Episode 18

Season 2

Rebelling Against the Status Quo & Intentionally Designing Your Life

Welcome Ryann Dowdy, Founder of Be in the Room, to Saturday Soundbites!

Ryann and Veronica dive deep into how entrepreneurs have to be intentional with their businesses and how challenging this can be when you are just getting started, or when you find yourself in transition.

Your message has to be clear and how you serve people has to be obvious or else your visibility, and therefore your brand, will be misaligned.

Ryann shares her journey from a successful corporate professional to a powerhouse of a networker and coach. You will want to take notes and connect with Ryann!

Be sure to check out her website, social media pages, and podcast. www.beintheroom.org

Transcript -

[00:00:00] Veronica: Hello. Hello and welcome to Saturday soundbites. I'm your host, Veronica Sofer. And I'm thrilled to be here again this week. Sharing with you all my love and passion for things, visibility strategy. So here on Saturday soundbites, we talk about public relations advertising. Marketing Brandy networking and all the components that are really going to help you drive your business and make it successful.

[00:00:24] We want folks to know your story and we want folks to understand how the services and the products you provide are gonna make a difference in their lives. So on Saturday soundbites, I bring you guests that have experienced with that share tips and strategies, and this week is going to be awesome. But before we get started, I want to make sure that, you know, I've hit the subscribe button.

[00:00:44] If you're listening on the podcast, we don't want you to miss any episode. And if you were watching on Facebook or YouTube, leave us some comments and my guests and I will come back and connect with you. So let's go ahead and get this episode started because we've got a great topic today. I'd like to invite the amazing Ryan Dowdy to the show.

[00:01:02] She is bringing some phenomenal expertise and you are going to love her. Welcome Ryan. So glad to have you. Good morning. I'm excited 

[00:01:09] Ryann: to be. 

[00:01:11] Veronica: Well, tell us a little bit about 

[00:01:12] Ryann: yourself. Yeah, absolutely. So my name is Ryan Dowdy. I live in Kansas city, Missouri. I am married. I have a 17 year old stepdaughter, a five-year-old and an almost three-year-old and there is just never a dull moment in our lives.

[00:01:25] So my, my career story, if you will, I started selling radio advertising directly out of college. Accidentally wound up in sales went from individual contributor to. I think it was channel sales manager, national sales manager eventually retired from the corporate world as a director of sales.

[00:01:40] So I ran a sales organization for a digital marketing company here in Kansas city. My story of entrepreneurship, Veronica is it was 2017. It was right after my son was born. I finally got like the director of sales job. I was running my own team. And I, I went back to work and I'm so excited. And I was, I didn't really have a lot of anxiety about going back to work after a kid.

[00:01:59] I was like, this is going to be great. I don't have to travel anymore. Cause I've lived on the road for many years and was really pumped about it. And I was about four or five months into that job where I was. This can't be it. Like, this cannot be all that God put me on this earth to do. And but I didn't know what that meant.

[00:02:15] Right. I didn't know entrepreneurship. Didn't cross my mind if I'm a hundred percent honest, I thought I've seen it an industry change, right. I'd been selling advertising forever and ever, and ever. And I was like, maybe I just need to get into a different space. I did what I teach all of my clients to do, which was to start networking.

[00:02:29] I started talking to people. I started going to events and that's actually, when they learned about online entrepreneurship and the ability to use the skills that you have to start a business. Because in all my years of selling advertising being a business owner meant having a business, right? Like having a brick and mortar, having a store you know, doing something along those lines.

[00:02:45] And I knew that that was not something that was attractive to me. So when I learned about your. Space where I could package up something that I had been working on for 15 years and turned it into a business. I was like, this is amazing. And so I just started my entrepreneurial career as a sales coach.

[00:02:59] Are we ran a program called the uncensored sales accelerator, which we said, you know, we helped high achieving women, leave their nine to five and build profitable businesses. And it was incredible and it was amazing. And it was some of the most rewarding work that I had ever done. And then all of that, I was working with a business coach at the time and her business had exploded.

[00:03:15] So her business had gone from a 2 million to 10 million overnight. She had. Seven or eight salespeople and brought me in as a consultant to train those sales people. Cause she knew that was my corporate background. She's like you've trained sales teams. And in all of that, people were like, well, what are you guys doing?

[00:03:29] So we had written this curriculum and we kind of joked that it was like a hot seat coaching call and you know, a Google doc and social sellers academy was born. So we had this program, teaching sales to new entrepreneurs, and then we launched a secondary program where is that those are just a second business altogether teaching sales to Employees for online national producer.

[00:03:47] So it's very specifically teaching social sales. So that is, you know, basically timeline from 2019 is when I finally left my corporate job all the way through 2021. And about halfway through 2020. Again, had that really unsettled feeling that I had back in 2017 where I was just like something isn't right.

[00:04:04] And of course I did what we all do. And I was like, oh, it's a sales problem. It's a marketing problem. It's a team problem, whatever it was, it was a me problem. Right. It was an alignment issue and it was really I think, you know, God pushing me in the direction of is this really, you know, your life's work.

[00:04:17] Yeah. I ultimately decided that it wasn't. So I went to my business partner and told her that, Hey, this is, I'm really proud of what we built, but this is not my heart. And in all of that, decided to launch what is currently be in the room, which is an exclusive community for high achieving women. We say that we are a movement for women of action, who rebelled against the status quo.

[00:04:36] And so that is what I have been doing since January of this year. And it's been a wild and crazy and fun. Yeah, I 

[00:04:42] Veronica: love it. And I love that story. And we have a lot of listeners who are in the corporate world and they probably had a lot of satisfaction in a lot of success in it, but either post COVID or for a lot of other different reasons are considering what that transition looks like.

[00:04:57] And I love when you talk about rebelling against the status quo, it is in designing your life. And even if you are an expert marketer, right, like if you've been doing this, your entire career, that doesn't always translate. And so I like to. Get your thoughts on what that looks like for someone who doesn't really know what designing your life looks like?

[00:05:15] Because there was always a path laid out for most 

[00:05:17] Ryann: of us. Amen. And that's literally my whole story. So the uncensored sales brand, my, my business, my like legal LLC is, is uncensored consulting because of that. Right? Like it is about living life outside of the lines, outside of the box, because my whole story is I did every single thing that I was told to do.

[00:05:34] Right. I got good grades in high school. I got a scholarship. I went to college, I graduated college, I got a job. I climbed the ladder. I got married about a house. I had babies, you know, I did everything I was supposed to and woke up the age of 34, which was back in 2017 where I was like, what am I doing with my life?

[00:05:48] So to me, You know, being really intentional and designing your life is, is asking yourself the tough questions that I've learned. That not a lot of people ask themselves. And I didn't either, which is what do you, what do you want? Like what, what is fun for you? Like what lights you up? Cause we're still programmed to believe that like work isn't supposed to be fun.

[00:06:06] Right? It's just this thing that we do, it's a means to an end. I vehemently disagree. I mean, we spend more time theoretically working than we do with our families. If we might as well do something, we enjoy something that we're good at. Something that fills our soul is something that, you know, really allows us to, to make a difference in the world.

[00:06:21] So for me being intentional and designing your life, Veronica is about asking those tough questions. One of my favorite books kind of about this is the book, the big leap by gay Hendricks. I don't know if you've read that one. He talks about your zone of genius and he actually has like an entire chapter in the book.

[00:06:34] Where he asks a series of questions around, like, what is the kind of work that you could do for hours and hours and hours? And you don't find exhausting. What's the type of work that comes really effortless to you. You can totally lose yourself in, you can sit down and two hours later you look up and you're like, oh my gosh, what just happened?

[00:06:49] Like really thinking about those types of things. So if you're in a corporate job, it's not like, okay, well let's light this job on fire. It's right. Like, what are the parts of this job that I liked? Right? Like maybe you really don't want. You know, the actual day-to-day work, but you really like managing people or you really like being a leader or actually you really don't like managing people and being a leader, but you like these parts.

[00:07:08] So it's really asking yourself those questions about what are the things I enjoy, what are the things that I like? And then it's really wild. What happens as soon as you start to ask those question, And you start to think about those things. You start to see opportunities that you didn't see before.

[00:07:21] Right? Cause sometimes I don't know about you guys and I'd run a guide. I don't know if you've heard this from your audience, but like I very much experienced with, they called like the golden handcuffs. Like I was the breadwinner in my family. I was making a decent amount of money. Like it did. It felt, I felt very stifled.

[00:07:35] Like how can you keep, I can't go and start over somewhere else because you know, my, my lifestyle matched where I was. I really experienced, like what would I possibly do? And like I said, when I thought I was going to go do was just go sell something in a different industry and they wound up, you know, taking a sharp right turn.

[00:07:51] And so for me, it was like, once I started asking myself those questions, I started to see and find different options. 

[00:07:57] Veronica: Yeah, I love that. And that's so true. And I think a lot of our audience might actually be in that, in that exact situation, just based on some of the comments and feedback we get from different guests that we have.

[00:08:06] So I love that you said that. Tell me a little bit about how you think you mentioned we're pre-programmed and we have these perceptions of how life should be, and. How do you think that shows up in your business when you're trying to be authentic? So we, we take these courses, we listen to these coaches and business gurus, and we read these books and they talk about showing up authentically and marketing yourself.

[00:08:29] W w you know, by connecting to your story and your why, how do you think that, that, that meshes or doesn't mesh in, in some cases with the plan that we took and the path that we took to get. 

[00:08:42] Ryann: So, yeah, I actually, I would argue that it doesn't mesh, right? Because you see so many people show up online how they think people want to see them, they show up online like, oh, that person is super successful.

[00:08:53] That's how that person shows up. So that's how I'm going to show up. So I actually think that that actually causes a little bit of friction in that we're like, okay, I want to show up as myself, but I'm watching this successful person and that's how they show up. So I'm going to dim my light a little bit so I can show up like that.

[00:09:08] And one of the things that I have learned. Somewhat just by a lot of trial and error is like, people can tell. And I never thought that in the beginning, I thought it was very fluffy, but like energy is a thing you are trying to hold yourself back or you're trying to soften a message. And I, I personally experienced this because I am, I'm a high D on the disc.

[00:09:28] I'm an Enneagram three, I'm a Colby Quickstart. I'm direct I'm to the point I'm passionate. I talk fast. And like in the beginning, people will be like, oh my gosh, I need to talk so fast. So I tried to talk to. Didn't work for me. Right. I tried to soften my message a little bit and it worked, it was effective, but like, I, my business really took off when I was like, okay, listen, I talk fast.

[00:09:50] I talk with my hands and I'm going to tell you things that are going to make you a little bit uncomfortable, but I'm doing it with love. And like, it was such a game changer in the way that my business grew, because I started showing up like myself, not. You know, one or two other people in the comments told me, they thought I should do.

[00:10:05] Or again, I just, I didn't, I'm saying I don't want to offend people, but I, and I still never set out to be offensive, but I'm like, sometimes I'm going to say the hard thing. And if you find that offensive, I'm really sorry, but that's an awesome opportunity for you to do some. I always said with love. So that's kind of the lesson I've had to learn, but yeah, I think sometimes there is some friction in that, cause you're like I'm watching this person and that person and my personality, isn't like theirs.

[00:10:26] And that's the thing too. Cause I, I do talk a lot and I'd like to talk to people like I'm not bubbly, like you Ryan. And I'm like, so what? Right? Like your people are going to love you and your story and they're going to be attracted. 

[00:10:37] Veronica: Yeah, that that's a very valid point. I think that that's really important for people to get comfortable with because I think for a lot of us showing up on the online space for people to see and us not necessarily get an instant reaction is really uncomfortable.

[00:10:50] So I love that you really are asking people to step into that and. What are some of the mistakes that you see people making when they start designing their life and get into this space? 

[00:11:03] Ryann: Yeah. So the first mistake, and it's a mistake I actually made, and it is literally why we burned everything to the ground at the end of last year is the mistake of building a business that looks like somebody else's.

[00:11:16] And so what I mean by that is, you know, if you're like, oh, well, Veronica runs this type of agency and she has this type of team. So I'm going to set my business up like her, even though you have zero desire to run anything. Or, you know, you're like, oh, well that coach has coaches that, excuse me, coach side of their program.

[00:11:31] So I have to go do that. Right. So instead of really being intentional about, okay, I want my life to look like that. So I want to work with this many hours. I want to have this amount, this big of a team. I want to make this much money. I want to have my expenses look like this. We. And then really, how do we go about designing that?

[00:11:46] So for me, it's always, it's like begin with the end in mind. And for me, the mistake that I made was I put a monetary end. It was like, look at my goal is X number of dollars. And I wasn't really intentional about what people, what did that, what do those dollars look like? What are you willing to invest to make that amount of money?

[00:12:01] You know, a time. How do you want your programs to look? How often do you want to show up? And I honestly, like I found myself on zoom calls, like legit, like from like nine to four, three or four days a week. And I was like, this is exhausting. This is not, you know, this is not really what I had in mind when I decided to become an entrepreneur.

[00:12:19] So the first thing I recommend is really thinking about not just the amount of money you want to do. But how much time you want to spend, how often you want to work and understanding that in the beginning, it might not look like that. But with that being your end game, right. If you're like, okay, I eventually want to get to the point where I work three days a week and I have a team of 10.

[00:12:35] Right. So then work backwards. We're understanding that the first 12 months it might not look that way. Right. But knowing where you're going, I think it's really important. And like I said, I set a monetary goal, but I wasn't super clear on what I wanted my life to look like at that dollar amount. Okay. It wound up looking the way that the one, when I got there, it got there monetarily and frankly, you know, it was, it wasn't worth the price that I paid for it to be.

[00:13:01] Yeah. Just 

[00:13:02] Veronica: that, that ROI for you walking away from a successful career, if you, if it doesn't match with your values, then you're going to struggle with. So I, I liked that. What are some of the ways that you work with your clients when they are struggling? Because I know sometimes we'll be working with folks who have one foot in one foot out, so they haven't quite taken the leap for whatever reason, but they're still trying to build and create an online platform.

[00:13:28] I'm actually working with someone right now who is a book author. I know you're a book author. You're also a podcast here and there it's one foot in and one foot out. So a lot of their resources are limited. How. Folks to balance that part out because they still have obligations elsewhere. 

[00:13:43] Ryann: Sure. I wish that I had a really pretty answer for this.

[00:13:46] And for me, honestly, when I was, cause I, I side hustled all the way to, like I had to completely replace my corporate salary or, you know, at least my monthly income before I could leave. And so. For me, I wish that my answer was pretty, but it was an, it was a lot of sacrifice of time. However, what I found was getting really intentional with how you're spending your time, right?

[00:14:07] If you only have one to three hours a day to really focus on your, your, your side hustle, right. Cause you're committed to this corporate career then you need to make sure that that one to three hours is extremely intentional in what your. Like, what are you doing in that time? Is it actually income producing?

[00:14:23] Is it actually moving the needle? Is it actually the activity that you need to be to be taken? Cause a lot of people are like, I'm spending all of this time, but you find out they're spending time on. You know, lower value tasks, not useless tasks, right. But lower value tasks that aren't actually the ones that are moving the needle.

[00:14:39] And if you're like, okay, Ryan, well, what are the tasks that are moving the needle? You know, if the reason you haven't fully pulled yourself out of that corporate job is income. Then the activity is it's sales activity, right. And for me, sales activity is human to human connection. It's you know, any kind of visibility.

[00:14:54] So anything that we're on a cupboard, like a hundred percent, I made time for that podcast, guesting you know, guest blog. Yes, wherever somebody would let me talk. I went for it, right. That was, that was important to me. And then human to human connection, coffee chats you know, networking events, talking to people, connecting with the people in my existing ecosystem.

[00:15:10] So for me, those were the activities that really moved the needle. And so those were the activities that get prioritized. And they're usually the ones that get put on the back burner because they're typically the ones that make us the most uncomfortable. Right. We feel safe when we're like, I'm just going to write this blog, or I'm going to record this podcast in my closet, or I'm going to write the social media content, which again are all important parts of business growth.

[00:15:29] But in the beginning, if it's like, okay, we need to get at a certain, certain income level to kick this corporate job out. It's focused on the sales activity first. Yeah. 

[00:15:37] Veronica: And, and, you know, you're speaking my love language. Cause when you talk about visibility, that's exactly right. You know, some people will put their money into an advertising budget, which is very important and you know, people are very successful doing it and you absolutely should.

[00:15:51] Part of your visibility strategy, but guest podcasting blogging that type of earned media, especially in the non-traditional space is such an investment. And part of the reason why I love that you said that is because it's got legs and it's got longevity. So what we call evergreen, you did radio sales, you know exactly what I'm talking about, that evergreen concept, what are some of the things that people could be doing right now, if they haven't decided to launch to start that because I loved the, the thing you said about content creation.

[00:16:21] Ryann: Yeah. So for me, I, what I did was I really simplified content creation, like to something that took me like 30 minutes a week. So, because it was cut, content is important because if you're going to go out and you're going to say guest podcasts, and someone's gonna be like, Ooh, Veronica, she's brilliant.

[00:16:34] They're going to go check you out. Right? So you want some level of content, but for me, I got it down to. Super simple, very basic content that just like told people I'm here, I'm a real human and I know what I'm talking about, but that was it. Right. I didn't get into like long form content or conversion content or stories.

[00:16:51] I was just like, Hey, I know what I'm talking about. Like, that was the most important thing to me to prove. So I got that down to a really simple factor. I actually wound up investing in in podcast guesting. That was like one of the first like larger kind of marketing investments that we made because knew.

[00:17:04] I'm great at talking to people. I've been a salesperson my entire career. So we invested heavily in that very early on when I want to say heavily, but we, you know, we invested in that early on and then outside of that, it was human to human connection. And like the internet has done so much of the work for us.

[00:17:18] Right. Created Facebook groups where groups of our ideal clients are already hanging out. And so it was going into those spaces and answering questions and serving people, right? Like that was such an easy, free way to show them to know what I was talking about when somebody is like, how do I get clients?

[00:17:31] And I can answer their question, not in a pitchy salesy way. You know, it was instant earned credibility, not just from the original poster, but everybody else who happened to read that response. So I was like, what's already free. What's already happening on the internet. And how can I go get involved in those conversations?

[00:17:47] And start building that Thor, that authority and that credibility because you know, you, you solve one or two people's problem in a Facebook post, you know, in a group. And they're like, Ooh, who's this person. Right? And then they want to connect with you and they want to be part of whatever it is. You're building in your Facebook group, following you in Instagram, like whatever it is you're doing.

[00:18:03] So for me, that's how I spent my time was how do I build credibility and authority as quickly as possible? And it was like, there's all these conversations already have. How can I go serve in those conversations? 

[00:18:14] Veronica: Right. And, and that for you was free, it was an investment of your time and resources, but you, but you weren't, it wasn't part of your advertising budget per se.

[00:18:24] Ryann: Yeah, that'd be a little bit, it was, it was time, but it was time that I had, I didn't have any. And you know, that's what kind of misses a mindset shift. If you are still kind of doing the side hustle thing is thinking through it. Because a lot of people like, right, I don't tend to do that. I don't have time to do that.

[00:18:35] I had so many clients tell me that early on in front of me. And I was like, listen, if you had a client right now that was paying you, you would find time. You would find time to write the copy, but find time to take the coaching call. You would find time to do whatever it is they hired you to do. So if you don't have time to sell your stuff, you don't have time to serve.

[00:18:51] So you need to like, and people are like, oh yeah, no, I would find time for that. You know, again, you'd get out of bed early to write that piece of copy that that client needed, right? Like you would work through your lunch break to, you know, deliver that whatever design project that your client needed.

[00:19:05] Right. So that's what we have to do. Like I always told my clients early on was like, you are the first. You are the first time put yourself in your workload, like you would anybody else and that mindset shift often kind of figures out. Well. Yeah, no, I would find that time because somebody was paying me for it right when I was paying you for it until you find.

[00:19:24] Veronica: Yep. I love that. Be your number one client. I, yeah, for sure. A hundred percent. And it actually, it took me a little while to get used to that because I was, you know, as, as a PR person, you're always the person in the background, you plan events, you talk to media, you do all the pitching. And it was just until recently that I heard someone say that, that I started adapting that and started putting myself out there as an expert in, in to be interviewed for for different PR type markets.

[00:19:49] Articles. So I love that advice because it takes us some of us, even if we've been doing it a long time, a bit to get comfortable with that and showing up authentically, 

[00:19:57] Ryann: I think. Absolutely. And you're going to be like, can we just, let's just throw it out there. You're going to be bad at it in the beginning.

[00:20:03] Right. I don't know Veronica, if he follow Russell Brunson at all, but he is the founder of click funnels if you're not familiar. But one of the things he talks about is like start publishing. When nobody is paying attention so that by the time people are paying attention, you're good. Right? Like if you wait to start publishing and we can, publishing is podcasting publishing is posting on social media.

[00:20:23] Like I'm using it as the broad, the broad. But if you wait to start putting yourself out there until you're comfortable until you feel like you're good at it, you're too late, right? Like in the beginning, you're not going to be awesome at it. Your first podcast interview is probably going to be a little uncomfortable, right?

[00:20:37] Your first sales guy was. Your first sales call is probably not going to go really gracefully, but you know, I want you, we want to practice, right. You have to, you know, you have to master the basics to become great. I think that's a Brian Tracy quote, but like, that's really when you're thinking about, okay, you know, once my website is perfect, then I'll start, you know, doing this, I'll start doing that.

[00:20:56] Like, it's like, you got to start now because you want, once you're on that big stage, you get that lame, that huge podcast interview, you get that amazing placement, you know, in, in magazines or, you know, in an article somewhere, you want to make sure that you have. The the, your God, right? Like I was. Interviewed for a Forbes article.

[00:21:13] I think it was about the middle of last year and it was incredible. It was amazing. It was fun. And I, I mean, I loved it and it was very cool, but like had that happened in the beginning,

[00:21:24] you know, so it took me two and a half years to get that Forbes feature, but it, but I was ready when I got there. I knew what to say. And I was clear in my messaging. I knew what to ask. You know, my, all of my systems were set up for the, the traffic we were going to get. But if I would have done that at the beginning, it would have been cool at a minimum to be like, cool.

[00:21:37] I wasn't. But we wouldn't have captured 

[00:21:39] Veronica: anything from it. Right. Right. Now I love that. Well, Ryan, tell us how people can work with you. I know you've got a lot of great projects coming up, super excited about them, but share a little bit of how people can reach out and connect. 

[00:21:50] Ryann: Yeah. So best places to find me, our website is being the room dot.

[00:21:53] I am at Ryan Dowdy official on Instagram and Tik TOK, and we have a Facebook group called be in the room. I am an open networker, so connect with me on whatever platforms, start a conversation with me. I love to talk to people. So what do we have going on right now? So I have kind of three, three different things if you will.

[00:22:09] First and foremost is our being the Raymond membership, which is an annual virtual membership. It's our community where you connect with other you know, high achieving really incredible smart women to collaborate, share ideas, and learn from one another. We have an incredible event coming up in September, called the ultimate upgrade, where we are actually bringing together six different speakers to talk on four core subjects.

[00:22:28] So we're talking about health, we're talking about relationships, we're talking about business and we're talking about money and we're doing that very intentionally because so many business conferences are just business or you can like go to the yoga retreat and I'm not mad about either one. I have done both.

[00:22:41] But I'm like, you know, we are whole people. It's kind of like what we talked about. Like we're not just, we're not just our jobs. We're not just our. You know, we're not just who we are at home. We're we're whole people. And so we wanted to create an event that that is for all of you. So that is an opportunity.

[00:22:54] And then I also do a lot of consulting in one-on-one working with my clients. So I do some VIP days and some longer-term projects. So if you're like, Hey, the sales stuff is kind of really daunting for me. I'm happy to have those conversations. That's not something you're going to find on the internet about me.

[00:23:09] It's, it's something that I've done primarily through relationships. It's really important to me that it's. And I can support you, but that's how I serve my clients. And I'm just so blessed to do the work that I do every day. And 

[00:23:18] Veronica: you do a fantastic job, Ryan. Thank you so much. And how can people find you on?

[00:23:23] I know you've got a great podcast as well, for those on all the PLA podcast platforms. 

[00:23:27] Ryann: Yeah. Be in the room. Everything is under the, be in the room, name, the website, the social channels. And then yeah, the podcast as 

[00:23:32] Veronica: well. That's fantastic. Thanks. Thank you, Ryan. It has been a pleasure chatting with you.

[00:23:37] Ryann: Thanks so much. All 

[00:23:40] Veronica: right. You guys that wraps up this episode of Saturday soundbites. Ryan had some great tips. I hope you tuned in. Be sure to connect with her. Being in the room is fantastic. It's being in the room.org and there's lots of great resources. You want to connect with folks. You want to be able to learn from people who have walked this path and are doing what it is you want to do.

[00:24:00] So I'm gonna go ahead and wrap up this episode of Saturday soundbites, but I'm going to remind you to make sure that you hit subscribe for the podcast. If you're listening. To us. And if you're watching on Facebook or YouTube, drop us some comments and Ryan and I will go back to connect with you with that.

[00:24:14] I'm going to be sending you lots of positive energy and light.

[00:24:25] All right. Good job. Yay. Let me see. Did I push? Yeah. All 

[00:24:32] Ryann: good. 

[00:24:34] Veronica: No, I didn't push the button. We're good. I'll edit that part out. I forgotten. Cut off. Moving the little. Yeah, moving the dial. Let me see. Did I push it's pushed, not pushed. My little button is stuck here.


Episode 22


Episode 17