you're only seeing people's pictures, but even in that space, you can call it the quantum field. And you're hearing more and more about the quantum field, that language today, universal energy.
[00:11:00] Well, When a person speaks, you can hear their vibe in their voice, in the musical tones of their voice. So when I'm coming forward into a community, I'm merely seeing those people as an extension of myself, as a part of myself, I'm seeing them for the true them. I'm not in competition because I'm me. Yeah.
[00:11:22] Yeah. That's right. Yeah. I love that. And that's, and that is how, um, I would say the majority of the people, if not everyone in your circle, Lives and, and expresses themselves. And so you've surrounded yourself with thought leaders and award award-winning authors and bestselling authors and, and people who have just transformed the way.
[00:11:45] Um, either self-development has worked that industry or just even corporate development has worked. So tell me a little bit about this idea that, that you've put together along with, um, Amy and Brenda Jones to bring your circle of friends together into this summit. Yeah, so, I mean, there it is right there.
[00:12:06] I mean, Brenda, Brenda Jones and Amy Lee, Westerbelt, they're an extension of myself. They have the same vision as myself. And that is to help humanity, to remember the power that they are. To remember that in here they are whole perfect and complete, they are special. And that we are all meant to live an outrageous life, a life filled with joy, and we're meant to thrive and we're meant to live a life with absolutely.
[00:12:36] Anything we can love doing. And we're all three of us. We're passionate. We want to help people create that kind of a life. And so the three of us came together to create this, the dream building summit. And it's all about designing a dream. It's all about, you know, really, really creating that space for yourself.
[00:13:01] That is. Unshakable it's unbreakable. And so how fun is it to come together with friends to where we get to bring our power together, including you Veronica? We couldn't have done this without you. My beautiful friend. I mean, we're all great at what we do. There's a gift in each of us. And when we brought that power together, Guess what happened?
[00:13:25] This dream, this idea extended into what did we do? We drew these amazing people like, you know, Dennis Waitley, Bob Doyle, Laura Lang Meyer, um, Christy Whitman, uh, Julie Jones, Hamilton Lynn kitchen. Steve told me these people that each of them have this unique message to share with them. All these people that are now part of the dream builder summit, and who are going to receive not only that, but amazing gifts.
[00:13:58] If you know, we have an opportunity for them to, you know, go and get our VIP program, too, that all of these guests have shared amazing gifts and VIP content that people can watch for up to a year. Yeah, it's fantastic. And I'm going to put the website back up there, guides and there's actually a discount code in the comments on Facebook.
[00:14:20] Um, so make sure you take advantage of it, but what I want to share too, especially about this and compliment Sherry, is that the energy that these thought leaders, authors, um, professional speakers, the it's not something new. This is not something that they just started developing in the last. Dozen years.
[00:14:39] These people have been at it for decades. This is true. Truly the core and source of where professional development and enlightenment and some of these other terms that people like to use. And in the executive space, we call it, we even call it executive coaching. You know, you bring in some of these people, but the, but the bottom line is there's an opportunity for people to grow and more importantly, to implement strategies and techniques that are going to make them.
[00:15:06] Bring their dream life together. And that's what I love is that you guys came together, but you brought your circle of friends together and because you guys had such a strong, uh, passion for doing this, it was almost seamless. It's almost like doors just kind of flew open and everyone was like, sure. I'd love to absolutely sign me up.
[00:15:24] I mean, there was no obstacles in this coming together. Absolutely. And here's the gift to each one of us. Brenda, Amy and myself literally are very similar in what we do. We're DreamBuilder coaches. Um, we're we work in NLP. The NLP, Brenda is the expert in obviously licensing and certifying people in the NLP energetic field.
[00:15:49] But. The truth of it is, is, is every single one of us. What do we all want? We want happiness. We want fulfillment. We want love acceptance time and space. And we wanted to be able to work from anywhere in the world, but more importantly, We all wanted to be doing what we loved doing, which is what teaching about those things that matter most, and that make a difference in people's lives.
[00:16:15] And so that's why we've come together and put the dream builder summit together is we want to make a difference in your life. We want to help you to live the life that you're born to live, that you don't want worthy. Yep. Absolutely. And I can tell you from experience, having worked with all three of you and you guys are living your purpose, you are living authentically and you are doing what you were set out to do.
[00:16:38] And doubtedly so I'm super excited. So Sherry, tell me, so details guys are right there. Check it out on the website, but Sherry, tell me how people can work with you. Tell us about some of the ways, um, if people, the summit maybe is. Not right for them right now, but they're interested in what you're saying.
[00:16:54] And they're really intrigued by some of the processes you discussed. How can people work with you? Yeah, so I mean, one of my key programs, two of them one is, is how to build an unshakable dream. And so I take you through the process of building that dream of really creating your souls. Blueprint, you have a soul blueprint that you came here and you knew that you were going to potentially fulfill this.
[00:17:23] And that's what I help you do. I help you let go of all of those unconscious beliefs, those limited beliefs of subconscious, you know, areas that you're conditioned and I help you break free of that and really integrate. You know, all of that, but at the same time help you to create this magical life of manifesting cause manifesting, we're doing it all the time.
[00:17:46] And so you can work with me. You can, um, we can, you know, develop a strategy session and determine what it is you want and where you are right now. And, uh, you can work with me by going to my website@sherrygideons.com. Yup. And that guys is in the notes. So make sure you click on it. I included that and I included some of her other social media links because you want to connect with our, you're going to learn from her, whether you see her in Facebook, or you hear her on a clubhouse, she's got a great Instagram as well.
[00:18:17] I highly encourage you to take advantage of working with Sherry because she's been at it a while and she went there almost left us and came back. And so she really, um, has. An insight that I've seen it, haven't seen in a lot of people. So Sherry I'm so honored to be your friend. I'm so honored to be your partner on this project.
[00:18:37] I'm hoping we're going to see everybody at the dream builder summit. There's the website. Um, anything else you want to leave our friends with before we sign off? I just want people to realize, you know what, this time right here and right now is what we're calling the great awakening. And I just want you to really, really realize you are worthy and deserving.
[00:18:58] Of living this life you were born to live. Yes, indeed. Indeed. Well, with that, we are going to thank Sherry for being with us. It was awesome to have you and we are going to wrap up this episode of Saturday soundbites. I so excited that Sherry was on and shared her ex. For teeth. And I'm not kidding. When I tell you this woman knew exactly what she was doing with this book.
[00:19:20] She knew exactly what she was doing when she was manifesting her community. And they were able to help her and grow her business, grow her brand and create other opportunities, just like the DreamBuilder summit. So with that, we are going to sign off. This week's episode of Saturday soundbites. Again, if you're listening on the podcast, make sure you hit subscribe.
[00:19:38] We want to make sure you get notified every time another episode is available. And if you're watching on the replay hashtag replay because Sherry and I definitely want to connect with you. We will see you all next week and I'm sending you all lots of positive energy and light.