Episode 41

Using Quiz Funnels to Explode Your Business with Kylie Lang

Welcome, Kylie Lang, Sales Funnels Strategist to Saturday Soundbites!

If you have ever wondered what a solid and effective sales funnel looks like and how it works, then you don’t want to miss one minute of this episode!

If you have a sales funnel and just want to learn more about improving on the strategy you are using, then you too will be able to watch live and ask your questions. 

Kylie Lang brings her expertise to the show and shares her gems on how funnels and quizzes can be the dynamite you need to take your business to the next level.

Join us and drop your questions in the comments.


[00:00:00] Veronica: Hello. Hello and welcome to Saturday soundbites. I'm your host, Veronica Sofer. I'm so glad that you're here with us today. Police forgive the frog like noises coming out of my mouth. I'm struggling just a little bit today, but no worries. I have a guest who's going to take over and she's going to give you all the bits of information you need.

[00:00:21] To figure out how to implement quizzes and bring them into your sales funnel. Guys, I'm so excited for this. I'm ready to take notes because this is one of the favorite things that I get to do is learn while I'm talking to experts. So if you're joining us here on Saturday soundbites on Facebook, make sure you let us know where you're listening from.

[00:00:40] You can just drop us some comments. We love to connect. If you are watching on. Hashtag replay. And if you're listening on our podcast, make sure you hit subscribe because we want to make sure that you get notified every time we drop a new episode. So with that, I'm going to bring our guests on. Her name is Kylie.

[00:00:58] She is fantastic. Kylie Lang is joining us. Hello? Hello? Hello.

[00:01:04] Kylie: Thank you so much. I'm very excited to be here and talk to you.

[00:01:08] Veronica: I am so glad. So listening from your accent. You are probably not stateside. Tell us where you're joining us. No,

[00:01:16] Kylie: I'm definitely not stateside. I'm actually in rural France right now.

[00:01:20] So I'm in a beautiful region called the , which is known as the sunflower regions. So lots of beautiful sunflowers in the month of August, but I'm actually British by birth. I grew up in England. I've. America. I lived in America, California for about two and a half years and also Australia for 10 years.

[00:01:37] So I'm a bit of a nomad, a bit of a gypsy, but I've now settled down in France and I absolutely

[00:01:41] Veronica: love it. Oh, fantastic. Well, I'm so excited Kylie. We, you know, on Saturday soundbites, we talk about all things, visibility strategy. So traditionally, when we talk about marketing, there are some strategies, campaigns.

[00:01:54] We talk about public relations and how they support. Your business growing. But when I found out that you were an expert in sales funnels, and then even even further niche down to quizzes, I was like, I have to have you on the show. I have to know more about this. So tell us what it is you do and how we can start learning about it.

[00:02:12] Kylie: Okay. So I've been a digital course creator now for 12 years. So what that means is that I have been selling courses. Pretty much online for the last 12 years. And of course, when I first started all that time ago pretty much most of the leads that we got in were driven by organic traffic. So this was before the need to pay for ads, hustle on social media.

[00:02:38] You know, do all the things you could pretty much. If you had a half decent website and you had a good name, You could pretty much just bring in leads on autopilot. It was really quite simple. Then it got to about 2015 and all of a sudden those leads that were coming in automatically, they didn't dry up, but they slowed down dramatically.

[00:02:59] And it got to the point where we realized that actually just being number one for Google in our niche was not enough. You need you to do more than that. And that's when I discovered something called a lead magnet and a sales funnel. And now I knew nothing about these things. In 2015, it was the first that I'd heard of them, discovered them and kind of by accident.

[00:03:21] I created my very first quiz because I thought, Ooh, if I'm going to attract people, maybe that would be a fun thing to do. And the way I looked at it, I love finding out things about myself. If I was flicking through a magazine and there was a quiz on 10 ways to keep your guy saying, or, you know, the best way to win your guy's heart or whatever, I was likely to take the quiz because, well, who doesn't want to know how to do that?

[00:03:45] And so I thought, wouldn't it be fun to do something like that? For my course, now, my courses were specifically for the wedding industry. So we created various different quizzes around. Do you have what it takes to be a wedding planner? What's your hidden wedding planner, talent, that type of thing. And without even realizing it, we started to drive traffic with this quiz, which obviously.

[00:04:10] Otherwise known as a lead magnet. So a quiz can be treated in the same way as using a guide. An e-book a cheat sheet, a checklist swipe file. They're all lead magnets. But essentially what they're doing is they are bringing somebody into your world. So they're bringing them in out of the. And they're giving them a seat by your fire, so to speak for you, to warm them up and start to build that know like trust factor, to get a connection with them and to really make them feel like they are in the right place.

[00:04:41] And from there now I did a lot of testing and tweaking and changing of different little topics and lines within the quiz to get it to a point where last year we bought in 14,000 leads, just with one. Just with that one particular quiz. And that's just one example. Now, obviously we're talking about the fact we started this in 2015 and kind of stumbled upon it.

[00:05:05] I hadn't even realized it was a sin. But we've developed it as we've gone along now. That's not to say that I haven't also used other leap magnets I have, but the beauty of this. Is a quiz, does many, many things. The first thing it does is it puts you out there as an expert in whatever it is that you're doing.

[00:05:24] So it kind of gives you that expert crown, because what you're doing is you're saying to your audience, what is your. Overriding problem that you would like me to answer or help you with. So what's that question that comes up all the time and most people's audiences. And this goes for any lead magnet that you want to create.

[00:05:42] Most people's audiences will have an overriding problem, an issue. That's why you created your business in the first place. It's that old adage, you know, your ideal client has a problem. You have the solution. That's the way it works in its most basic form is how it works. So with a quiz, what you're doing is you're saying, okay, what is an overriding question that comes up for most of the members of my.

[00:06:07] And how can I answer that question and then break it down into three or four other more distinct answers dependent upon the answers that people give me. So with the queers, what happens unlike any other lead magnet out there is it allows you to get very, very, super targeted. So once you've got your generic question, you can then identify from that one question.

[00:06:34] What are three or four other more index questions that people would ask related to this, to this particular topic. And of course, with the answers that you can give, you can really hone in on, for example, maybe I know, certainly for me, my audience, one of their problems is fear of failure. One of them is I don't think I'm going to get any clients.

[00:06:56] Another one is, I don't know how to price my services, but their overriding question is where do I see. So when they answer certain questions within my quiz, I can go up your son, who's frightened of failing. So all of the marketing and all of the emails, all of the content that I drive to them after that point hits on how they can overcome that feel of a fear of failure, how it can be better for them or how they can price their services or tricks of the trade for getting clients and how it works, whatever it might be.

[00:07:26] But I'm able to really pinpoint and hone in on those. Now, as we all know, people are sick of generic marketing. Now, you know, we can smell a cheesy car salesman from Amala and that's not what we want. We want people to feel like whoever is who's approaching us or whoever it is that we're going to work with.

[00:07:46] We want to feel like they understand us, that they get us, that we could ultimately sit down and. I have a cup of coffee with them or a glass of wine or a piece of cake or whatever it might be. You want to have that family with the person you're going to work with, but it's very difficult to build that sort of relationship online.

[00:08:05] Unless you actually know something about your audience. You have to have an understanding. As who they are, what they're suffering with, why it's difficult for them to overcome that. And with your cruise results, you can give them that answer. So quizzes are powerful for segmentation for targeted marketing, but the other reason that they're so good.

[00:08:26] Yeah. Lead magnets are great. We all know we need one because we have to give people something of value to bring them into our world. That's the whole point of a lead magnet. It's no longer good enough to say, sign up for my newsletter. That's boring. Nobody wants to sign up for a newsletter. You know, we're human beings and we always ask, well, what's in it for me.

[00:08:47] Why should I do that? Why, what am I going to get in return? You know, that's always, the overriding question is what's in it for me. And so your lead magnet, whatever it is, whether it's a quiz or guide or whatever has to be something of value. So we know that, and we understand that, but with a quiz it's interactive.

[00:09:04] It's fun. It's giving you knowledge about yourself now as human beings, we all have this thirst for self knowledge. We all want to find something out about ourselves. So if you think about the Buzzfeed quizzes that you see on things like Facebook what friends character are you? What Harry Potter house would you be?

[00:09:23] We can't help it. You know, what game of Thrones character we want to know? You know, would I be in Griffin door? You know, am I Monica, or am I Rachel? You know, whatever it might be, we can't help ourselves. So we take the. And that's the power behind quizzes is they're clickable. They're interactive, they're fun.

[00:09:41] They're engaging. They give your audience something to know about themselves, but a really good quiz gives people a quick win as well. Chris, you have to give them something actionable. So you start off, you have to have a clicker, clickable topic, as we say, and we've touched on that already by the fact that it needs to be an overriding question, you know, that your audience would like to know the answer.

[00:10:05] So dependent upon how clever your questions are. And there's usually between eight to 10 questions in a really high converting quiz. Those questions will give you the answers that you use to segment your audience. Then those questions having segmented your audience will give them one of three or four.

[00:10:25] Okay. Those results are where you start to really give the value. So the results will hit on the problem, but without making them feel like they're a complete and utter failure as you're doing right,

[00:10:37] Veronica: right. There's a balance.

[00:10:38] Kylie: There definitely a balance because the last thing you want to do is make somebody feel like crap.

[00:10:43] You really don't want them to feel like that. You want them to feel like you acknowledge and understand their problem, but Hey, This doesn't have to be a problem. Here's the solution. Now, obviously I'm sort of making it a little bit, I'm dumbing it down. Is it a bit more involved in it, but that's essentially what you're doing.

[00:11:01] So you're saying I acknowledge you've got a problem. Here's some ways that we can solve that problem. And here's something of action that you can do right now to move forward in this problem. So that's what your results page has to do then from there. You take that information that you've got on with your nurture sequence, which is where your sales funnel comes in because all a sales funnel is, is it is taking somebody from point a to point B on the journey.

[00:11:28] They start off at point a where they've seen you, whether that's on Instagram, whether it's on your website or, you know, whatever, it might be to point B where they've actually got onto your email list. So all a sales funnel does is it helps people to discover. They give you their name and email address in return for something of value and you deliver that value and then you send them a series of emails and those emails are basically saved through an email platform could be, you know, any type of CRM, whether it's active campaign convert kit, you know, whatever it is.

[00:12:02] That's. You're following them from one point to another, but the money is in those nurture emails. And of course, with those emails, like I said, you can be so talkative because you notice so much information about your audience, through the questions you've asked and the answers they've given. So when you're thinking about questions that you're going to put within a quiz, never, ever, ever give them the option of yes, no.

[00:12:29] Ah, it doesn't give you anything about you at all. So that's one big tip there. Never, ever, ever use yes-no answers. We want a lot more information now. Very rarely do we also give them the opportunity to write too much either. So we do the sinking for them, but we're giving them very descriptive answers that are all very different, but a hitting on those four pain points that we know.

[00:12:55] Com and are related to that overriding question. Does that make sense? Yeah, it does. Yeah. So that's essentially where you get to be so targeted with what you're doing, which is what no other lead magnet can do, because if you're just delivering a guide or a cheat sheet, what are you discovering about yourself?

[00:13:16] They wanted that cheat sheet. Right? You don't know anything more. And the wonderful thing about sales funnels now is if you use the right CRM and I'll use for example, active campaign, because it's one of the ones I use, you can actually take those details. Those answers that you got in the quiz, and they can actually be.

[00:13:35] Into your CRM, which means you can actually use that information within your emails, just by using a few little tags within the emails. It will actually rather than have to send four different emails because you've got four different results. You use the one email, you use a tag within the email that then say, Hey, Veronica.

[00:13:55] It was great to chat to you. I know you have this overriding fear of failure as we discovered in your quiz results. And so you go on and you go on and you go on. But within those emails, like I said, you can really deliver information that helps them at the point that right now, with the struggles they have.

[00:14:14] Right now. And the whole point of these emails is to be channeling them towards that next micro-commitment with you. Now that's going to look different dependent upon what business you have. If you're a coach, for example, it might be that the next commitment you want from them is to get on a discovery call with you.

[00:14:31] If you have digital products, it might be to invest in your low cost digital product. You know, whatever it might be. If you've got a course, maybe the next step is to. Jump onto an evergreen webinars that you have that then sells your course afterwards. You know, there's, there's lots of different avenues that you could go down and dependent upon the business that you've got.

[00:14:51] But essentially you have all this juicy information. And the thing that people love now about quizzes above all the other lead magnets out there is they're interactive part of them. It's not something that's static. That's just going to get downloaded. Sit on your desktop. You might get halfway through reading it if you're lucky.

[00:15:09] And I forget it's even. With a quiz, you're doing it all upfront. And I think our audience is a very smart. Now we've all because we've spent nearly two years being locked up. We've all been online. So we've all been exposed to lots of different forms of marketing. We've seen the pop-ups and the cheat sheets and this white files and they're this and they're that, and this is going to change your life downloads and what happened.

[00:15:33] We're kind of over those, right? We, we, we don't connect with them in the same way as we used to. We want something that's going to be quick, fast, actionable, give us results, teach us something about ourselves and be fun to take in the meantime. So this is another tip for you. Not every question you have has to give you solid information.

[00:15:54] Some of your questions can just be fun. So for example, a question that we often suggest to people to use is, for example, if you were a business answer, what would you be now? I'm an alcoholic. I absolutely love Abba. So my four choices are always one of the other songs, but, you know, dependent upon who you are and who your audience are and what they're going to connect with you over, you would have different.

[00:16:15] It might be that you're, you know, Destiny's child or, you know, whatever it might be now that doesn't really tell you anything about your. But it keeps them engaged. It makes them want to continue through the quiz. So your questions are made up of what we call three different types of questions. You've got a lead generation question.

[00:16:35] You've got a diagnosis question. Now the diagnosis questions, you will normally have four or five of those. Those are your gold ones. Those are your inflammation questions where you're really learning about your ideal client. And then you've got none. And non diagnosis are the ones that they kind of come in two stages.

[00:16:54] One of them is going to be about visualization because towards the end of the quiz, what you're wanting to do is to get people to visualize what it would be like to work with you, or buy your product, or have what it is that you've got, whatever that solution to their problem is. You start to get them to visualize that with a question along the lines of, you know, If you had $5,000 to spend on your marketing, you know, what would you spend it on?

[00:17:24] So that would be, if somebody said, you know, getting clients is a problem for me. So now we seem to them, well, if you had X, Y, and Z, how would it make you feel? What could you do those types of questions, the visualization questions. And then as I said, the other type of non diagnosis, other fun ones, the ones that are.

[00:17:39] Yeah, I'm a Beyonce or, you know, whoever you might actually feel like you are, you know, there's different ways of doing that. Another one would be out of these spaces, which one would be your perfect office space. And it might be that you've got somebody sat on a beach with a laptop. Somebody might be sat in a cafe.

[00:17:53] Somebody might be sat under a tree, you know, I don't know whatever you want to put in there, but those are non diagnosis questions that just make people sink. They make them they're fun. It keeps them going through the quiz, right? Because the last thing you want is a drop-off halfway through, because these answers, these questions are just too serious.

[00:18:12] So you've got to consider that as well. So there is a lot that goes into a quiz. And the one thing I will say is it, isn't the quickest lead magnet in the world to put together, but it is the highest converting. It is the cheapest, as far as Facebook ads are concerned. So my quiz. Roughly average is 10 cents per lead.

[00:18:32] So my. It's because it's a traffic generation, one that just converts like crazy. So, like I say, it's not the easiest one that, you know, it takes me for my clients. I now build quiz funnels for other people. It takes me between four to six weeks to put together a really high converting.

[00:18:54] Veronica: So that is a

[00:18:54] Kylie: long time because I have to research, we have to know and understand we have to come up with the right questions.

[00:19:00] And here's something else for you to think about as well. You never, ever, ever start off with the questions. You start off with the results because you can't put the questions together. If you don't know what your results are. So obviously your first thing that you're going to want to do is come up with your pickable topic.

[00:19:16] The big question that you're under. Then it's your results. What are your results? Because until you know, those, you cannot put together any type of diagnosis questions, and you certainly can't come up with the answers that you're going to have to those questions. Sure. That makes sense. Yeah. So there's a strategy it's like with anything in business, you have to have a plan, you have to have a strategy and it's just the same with the quiz funnel.

[00:19:36] What I can say is. So worth the time and effort, because it's one of those things that once you've put it together properly, you've not rushed it. And then you've given yourself a time to tweak things and change things dependent upon where if you see any drop-offs for example you can analyze which question are they dropping off out?

[00:19:57] What, at what point are they dropping off the quizzes? You can look at those analytics and say, oh, okay. It's questions. Let's change question seven and see if that changes in a week's time. And then you can go back if it's has changed, then you know, that question seven was the right thing, but never changed more than one thing at once because you can't then analyze what the problem is,

[00:20:14] Veronica: right?

[00:20:14] Yeah. That makes sense. And so when you're thinking about. You know, you mentioned your particular niche and then you mentioned business coaches. What has your experience been with the spaces where quizzes work best? And the reason why I'm asking is because I'm half of our audience. Our traditional online entrepreneurial words, but then the other half of our audience are traditional brick and mortar businesses.

[00:20:40] We've got a couple of doctors, insurance agents a couple of people in the professional space. How would someone like that think about a quiz to generate

[00:20:48] Kylie: leads? Oh, you can absolutely do it for brick and mortar stores. So for example, a very good one here to use would be at Sephora. So Sephora have a quiz that helps you choose your lipstick shade based on your skin.

[00:21:02] Yeah. So that's just an example there. So you can use it for e-commerce quite easily. You can absolutely use it for a myriad of different professions. For example, we've got somebody that they run an accountancy firm, but they don't do monthly packages. They do like this, this year package that helps you with everything to do with your money management.

[00:21:26] So she has a quiz that talks about what type of money manager. Oh, you somebody that, you know, pushes the bills under the table and pretends they don't exist. Are you somebody that's on it with your numbers and does this, this and this. So there's four different types, but this helps her to really understand the point at which her.

[00:21:46] Need help. And it helps her to understand what packages she needs to put together, but it's also giving something that can control. Additionally, be thought of as a little bit boring. Isn't the most exciting thing in the world. And I'm sorry to your insurance people, but neither is insurance. It's true. The cute, the personality though, doesn't it?

[00:22:06] It makes it fun. And it suddenly makes you think, well, maybe managing my finances so difficult or maybe it doesn't have to be so boring and maybe the numbers don't have to be so scary because you've got this person that's suddenly understands what your challenges are. And same with insurance. You know, there's, there's all sorts of different ways.

[00:22:24] You could do it with insurance, from, you know, coming up with a fun type of quiz that talks about, you know, what do I need in order to make sure that everybody I care about is taking care of, you know, If you were talking about life insurance, for example, and there's so many different ways that you can do that without having to be invasive, without having to be a cheesy car salesman, you know, without having a faceless brand that people just get insurance.

[00:22:53] Don't want to think about it. You can not wait that I've not yet come across any type of business that can't use. You just have to sync around the questions that you get asked all the time. So the first place I always start when someone says, well, what would I create a quiz on? I always say to them, what do you have in your FAQ?

[00:23:13] What are the most frequently asked questions that you have? Do the mind of your inbox, go and have a look at all of those questions that come in via email all of the time. If you have a Facebook. Go get in that Facebook group and go put a pole in there and ask your audience. They're the ones that are going to tell you.

[00:23:30] So that's really where you start with this type of thing is thinking about the questions. You know, your audience are asking you all of the time. There's a reason. They're asking you those questions all of the time. It's because they really want the answers to it. And so therefore that's where you start with your quiz topic.

[00:23:49] That's where you start with thinking about that overriding question, because you know, it's a question they're going to be asking. So therefore, you know, it's something they'll click on because they want the answer to it because they've been asking the question.

[00:24:00] Veronica: Right, right. It's brilliant. It's a really brilliant concept.

[00:24:04] And so my mind goes to, we're talking about how to bring in li. And you've created this sales funnel. And you mentioned this once or twice, and that. We get to the point to where you're there on your email list and what do you do next? I mean, I, I assume you see people who do not do a good job of the next part of it.

[00:24:23] How do you bridge them from having these great leads that are solid, where you know, their pain points to the next part of the process?

[00:24:32] Kylie: So with the questions that you've asked, you should be able to understand what platform you need to be on in order to give the most value to your clients. Now, in some cases, email is the best thing, depending upon your business, because that's where people are going to build their connection with you.

[00:24:53] It's where people are going to really be checking all of the time. So continuing to send emails after they've gone through. Nurture funnel of emails is going to be imperative. So being able to get to the point where you send a weekly email, there isn't necessarily about your business, but it's about building that know like trust factor.

[00:25:14] So something I do in my business all the time is I send out a weekly email that goes out on a Friday. And it's all, it's mainly about things that have gone on in my life that week, but I relate that back to business. So for example, the one that went out yesterday talked about the fact that tomorrow I'm flying to the UK to do a conference, and I'm excited because I'm going to meet people, but I'm also kind of new.

[00:25:39] Because I'm not going to know anybody in I conference. And I don't like doing cold outreach. In other words, standing in a room with people that I don't know and going up to them saying, hi, my name is Kylie. I'm a crisper, no strategies. What do you do? Oh, it makes me feel sick. And so in that email, I was able to say, do you feel like that as well, does that absolutely.

[00:26:00] And completely make you want to run for the Hills? And then I gave them a piece of ice and I said, do you know what my dad told me every time I felt like that you have to be, you have to get comfortable feeling uncomfortable. So my question to you. What are you going to do this week to start feeling comfortable with being uncomfortable?

[00:26:17] So in that email, I was building that trust factor. I was giving them a little bit of insight into who I am, what I'm doing, where I'm going. I'm building my expert status because I'm telling them, Hey, I'm off to a conference. I'm speaking at a conference. I'm somebody. But at the same time, I'm sending you.

[00:26:34] I'm also kind of scared too, because you don't like this whole, you know, networking thing where I don't know people. So I'm being vulnerable as well. Yeah, not all of those things went through my head when I wrote an email. It wasn't till I dissected it after. So I'm like, oh, actually that was. And I got a lot of responses from it, but the whole point behind that is you continue to build that know like trust factor now for you, for Anika, you have this great podcast.

[00:26:58] So you're building your know like trust factor by being really consistent with your content every Saturday. When you do this and then send out the podcast on a Sunday, that's your platform for speaking to your. So you could quite easily have a quiz that talks to people about their pain points with being visible and getting visible.

[00:27:16] And what's holding them back with being visible, which then leads them to come to your podcast, listened to you, build that connection by hearing you every Saturday, et cetera, et cetera. So everybody's platforms are going to be different, but the key here is consistency. You've worked hard to get those leads coming.

[00:27:32] You've you've given them a great result. You've given them a quick win. You've helped them take action. And then you've built that relationship through those six emails, which is usually what I do in my nurture campaign after my quiz. So you can't suddenly go bang cold, nothing. There has to be something that you deliver now, you, you don't need to deliver them an email that is as big as the ones I sent.

[00:27:57] You, for example, like I said, have this great platform. So your email might simply be on this week's episode of Saturday soundbites. I was chatting to Kylie Lang all about quizzes. Come join me and listen to the replay here or whatever. It can be really simple, really easy, but. You are still reaching them.

[00:28:14] You're still giving them something of value. The key here is to discover what platform your audience like, what you're comfortable with and being consistent with it after that point. So by bringing them into your world, by nurturing them, by telling them your story through the emails that you've sent by, you know, having calls tracking.

[00:28:35] In those emails, they should be at a point where even if they're not ready to buy from you or, you know, sign on the dotted line for your service, whatever it might be, they're still interested enough to want to stay in there in your world. They just want to get to know you that little bit better stats at the moment.

[00:28:52] So you need 14 touch points before somebody will buy from you.

[00:28:57] Veronica: That is, that is a lot. That is a lot, but Kylie, I have to tell you, my brain is just exploding with ideas. So I, I literally have page after page of notes here. I kept trying to be discrete and taking them off to get to the next clean page to take notes.

[00:29:13] So this is, so my question to you now. How do people reach you? It we've got your website there, but tell us how you work with folks because even, even the suggestion you had right now for Saturday soundbites was a perfect one. And I was like, when we get done with this, I need to talk to her. So how it connects with you.

[00:29:31] Kylie: So there's three different ways. I have what we call a done for you service. And that's where I build your quiz funnel for you. And as I said, that takes between four to six. For me to do everything for you. I'm so fully done for you service. I also have a service, which is like a two hour discovery session where we map out your quiz funnel for you, but you go away and implement it and do the work.

[00:29:54] But. We get it to a point where you know what you're doing. I have swipe files and templates, volu, lots of how to videos, et cetera, et cetera. Then I also about to on Monday, the 15th of November, we're doing a five day bootcamp on how to build your quiz funnel. It's free. It's five days of getting your Chris funnel to a point where you think you're more or less ready to go with it.

[00:30:21] And then I also offer a six week course after that, which is there's more done for you services in that, where we do the tech and the traffic, but you build the quiz. So lots of fun things going on. If you want to join us in the bootcamp, it's literally my website, which you can see on the screen forward slash.

[00:30:38] Really easy, but everything is on there. And if you want to take my quiz and actually see what it's like to go through a full quiz funnel, my quiz is kindly lang.com forward slash quiz. So really easy. Yeah. Very easy for you to that. That's

[00:30:55] Veronica: good. And I'm going to put that in the show notes for both the podcast and I'll go back and put that on Facebook as well.

[00:31:01] Kylie, I have to tell you, this has been one of my favorite episodes I learned. Much. It was very succinct and the strategy was very it was very methodical in the sense that once I could see where the next connection was and the next connection, and that's really where you can tell that people get value from the way that you, that you're working with them, because you're actually guiding them towards their next learning point, which I think is fantastic.

[00:31:27] So kudos

[00:31:28] Kylie: to you. Thank you. I love talking funnels. So specifically quiz funnels it's and they're fun things to build because you know, people are going to enjoy taking them and they're so powerful. So yeah, it is one of those things that I think you can probably tell that passionate I am

[00:31:44] Veronica: about it, but it's fabulous.

[00:31:46] All right. Well, thank you so much, guys. Make sure you check her out. Kylene lang.com. And with that, we're going to go ahead and wrap up the show. All right. Welcome to Saturday soundbites. We are. And with that, I'm going to have Kylie sign-off she's backstage. Now guys go to Kylie lang.com. I cannot tell you how excited I was to have her on the show.

[00:32:10] I looked up all of her content and I knew I was going to be able to get some great nuggets. So I hope you enjoyed this episode as much as I did. If you're listening on the podcast, hit subscribe. So you don't miss any of our episodes. If you're watching on the replay. The cash tag replay so that Kylie and I can go back and answer any questions you might have and be sure to take her quiz so that you know what we're talking about with that.

[00:32:33] I'm going to wrap up this episode. Thank you so much for joining us. And we look forward to seeing you next week and I will be sending you lots of positive energy and light.


Episode 42


Episode 40