Episode 24
Personal Branding is Good for Business with Kate Volman
Welcome the amazing Kate Volman to Saturday Soundbites! She is sharing her insight into why Personal Branding is Good for Business. When you are in the service-based business space, being able to stand apart from the competition is key. Kate has used her personal brand to connect with leads and potential collaborators in an authentic way that ensures alignment.
You can find Kate hosting rooms on Club House, going live on Instagram, and also sharing book reviews on YouTube.Kate's high-energy, strong messaging and readiness to bring value to people helps her stand out on every platform.You can learn more about Kate at http://katevolman.com and be sure to connect with her on IG and Youtube @katevolman. You can also hear her on Club House @katevolman.
Veronica: [00:00:00] Hello. Hello and welcome to Saturday sound bites. This is Veronica Sofer. So excited to be here with you. I know I took a couple of weeks off in the last few weeks, but it's summertime. And so that's going to be happening more and more, but don't fret. There are some awesome episodes that you can download on your phone.
[00:00:18] Favorite platform. Um, and I'd like a review. So if you are downloading these podcasts on your phone or your device, make sure you give us a review. It's super important. And if you're watching on Facebook, give us some comments, let us know that you are watching. We want you to let us know where you're from, and if you have any questions for our guests, we want to be able to engage with you guys.
[00:00:38] And if you're watching on the replay, Hashtag replay, because we want to know, uh, to go back and thank you for participating in watching today's episode. So very excited about today's topic. We're going to be talking about personal branding and why it's important to grow your business and how it can grow your business.
[00:00:53] And so I've got an excellent guest for you. This woman is outstanding. She's an expert in personal branding. She is out there being authentic. She is on multiple platforms. If you haven't already seen her, you need to be following her. Okay. Bowman is here from Floyd consulting. She's got some fantastic tips for you and all of her contact information is in the show notes.
[00:01:17] So make sure you check those out. So without further ado, let's get this episode started with Kate. All right. So glad
[00:01:23] Kate: [00:01:23] to have you, Kate. Well, thanks so much for having me Veronica. It's so good to be
[00:01:28] Veronica: [00:01:28] here. Excellent. And what I love about this opportunity that you and I have is that while we share some space on clubhouse, we're getting to do it and look at each other's faces.
[00:01:38] How cool is that? I
[00:01:39] Kate: [00:01:39] know, right? It's so different than just hearing an audio. It's so good. I like it.
[00:01:44] Veronica: [00:01:44] I love it. I love it. Well, Kate, tell the audience a little bit about who you are and then we'll get into the meat about what it is you do and how we think we can
[00:01:53] Kate: [00:01:53] help folks today. Awesome. So, yes, I am like most of you listening or watching you are very multi-passionate and I am the same.
[00:02:02] I am the CEO of Floyd consulting. We work with organizations to help them build dynamic cultures. So people love coming to work and accomplishing great things together, uh, which really just means that I get to work with a lot of incredible leaders, like incredible organizations to help them become better leaders, to communicate more effectively and build great teams and scale their business.
[00:02:25] And, uh, we also certified dream managers, which is exciting. So we certify life coaches that go into organizations and as are essentially the, the dream manager for that organization, because we believe that a company can only become the best version of itself to the extent that their people are becoming the best version of themselves.
[00:02:44] Um, so that is what I get to do. I'm also very, um, I have lots of projects going on. I have a podcast called create for no reason. I'm a writer. I'm a. Speaker. I do all sorts of trainings. I do lots of work with the women's foundation. I have a mastermind program called um, inspired action. So yeah, lots of things going on and, uh, always fun to, to get to work with great individuals.
[00:03:08] I love
[00:03:09] Veronica: [00:03:09] it. I love it. And I love that you're multifaceted, but your passion resonates and is threaded through every project that you do. So that, and that's a great segue into sharing with folks, um, how you have focused on your personal brand and how you take it from platform to platform. What does
[00:03:25] that
[00:03:25] Kate: [00:03:25] look like for you?
[00:03:27] Yeah. Well, you know, it's so funny, Veronica, as you were saying, as you're introducing me saying I'm an expert in personal branding. I wouldn't say that I actually would not call myself because I really think that when it comes to personal branding, it's. Your personal brand. Like we talk about, um, with culture, you're creating a culture in your organization, whether you think you are or not, it's going to happen.
[00:03:49] And same thing with personal branding, right? Like you're creating a personal brand, whether you think you are or not. So how you show up every day, the things that you say, the things that you choose to be part of, right. That's all creating your brand. And so it's up to us to be as intentional as we can be in what we're sharing and what we're putting out into the world.
[00:04:09] And so when we think about all of the places that we can go to show up, It's an infinite number, right? Like there's so many places we can be on LinkedIn. We can be on Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, take talk all the different places on social media. So we have to really be conscious of a couple things. One, what is art?
[00:04:28] What is my brand? And what do I really want people to know about me? And when I think about that, I mean, What do I want people when I'm not in the room? What are people saying about me when I'm not in the room? What are people saying? Great things about me. How, when someone says my name, how does that make someone feel?
[00:04:44] Do they feel inspired? Do they get excited? Do they know? Do they know that my brand and what I'm putting out into the world is all around growth and helping people. Grow and become the best version that they can be. And so that's what I'm always thinking, no matter what platform, but then we also have to think, okay, what's my message.
[00:05:03] And then what's the best way to get it out on each platform because we know that each platform consumes information very differently. You're not going to put the same Tik TOK video that you are on, on lint on LinkedIn. So the first thing is to get really clear and intentional about. Who you want to be, what you want to be known for when you're not in the room.
[00:05:25] What are people saying about you?
[00:05:28] Veronica: [00:05:28] Yeah, absolutely. And that's so true. And you talked about the promise and you talked about the, um, how it makes people feel. I got to tell you when I'm looking at my phone and a notification pops up for clubhouse. And it says, Kate Voldman I get excited. Cause I'm like, oh, I need to go into that room.
[00:05:45] So your brand, whether you know it or, or not is resonating with people, uh, when you are engaging and being authentic in a clubhouse room. And so we talked, we're talking about clubhouse specifically, just because that's where you and I have connected, but you're everywhere. You're on LinkedIn. You've got some great videos on YouTube.
[00:06:02] Share with us a little bit about how you decided to, to expand. And, and I know some of your YouTube videos are a couple of years old. And they've gone through different iterations, but talk to us a little bit about
[00:06:13] Kate: [00:06:13] that. Yeah. Oh my gosh. So this is, this is, this whole conversation could turn into like consistency, right?
[00:06:21] You can be consistent in your content. So I probably put my first video on YouTube. I have to look back, but I think it was like in 2008. Seven or 2008, I mean, way back before it was like a thing. And so I have like all of us, you know, we get into something and then maybe we pop out of it. We kind of dabble in different things and we test different things.
[00:06:43] So I have definitely tested different platforms and. On YouTube. My first videos were really, um, talking to a lot of women are doing some inspirational stuff because at the time I was working at a chamber of commerce. And so that was, those were the videos that I started putting out. But then as I started growing and I say started, I had as a, I CRE I started a marketing firm when I had a marketing firm, all of my content shifted.
[00:07:13] To content marketing. So then I was putting videos out about content marketing, and then once I started running a coaching company, I kind of shifted my content towards more leadership and coaching. Um, and also. I love reading great books and reading great books is a way for me to educate myself, but also for me to be helpful to the people that I serve, because the more that I know and the more that I grow and become better, the more I can help others do the same.
[00:07:41] And so then I started doing these. Videos, uh, these book recommendation videos and these journaling prompt videos, because I use a lot of journaling prompts with my clients. And so it was really, what's so fun about these different platforms is you can decide, how am I working with my clients? What are the messages I want to share?
[00:07:59] And then how I'm going to, how am I going to do what videos should I be creating to really get that message across? And so it's evolved. If you look back in 2008, you'll start to see, you'll see lots of very different content than the video is today. I will not say that's the way to go, because if you're building a YouTube channel, now you want to get really, really niche and specific, but.
[00:08:20] I think it's a good reminder for everyone that we're growing and we're evolving. And the only way to figure out the content that you really want to create is by creating content is by putting stuff out there is by showing up by, by testing out videos, seeing what works, seeing what people are resonating with, seeing the videos that made an impact or the clubhouse.
[00:08:46] Rooms that you open the ones that get the most people that not even the most that come in, but the. How rich was the conversation, how rich was, did people leave with things that were really beneficial and valuable to them? So, um, I feel it's a fun place to play in. Um, there are many people that do it extraordinarily well, and they have millions of followers and they have their funnels and their systems.
[00:09:12] And I tend to use social media in a way that I'm really. Playing with content and not only on the side of business, but I also think it's a fun place to put more of the creative things that I'm doing out into the world, because that's, that's also important as someone, I want to get those messages out as well.
[00:09:32] They all fit into the brand of helping people grow, but it's just a different side of me that I don't normally share. Yeah, and
[00:09:40] Veronica: [00:09:40] that's so true. And I think I fall into that category as well. You know, I've, I'm up to a lot of different things and you and I have talked about that, you know, our, our room that we host on houses, the C-suite, um, culture C-suite and our C-suite culture.
[00:09:53] And we have that conversation about what it looks like to live in the professional world. And then what it looks like to have, um, side businesses and, and hobby projects and passion projects and how we show up authentically inside of all of those is consistent. And that's the brand. The brand doesn't have to be Kate Voldman Floyd consulting per se, and it doesn't have to be Veronica.
[00:10:15] So for visibility strategist, it can literally be all of the things that we love pieced together. That's our brand because we're whole people with different passions in different projects. And so I love that you show up and that's one of the reasons why I felt like today's show would really bring value to people because people aren't one dimensional.
[00:10:35] And, and, and you've got a lot of different interests. And so you show up and I got to tell you, your book reviews are my favorite. I mean, I've loved them since I started watching them. They're just fantastic because I'm like, oh, Kate read that. Isn't that interesting? That sounds like a book I should maybe just get on my
[00:10:50] Kate: [00:10:50] audible list or something.
[00:10:53] Well, I appreciate it. It's, you know, I really. I spend a lot of time on those videos. Cause I do feel that I want to not only make sure that the audience gets something out of it, but I also think about the author that wrote it. Like I want to do them justice. If I really loved and appreciated the book, I want to make sure that I'm picking out points that I think would really resonate with other people and also showcase the author in a way that's.
[00:11:15] Let's people know this book is very valuable because the goal is obviously for them to learn at least one thing, if they don't read the book, but you know, there's a lot of books out there and we can't read all of them. So if I can inspire someone to maybe read a book that they wouldn't have otherwise, because there was something interesting in it.
[00:11:29] Um, then, Hey, I think that's awesome. Yeah. I feel, you know, It's interesting because when we first chatted about this TA this conversation today, I think when we, when we think about personal branding and why it's so good for business and why it's so important to eat, not share everything, right? Like we don't want to share everything.
[00:11:51] I'm not saying to like put everything out there online, not everything is meant for the world to see, but when we're open and we share. Pieces of ourselves and really how we view the world. I love when people share their work process, how they show up, how if they're writing stuff, or if they're building a business, it's fun to see the behind the scenes.
[00:12:13] It's fun to see that people are figuring things out and how are they doing that? And the, and the process in which they. Choose to do those things. I think we can learn a lot from people when we see their work process and it also inspires us to. Help inspires us. If we have a team team to really dive into our team's work process, because when we can get to know more about our team and how they work, we can help them with their personal brand.
[00:12:43] We can help them to show up authentically. And when they show up authentically, then that helps the organization, right? Like if you keep putting things out, putting content out and more people think, oh, Veronica is really cool. I mean, that's when I first met you, I'm like, oh, Veronica is cool. We're like-minded I think she has some interesting, interesting things to say that prompts me to say, Hey, Veronica, let's get on a call.
[00:13:07] What do you do? How do you help your clients? And now you're getting into that conversation where it is good for business, because some people might not find me because I'm talking about culture. They might just find me like you keep showing up and you're showing these videos and you're doing these journaling prompts and you're, and, and you're all about personal development.
[00:13:25] Why, what do you do? And then I get to share with them, oh, I run it coaching company. And if you're, and then we dive into, oh, how can I support that person? And so while we're out there sharing our messages, we're just stuck. The real goal is to start a conversation that could turn into. A business conversation potentially.
[00:13:45] Yeah. Yeah.
[00:13:46] Veronica: [00:13:46] And, and even if it's not a good fit for, for someone in particular, they may know someone that it would be a good fit for it. And that's what I love about how you nurture your business leads. And I know you don't do it for business leads per se, but in my mind, at least in this conversation, One of the benefits of connecting with people authentically is they know you there's trust being built.
[00:14:08] There's connections being made. And again, if it's not a good fit for someone, they have the opportunity to share your name and contact information with someone else. And so it is true, a truly and natural, organic funnel of business. And I want to say. It's almost like the old, uh, you know, the older way of how we think bleeds should be generated with the gentleman's handshake or, or, you know, this word of mouth, organic connection to people that sometimes, um, we don't spend a lot of time nurturing and I love the way you do it because it is personal nurturing system.
[00:14:44] Um, even if it's not intentional, it just is. And that's, what's so beautiful about it. It
[00:14:48] Kate: [00:14:48] just is. Oh, well, I appreciate that. I feel, you know, I. I run a coaching company. My goal is to help as many people as possible become, you know, that's our goal. Our goal is to help people grow. That is our mission. And so it's just, that is not a mission that I just look at and say, this is what we do.
[00:15:06] That's how I feel. That's. I mean, all the work that I've done when I think about my whole body of work, which is something I, I really encourage people to do. I don't know that people really think a lot about. Their whole body of work as you're building your, as you're building it, as you're growing, think about it's like that Steve jobs quote, right?
[00:15:25] Like you can't, you can't connect the dots moving backwards or no moving forwards, only backwards. And I love when people take some time to consider their entire body of work, especially very multi-passionate. People because they think sometimes we get this, oh my gosh, it's bad. It's bad that I have all of these things going on.
[00:15:46] I need to pick one and focus because everyone tells me I need to be niche and I have to be focused, which. There's truth to that in business, right? Like there's truth to the niche. I'm not saying that that's not a way to, to grow a really successful company, but it's not bad when you, when you have a lot of things that you want to do, you can't do all of them at once.
[00:16:05] But when it comes to exploring your creativity, when it comes to exploring other areas in parts of your life, I mean, that's why I started the podcast create for no reason because they think it's, I think. Oftentimes we can be so stuck in this. I have to, this is my business and everything I do has to be associated to business and leads and funnels and all of that.
[00:16:26] Like everything has to be monetized. Everything has to be this very systematic thing, which it does if you're growing a business. But what about all of those things that you love to do? If you want a garden cook, go get a motorcycle, you know, learn how to. A B or B, uh, not a mechanic, but like, you know, put a car together, like be creative.
[00:16:48] I don't know all these I'm getting out of my wheelhouse. Um, but you know, there's so many things that people want to do and they don't make time for it because they're so stuck in their way of like, everything I do has to there, it has to be associated to business. It has to be monetized. It has to be there's something that has to be become from it.
[00:17:07] And I think so often. When we lean into our creativity, when we lean into writing, dancing, cooking, exploring whatever those pieces are that you're really excited about, but you're not giving time to playing the piano, learning new skill. These are things that will open up your world. It'll open up your business.
[00:17:27] It will, there's so many benefits to being multi-passionate. Not saying you want to be multi-passionate and start to build five companies, build the one company, but don't be scared to play in these other spaces and explore these different things that you are excited about. It just makes you a richer person.
[00:17:45] It makes you a more interesting person. And when you're out there, you're going to start to attract more and more people. And then that. Could potentially turn into some business down the line. So I think it's something worth exploring. And when we think about our body of work, if there's some, if there's a takeaway for people, I think it's a fun exercise to think about your journey.
[00:18:08] Look back at where you started your career, where you went next and how all of those pieces played together. How did your first role or first job. Help you to that next job. And then the next one. And then, you know, I think about it all the time. If I didn't, if I didn't have run a business work at the chamber experience, working with so many CEOs, high level executives, doing all these trainings, getting on stages and speaking, would I be able to be a successful CEO running this company?
[00:18:35] I do now. No, like I wouldn't have been, I wouldn't be able to have, have gotten, gained all those skills. Um, and even in writing, you know, being a great writer is a skill that, that is very underlooked for leaders. We have to be able to communicate with people. So, and being able to write very effectively and succinctly and share a message so people can get on board with it.
[00:18:59] Is huge when it comes to, especially on social media to get people behind your mission. So I feel like I'm rambling now, but I think I love it. I love it. I
[00:19:08] Veronica: [00:19:08] feel like I'm in your masters, your class. That's exactly it. And you know, as you were talking, I was thinking about some great examples, some great examples of that.
[00:19:14] Martha Stewart, Joanne Joanna Gaines, you know, whether it's cookware or a recipe book or gardening or art, these women have explored the different parts of who they are. And the reason why we still buy their magazine, watch their shows, do all these, you know, participate in all their, um, all the different options they make available to the public is because we've bought into their brand and we've bought into the promise of who they are.
[00:19:43] And we love that they are authentically connected to what it is they're doing, whether they're ranching or they're cooking or, or gardening, it's all part of, oh, I feel connected to you because I got to see a part of you that was. That resonated with a part of who I am. And so I'm going to go buy your cookware and then, then I'm going to go buy your linens and I'm going to go buy a, you know, whatever it is you're selling, because your name's on it because I have bought into who you are.
[00:20:10] And that's essentially what it is that you're doing on, on all the different platforms that you're on. And I don't know that entrepreneurs give themselves credit
[00:20:19] Kate: [00:20:19] for being able to do that.
[00:20:21] Veronica: [00:20:21] And it's not like you followed some formula in a book. I mean, you just showed up as Kate. And Kate the, whatever she was up to that day or whatever she was reading that day or whatever clubhouse room she's in or whatever state she was on, she was sharing authentically.
[00:20:36] And I think that is the takeaway for our listeners and viewers is that you don't have to be a big time celebrity to be authentically present to people. You just have to be authentically present
[00:20:48] Kate: [00:20:48] to people. Yeah. Uh, yes. I love that. And you know, one, one other thing that I feel is so important to remember is, and I'm, and I'm appreciative that you said that, that you, that, that you like the way that I nurture my leads or whatever you want to call them, the people right.
[00:21:07] There are people like, it's the conversations that I get to have with people, because that's so important to remember. It's so easy for us to get. Focused on the numbers. How many followers do I have? I mean, it's all about, I want to get more followers, more followers, but we're not focused on having deep, meaningful relationships with the people that are already that already said yes.
[00:21:32] They already showed up. They're already like I'm on board with you. I love your message. I'm on, I'm on board and I'm here. And if we spent as much time focusing on that, as we did, when are we going to get the next people, the next people, then we would have deeper relationships. We would have deeper, richer conversations with people and potentially.
[00:21:51] Not only have potentially business conversations, but also just fun conversations, meeting, cool people, having cool people in your life that you can talk to and call when something's, when something's bothering you or going on, or you want to just bounce ideas off someone like those are the best people to have in your life.
[00:22:07] And so I will, I always reference, you know, Kevin Kelly's article 1000 true fans when he talks about. If you had a thousand people or, you know, if you had a hundred people, but let's, he says a thousand people, if you had a thousand people who said yes to you, that said yes to whatever, you're just like what you were talking about, whatever these people are selling, you're buying, that's it, that's all you need.
[00:22:31] And so if you're selling even a higher ticket item, you had 500 people, or if you had a hundred people, that's a hundred people that said, yes, I'm on board with your content. I appreciate you. And I love your message. That's huge. And I think that we need to look at that, especially in today's age of like more and more and more nurture the people that are already in your community, connect with them, see how you can better serve them.
[00:22:55] The more that you serve them, the more that you're actually going to be able to find the content and the information that you need to maybe hone in on and share a little bit more of that will essentially help you build that audience. But those first. However many followers that you have, or those per first people that say yes, I really want to know more about you and I'm in with your message, you know, cultivate those relationships, get to know those people.
[00:23:20] They've, they're already there. They're there, they're there. They love you. They love, they want to support you. And if there's anything that you want to test out, as far as an online course or a program or something that you're doing in your business, that is in your creative realm or your business, those are the people to go to first.
[00:23:36] Those are the people that I trust to test things out on. Yeah,
[00:23:40] Veronica: [00:23:40] definitely. That's so, so true. And I love that. And that's really the tip for the day is really just nurturing people. And I've heard you say it over and over again. It's all about the people and it's all about relationships and it's so evident in everything you do.
[00:23:53] So Kate, tell us how people can work with you. Um, I, I've got your website on there. Tell us what you're up to and if people want to connect, how
[00:24:00] Kate: [00:24:00] can they do that? Yeah. So the place that I'm playing in most often, these days is Instagram, because of course Veronica, you and I met on clubhouse and I'm so grateful that we did.
[00:24:12] And, uh, so yeah, I've been, it's actually inspired me to do a lot more on Instagram. So the best way to connect me as follow me in Instagram, send me a message. Let me know what you got out of this episode would love to hear from you. And, um, and then. Of course, you can just go to my personal website, keep them and.com um, or, uh, Floyd consulting.com.
[00:24:29] Um, really the best way for you is if you are a leader, if you want to get better at leading your team, if you want to get better at having those great conversations with your team members, so that your organization become the best version of itself, I would definitely love to chat with you about potentially doing a training or a coaching, or, Hey, maybe you're interested in getting certified to become a dream manager or have a dream manager in your organization.
[00:24:52] So the best way. If any of this resonates with you, just call me we'll chat and I can put you in the right, uh, the right place for you to go to help you grow as much as I can. Awesome.
[00:25:01] Veronica: [00:25:01] And if you are thinking about it, don't hesitate. Seriously. Kate is amazing. Her energy is fantastic, and I guarantee you that she is leading a team that is making a difference.
[00:25:10] So Kate, I am so excited that we got to do this. This has truly been one of my favorite episodes cause you dropped some serious gems tonight, today.
[00:25:18] Kate: [00:25:18] Ah, well, Veronica, thank you for doing this. Thank you for inviting me to be part of your show and yes. For those of you that are fans of Veronica, which you are, cause you're still listening, but please like it and write a review as a podcast or myself, you know, it really does help.
[00:25:33] And I know that it's like, you know, not everyone does it, people leave and you might be thinking, oh, Ronica is so great. I always loved the show. If you haven't yet written a review or just tap that little five star review, it does help, especially in podcasts to help Veronica spread her message, get all of these great guests out there.
[00:25:49] Um, so if that's one thing, one thing you can do right now before you head out for your day, Click that little giver, five star rating. That's it.
[00:25:57] Veronica: [00:25:57] I love it. See, she's always thinking ahead. All right. Thank you so much, Kate. I'm going to move her off stage and wrap up the show. This has been another fun, fun conversation.
[00:26:07] I got to tell you. Kate is amazing. Seriously folks. All of her handles are there in the show notes. Make sure you're following her, connect with her, share her information with other people, because truly, truly there are organizations out there. That needs someone with this kind of passion and expertise.
[00:26:21] So make sure you connect with Kate. All right. That wraps up another episode of Saturday soundbites. We're going to be taking a few weeks off during the summer families taking vacation, but. Not to worry, I'm going to have some other content available. So if you are listening on the podcast, make sure you hit subscribe so you can get some of the bonus content that we will be dropping over the summer.
[00:26:40] And if you are watching on Facebook, make sure you hashtag replay so we know, and we can reconnect with you guys. And with that, I will be signing off. Uh, make sure if you, um, want to check out some of the other exciting things we've got going on, Frontica VSO for.com. All right. With that, I'm sending you lots of light and energy and we will see you next time.