Episode 6
Digital Marketing Jems with Monica Ruiz
Welcome, Monica Ruiz, an award-winning digital marketer to Saturday Soundbites! She is a senior digital marketing strategist for Starmark, an award-winning agency in South Florida, and Monica also owns Monetize Social Consulting, a marketing firm helping small businesses with social media and advertising campaigns. For more than eight years she's had her finger on the pulse of social media trends and culture.
Her outstanding work for clients has been recognized with a Facebook case study and several American Advertising Awards. Monica also serves as a contributing writer on eTips and other articles for emerging topics in the industry. She was also a chosen featured speaker at the 3CMA conference and Zapier.
Veronica: [00:00:00] Hello. Hello. Hello, and welcome to another episode of Saturday soundbites. Here we talk. All things. Visibility, strategy, marketing, advertising, public relations, branding, personal branding. What all those things mean? How they all come together and how they support you in growing your business. So we are thrilled that you are here today.
[00:00:22] We have a phenomenal guest. You are going to just be blown away with this woman's expertise and all the gems she's going to drop today. If you are listening on our podcast, make sure you hit the subscribe button. We want to make sure you don't miss any episodes. If you're watching on Facebook or one of the other social media platforms.
[00:00:39] Give us comments. We will be sure to address them and pull them up as we're going through. And if you're watching on the replay hashtag replay, we want to make sure that we follow up with you. If there was anything you were missing. So we're going to go ahead and get started today as always. This is an opportunity for you to learn from an expert so we can grow your brand.
[00:00:58] If you're an entrepreneur, a small business owner or someone just really looking to grow your brand, right. This is the right place for you. So we'll go ahead and get started. We're going to introduce our amazing guests today. We have Ms. Monica Ruiz and we are going to bring her up. Welcome Monica
[00:01:15] Monica: [00:01:15] Lou. Hi, how are you?
[00:01:17] I am great.
[00:01:17] Veronica: [00:01:17] Thank you so much for joining us. Why don't you introduce yourself and tell us
[00:01:21] Monica: [00:01:21] who you are. Sure. My name is Monica . I'm a digital marketing strategist. Um, I work at a advertising agency in Fort Lauderdale, running anything from digital media to strategy. Um, I also run my own, um, agency locally helping small to medium-sized businesses with their social media, anything from content development, content creation strategy, um, and just getting an understanding of the space.
[00:01:50] I think for a lot of small businesses, it's very overwhelming. So I, I like to, um, make sense of it all for them to help them grow their business. That's awesome.
[00:02:00] Veronica: [00:02:00] And for online entrepreneurs, that might be a little scary, cause that's a lot of big words. And for those of us who are not digital natives, as they're called, we had to learn how to use Facebook.
[00:02:12] We had to learn how to use Twitter and now Tik TOK and clubhouse. So tell us how it is. You go about helping people with that, both, um, on your, in your business and your corporate life, and then what you do on the side as well.
[00:02:25] Monica: [00:02:25] Sure. So. A lot of it is, um, I think there's a misunderstanding just in general.
[00:02:31] We have our own personal Facebook, Instagram, Twitter accounts. And I think a lot of small businesses entrepreneurs believe, or there's this notion that because they have their own personal accounts, that they can understand how to. Now transitioned to a business, uh, where it's a little bit different.
[00:02:49] There's a, um, the messaging is different. The strategy is different coming from social understanding that social media is just one piece of the pie, right? So it's part of this massive cohesive system where all of your digital marketing. So your, um, your website, how you're communicating on your website, how they're finding you online through your SEO.
[00:03:10] Um, You know what the messaging that you're, you're communicating outside of that your Google reviews, so that all plays in and social is one part of it. Um, so having being able to understand just the system that we're in itself really goes a long way. Um, one of the challenges that I see from small businesses is really the messaging part of, um, when it comes to social media.
[00:03:37] You know, there's not really a strategy. You might have topics, but you're kind of all over the place. Your website might say one thing, your Instagram might say something else. Your Facebook might say something else. So, um, it really is having a cohesive system and understanding digital marketing from a, a broader perspective can help you then dive into the nitty-gritty on Facebook and Instagram, because social media, I like to call it the wild wild West is a, is a it's.
[00:04:03] So. It's so large and it can be so overwhelming sometimes. So, um, being able to understand that personal Facebook first business Facebook is completely different. Yes. I'm
[00:04:17] Veronica: [00:04:17] so glad you said that. Excuse me, because you see people trying to bring all of that together and then it gets a little confusing and it gets a little noisy and you're not really sure.
[00:04:27] And I loved how you talked about cohesiveness. So how does one. Get to the core. How does one get to that core message and even start that process, because as you described some of those things, I think for those of us who have worked in the agency space or have worked on this side of the table, it all makes sense.
[00:04:46] Right? It's logical. There's a process. But maybe for a business owner, a product based business owner or a service provider that seems really overwhelming. What's step one. What do people need to be thinking about right now in this moment? If they have no idea what all that means, SEO and Google and all
[00:05:03] Monica: [00:05:03] of that.
[00:05:05] Absolutely. So, um, having a content calendar really goes a long way. Um, and that it can be coming. It can come in many forms, you know, on, on Google drive or, you know, there's plenty of tools out there that you can look into, but yeah. What it really is from when you look at it from the core of what it stands for, it really is kind of just a brainstorm, right?
[00:05:25] It's a brainstorm of topics and things that you want to say, and that, you know, that are happening in your space, whether, um, if you're e-commerce are you having a sale or Valentine's day is coming up. So what are you doing? This week or last week to start promoting those types of things. Um, so just really sitting down and just jot some ideas down and then you can then execute.
[00:05:48] Then you get into execution. Once you have that top line topic, you go into execution and then you might have an email execution of that one specific topic, a few social posts on that one specific topic, a website banner that talks about that topic. So, yeah. You know, it really starts from very upper level thinking, just a simple brainstorm.
[00:06:10] This is what we're talking about this month. And then you start to segment out how are you going to distribute that content on all the channels where your audience is on? So it really is a plan and, um, content calendar might sound overwhelming, but if you just jot down a few, a few ideas of things that you know are coming.
[00:06:29] Um, it can help a long way. I see a lot of times, um, I work with small businesses and they'll say we want to do a sale, or we want to do a giveaway, or we want to do this. Let's do it today. And it might in theory sound okay if you're doing it on social, social can be kind of forgiving sometimes where you can just put something up, but you can really.
[00:06:51] Expand on that. If you have a plan and if you think about it and jot out those ideas, like three weeks in advance, because now let's say for example, a giveaway, right, or even a sale, you can tease leading up to that sale. A few weeks before and started to generate interest. And now people are constantly looking back on your page.
[00:07:11] You've created this report where, um, you know, they know something's coming and they're more likely to keep coming back to your page cause they they're interested in whatever you have to offer about either a sale or a giveaway or whatever. So, um, being able to plan that out really helps. So, um, it's, I think a lot of times businesses are, um, Just go, go, go, go.
[00:07:33] And they haven't thought it through completely of the benefits of slowing down. No one knows that you're having a giveaway. No one knows that you have a sale yet. Um, so plan it out and be effective with your strategy before. Do you know? You just don't have to get it up to get it up.
[00:07:50] Veronica: [00:07:50] And what would you say to someone who is really unsure about what the right platform is for them?
[00:07:56] Um, they probably have a website. So I'm thinking about, um, I just completed a certification course with, um, some phenomenal, uh, healers and, uh, they're all going to start launching their NLP consultations, which is neuro-linguistics programming. And there were taught, we were talking about how to market that and what it needs to look like.
[00:08:16] Do you need to have a website? What social media platforms, where you should, you know, where should you be? Should you be doing Tik TOK videos? And if so, how do you do Tik TOK videos? And is it just what you're comfortable with or how do you recommend someone? Who's just launching something. They've got a website, but that's all they have.
[00:08:35] They know they need to be on social, but they're not quite sure which social platform they need to be on. And their time is
[00:08:39] super
[00:08:40] Monica: [00:08:40] limited. That's a really good question. Um, we get that a lot. My best recommendation is what is the one channel that you can own 100% and make it the best that it absolutely can be because you're right there.
[00:08:54] You know, each platform works completely different. Instagram is really, you know, photo driven, video driven. So it relies heavily on. What you're putting out there less about captions, where at Facebook, you know, you can share an article, you can share, you know, links, you know, there's other ways Twitter is more, text-heavy heavy, you know?
[00:09:13] Um, but you can also send pictures. A Tik TOK is all video. Um, so what is the one platform you can own? 100% I think do it right in one space. And then learn from that. And then experiment in another channel. I think to your point, a lot of businesses just want to be in all spaces and maybe not all spaces are right for them.
[00:09:38] So I think, you know, looking to see, looking at your audience, it really starts with research. Um, where, where is that audience are? Do they skew younger? Do they skew older? What data is out there? And there is data on this information as far as each platform. Gives their demographics, right? So are you talking to a business audience and you might want to really focus on your LinkedIn strategy rather than a Facebook strategy?
[00:10:03] Um, is your audience younger? Um, you know, younger audiences, I'd say 25 or maybe even 30 to two younger, they're going to skew really heavy on platforms like Tik TOK and Instagram, even Snapchat. Um, so finding, you know, who your audience is definitely key. And then. Figuring out if that's where they're spending most of their time, own that one channel then, and do it the right way.
[00:10:30] Veronica: [00:10:30] I love that. That's, that's really great advice, especially for people who are doing, uh, living in both worlds. Some people have nine to fives. Um, great examples of that. And then who runs successful side businesses in the evenings and on the weekends. And if your time is limited, I love that you talked about planning and from the research I've done, there are great content, calendar templates out there.
[00:10:53] Um, on kava, on Canva, on Google on a lot of different places. And if you're not ready to invest in a professional, then that might be a great way to start. So I love that you gave that idea. What kind of tips or mistakes do you. Help people rectify when they come to you with, with just trying to understand digital marketing and the strategy.
[00:11:14] Cause because what I love about what you do is it's not just advertising and this is how I'm going to place ads. And this is how I'm going to help you get a return on your investment. You literally dive into the strategy behind it. And I think that's what we don't talk enough about when we're talking about online enterprise or even traditional brick and mortar enterprise people might.
[00:11:37] Right. A business plan, but they don't go into a strategy of how to market and what that looks like. So can you share kind of your thoughts on that and some of the things you've seen
[00:11:46] Monica: [00:11:46] in your profession. Yeah, absolutely. Um, anytime I take on a new client, whether it's for the agency I work for or for, um, my clients that I have on myself, um, I say before I do anything, I am doing an audit on what you currently are doing, where your audience is.
[00:12:02] I'm looking at. Uh, their website, I'm making sure it's tagged correctly. And you know, that can, that's a whole conversation in itself. Um, as far as analytics go, uh, I'm looking at their Google analytics. I'm looking at their top pages. I'm looking at their SEO, what they're ranking for some things. So I'm really putting myself in the mindset of.
[00:12:21] Um, their consumer, maybe I'm not their ideal consumer, you know, based on some things, but I'm taking, I'm going through their customer journey, finding out where are some low hanging fruit things that we can improve on, where are some things that we're really missing from a strategy and really taking it from there and building upon it.
[00:12:42] So some clients might not be ready for advertising, you know, um, But there's some things that they can do with their current approach to really elevate and make some massive changes that they didn't even think of. And it really could be, you know, um, looking at the flow of your website tools, like Hotjar Hotjar is a, um, it's a heat map tool for your website, you know?
[00:13:08] Um, so one of the things that I see all the time is. We're we have X amount of traffic on our pages, but we're not converting. And so you really don't have the answer going into it, right? Like there's a million things of why someone is not taking a specific action, one of the best and easiest ways that you can, things that you can do is download and use a tool called Hotjar.
[00:13:31] You put that on your website and it starts to record. Your visitors, um, movements on your website, you can see like through different, um, what they're clicking on, what's called a heat squirrel. So you can see like, um, in some cases like maybe your, your audience is only reaching 30% of your website on mobile or desktop.
[00:13:50] So it shows you two views. So that, to me shows, like if they're only seeing the first screen on your website and. Let's say you have a banner that speaks nothing to about who you are or an offer. That's why they're not taking any information because there it's not in front of them. You're maybe their best content is below the fold of your website or to the bottom.
[00:14:10] So understanding first, your consumer. Journey, what actions that they're taking, who they are to, um, you know, I, I think a lot of times people don't really use the power of Google analytics or any analytics tool on Facebook shoe. They have audience insights. So, right. They're just looking at that and being able to put an analysis together on who like what people are doing, who your audience is really is the building foundation before you get into the strategy.
[00:14:38] So now that I've identified. Um, all the areas of improvements, all the gaps in your current approach. Now I can build on that. Right. You know, and then, um, then we can move on to bigger ideas that you haven't thought about before, maybe on the advertising space. Maybe it's an offer. Maybe it's, um, A platform or something, you know, something you haven't thought of before, but it really starts on just, what is your data?
[00:15:03] Your data is key to everything. You have the, you have everything that you need right in front of you. It's just digest it. Yeah, that's
[00:15:13] Veronica: [00:15:13] so true. And how does, how does one go about getting a website audit done? I've I love that, uh, that is one of the great, uh, nuggets of information that you've dropped, because oftentimes you hear big corporations talking about that, but you don't necessarily talk about small business owners doing that.
[00:15:33] And I think it's probably because number one, it's not in our forefront. Number two, there's not a marketing team or visibility team. That's thinking about it. And then number three, if we do know about it, it seems probably out of our reach or out of our budget, especially someone who might be running a part-time business on the side.
[00:15:51] So what would you say to someone in that, in
[00:15:53] Monica: [00:15:53] that space? Sure. I'd say, um, as far as doing it yourself, Um, a lot of, um, platforms like Google analytics, they have tools and education, um, tools that you can look in into how to understand the data. So they have like an education platform. I'd say if you're looking to, to own that, try that first.
[00:16:18] Uh, Facebook also has what's called a Facebook blueprint. And that kind of is like the Facebook school one Oh one. Um, so they have a lot of great resources and they break up the, um, content into bite sized nuggets. Cause it can be overwhelming. So you might take a 15 minute class, a 10 minute class, a 30 minute class.
[00:16:39] So, um, they break it up in different time in time segments with different specific content, um, ideas or learnings. And you can just pick up from there. There's also tools, pretty much every tool that you can think of. There's some kind of education platform, Google AdWords also has it on their certification side.
[00:16:59] So even if you have no intent of. Maybe using these advertising platforms, if you just understand the logic behind it, because a lot of the logic is the same, um, is really a good stepping stone to understanding this vast world of digital marketing. Yeah.
[00:17:16] Veronica: [00:17:16] And it's, it can be intimidating. Especially again, if it's not something that you're used to using just words like Google analytics, I mean, you know what those two words mean, but you're not sure what they mean put together and how it can affect your business.
[00:17:30] And so there's a huge learning curve for people. Uh, and if someone isn't interested and learning it, or maybe they don't have the capacity, how do they find someone who's reputable in that space? Um, whether it's a big agency or a small boutique agency, or maybe just someone who does it. Um, on the side.
[00:17:48] Monica: [00:17:48] Yeah, that's a really good question. And I, I see this a lot. And as a digital marketer and a business owner, I think one of the things I find most frustrating is the fact that it's such a, um, um, it's, it's a space where now everyone's an expert, right. And really it's hard to weed out the good eggs versus the people who've been doing this for years.
[00:18:11] And, um, I can say from small business owners, you know, don't. Don't be fooled by a lot of the, um, the, the terms that they use and how they're speaking. Cause they might sound like they can walk. Like they talk the talk, but they can't walk the walk. Right. And I think that is probably some of the hardest things that I've seen because I, I take on businesses where they I'm going in and they don't trust.
[00:18:40] What I'm saying yet, because they've dealt with someone who they they're talking about their expertise and they can do this and that. And then when it comes to execution, they have no idea. Um, I would say. There are tools and platforms ask for experience. Is this someone who has worked in your industry?
[00:19:02] Um, if they have any case studies or data that they can show of how they've improved someone else's business, um, and they should be able to, if you're not, you know, um, If you don't know all the lingo on digital marketing, they should be able to communicate it to you in a way that you can understand it.
[00:19:20] Probably the biggest thing, because if they're using all these terms, but they can't simplify the whole process for you. Um, and make it understandable to you then they're probably not a good fit because you're going to invest in this person. Who's going, who's saying all these things, saying all these magic words, and then you have no idea what they're actually doing for your business.
[00:19:40] And then they can't either report on it or you can't ask the right questions because. You know, you're you have no idea what they're talking about. You're just nodding your head. Sounds great. Sounds great.
[00:19:49] Veronica: [00:19:49] Yeah. Yeah. I mean that, that's really the fear that some of us go into with these conversations, because we know enough to know that we need to know about it, but we don't know enough to know.
[00:20:00] Who to get to help us with it and honestly, questioning the value is going to bring to your business. And so I love that you touched on the data, the case studies, and then I always tell people too, to ask for testimonials and referrals. I love to hop on a quick call with someone who has experience with someone that I'm considering doing business with, because I get a sense of how it has helped them.
[00:20:23] And if they can communicate it to me in a way that I understand that I know that they learned something and there's an opportunity for me to learn too. So I loved that. You said that, uh, what are some other tips that you want to share with folks based on what you've seen in, in your space and how you help entrepreneurs is in other words, What do we not know that we need to know as online entrepreneurs and small business
[00:20:47] Monica: [00:20:47] owners apps, there's so much.
[00:20:49] And I think in this, I'd say one of the key things that, um, I would tell an entrepreneur or someone who's just getting into this, like, um, Be kind to yourself because these platforms change all the time. Like there are some things where I'm like, I had no idea that changed or, you know, so be kind to yourself.
[00:21:10] It's a learning process. Like as I've been doing this for 10 years and I'm still learning someone who says that they're an absolute expert is not, they're an expert because they can adapt and they ways to, um, adapt to situation. Like Facebook's changing all the freaking time. Like it's, it's sometimes it feels.
[00:21:29] Uh, it's overwhelming because you think you figured it out and then there it goes, they changed something else. So, um, be patient be kind to yourself. It is a learning process, but you're, you're doing the right things by educating yourself and into emerging into some of these different technologies. Um, one of the things I would say, um, for entrepreneurs that I think has helped a lot of my small business clients is when it comes to content creation.
[00:21:59] You know, we're just, we're just executing a lot of times. They're just putting things up, putting things up with really no thought behind it. Um, Coming up with a strategy on what you want to say, but also how it looks, right. Branding is so important. And it's one of the things that on some social platforms gets overlooked and it's anything from the font that you're using, how you're positioning your logo.
[00:22:24] If you're doing videos, how long are your videos? How are you communicating yourself in those first three seconds? Um, The look on all your social channels. Um, so one of the things I've been focusing on a lot of with my small businesses is what I called, like social media templates. So, um, we'll come up with, I work with the designer.
[00:22:44] We'll come up with, um, maybe. Four to six different design concepts on what we know is going to work for their business. So for example, maybe on some of the med spa, I work with some wellness clinics where a lot of that is information driven, but it's a lot of information, right? So you can get really technical on the medical side.
[00:23:04] So coming up with simple graphics on how to communicate that. Um, is really helpful. So we'll come up with a, let's say like a system, a toolbox of different social assets that we can then swap out images, update texts, but it all looks and feels cohesive, right? It doesn't, it looks very put together because all the thinking was done in the beginning.
[00:23:23] So we've come up with a system of designs. Um, and that helps also too, when you're planning your content now, you know, you have. All these assets and tools ready for you now you're just plugging and playing. Right. And it makes things so much easier when you're, you're thinking of it in that way. As a system, a toolbox of things that you can really leverage and put out content with, I'd say that's probably, um, On the, on the more creative branding side is something that I would recommend.
[00:23:53] And Canva is a great tool. Yes. Love canvas love canvas. And I'm not, you know, I'm not designed, you know, savvy as far as like, um, some of them were more, um, complicated system, but canvas is so easy to use and you can upload your logo. You can upload your color, palettes, your text font. So, yeah. All your things that you need, right.
[00:24:15] There are packaged for you really nicely. Um, and it, you can create content on the fly, really. So I'd say using tools like Canva come up with the system of designs and there's, there's a lot of resources that you can, you can look for. Um, you know, um, Upwork, it really is just finding some designer who can.
[00:24:34] Really simplify a design concept for you and put it in, you know, three different content buckets, three different design elements that you need for, you know, if you're doing offers, I'd have an offer template. I would have one for quotes, maybe one for reviews. Um, One for informational posts. So maybe, you know, that's a package and someone helped design with that.
[00:24:57] And then it's really just the plug and play. Um, the other thing I would, you know, uh, really talk about, and I think it's, this is more on the complicated side. Um, when it comes to tracking, um, a lot of businesses will. Get a website up and now they want to do social ads, but they've never put a Facebook pixel.
[00:25:18] They haven't done inside of it. And Oh my God, what a change like then they start to think. Facebook doesn't work. It's not working. And now you have a bad taste in your mouth because you've invested X amount of dollars on advertising and you haven't seen the return. And a lot of that is because you haven't put a pixel behind to be able to really track, um, Facebook advertising and a lot of Google ads.
[00:25:45] All these platforms are really. Work, they work on what's called like machine learning. So using a pixel on your website, that pixel is getting information on the people who are visiting your site and it's gathering all that. What are they clicking on? How long are they spending on the page? What pages that they go on?
[00:26:05] Um, and then it's learning. So now you, as an advertiser, you can now take that information and tell Facebook. This is, um, the action that I find most valuable to my business. Please find people who are going to take this action. This is how much money I want to invest here. The people who I want to see my ad, and now it all starts to work for you.
[00:26:27] So. You know, getting a Facebook pixel on your site, I'd say do that right now. It's very simple there's tools and integrations that help. And if you don't, you know, if this is something that's like foreign to you, there are so many people who would help you. Cause it's, it's not a hard process at all. It really is just adding a piece of code to your website.
[00:26:47] Um, but with that, I will say. Um, there is some changes coming, uh, with iOS 14, that from, if you're, you know, a little bit more of the expert or digital savvy person who has been running your own ads, then you have a Facebook pixel up. One thing I'd say is, um, iOS 14 is coming and it's coming fast and what's happening on advertiser platforms like Facebook.
[00:27:13] Um, this, we, they have to comply with the iOS change where, um, now people on Facebook will get prompted a notification that says here's how businesses are tracking actions on your website so they can opt out of it. Right. So now in the past, if you've really relied heavily on the Facebook pixel, which is obviously the best thing that you can do for your advertising, now you're going to be impacted by this change where.
[00:27:42] Maybe you can track everything. Um, so that to me is it's one of those things. Like if someone asks me a question like, well, how do I prepare for that? The answer is yes. You got to find different strategies, like be ready, have your stakeholders. And you know, the people who are, if you're you work for a larger company or even a small company, you know, have the people who are invested in this business understand this is a change that's coming and we're going to get through it.
[00:28:07] So we're going to learn, we're going to figure out new ways to reach our audience to track efficiently. So that I think is key, uh, or all in the same boat right now is how are we going to. How are we going to get through this iOS change? How is it really going to impact our campaigns and our ads and you know, how we can then monetize, um, the services that we're providing through our social channels.
[00:28:29] So we're all in the same boat together. So I'd say if there's some do some research on iOS 14 and the change, if you have, um, if you're currently doing advertising, because that is going to come faster than we know it. Yeah. And I
[00:28:44] Veronica: [00:28:44] want to talk to you about that offline because, uh, I definitely have a Facebook pixel on all the pages that I, um, work on, including a pop culture subscription box, which is an e-commerce page, uh, a book, uh, an award-winning book that I helped support.
[00:29:00] And it's my dad's award-winning book. And. We do have a lot of content there. And so I've been heavily dependent on that pixel. And so I'm so glad you mentioned it. So let's talk offline. How do people get in touch with you? I know you help small businesses. I put your website up. Uh, what kind of services can people reach out to you for?
[00:29:16] Because you are so informed. And again, if you're, if you're turned off or a little scared about all the tech. Language, all of us are, uh, there's a lot of acronyms, but there are people out there folks who know what they're talking about and Monica is one of them. So if everything, she said seemed a little foreign, but you know, you need to learn it.
[00:29:36] Use her as a resource. She's amazing. And she knows what she's talking about. So how can people reach you?
[00:29:41] Monica: [00:29:41] Um, you can reach me on my website, monetize social consulting.com. You can also email me at Monica at, uh, monetize social consulting.com. Um, find me on LinkedIn, Monica Ruiz. You can just search for me.
[00:29:55] I'm right there. You know, I answer everyone's I believe you reached out to me on LinkedIn. So, um, so you can reach me there. Um, you know, I'm here for Friday. Anyone I have no problem. Just. Having a quick 15, 30 minute discussion. And if you have a question, I can't tell me sometimes I've just answered calls on just simple things that they just, don't not people, you know, have no idea of what something is and they just need an answer.
[00:30:21] Um, so I can definitely be that person, that resource. And, um, I also, if you're looking to invest and have someone partner on your, your business, you know, I can also be a resource there. I work with copywriters media experts. I have that all. Um, in my wheelhouse, anything from social media, content development, social media execution, social advertising, any media advertising paid for click on Google, um, YouTube advertising, you name it, um, even any, I also have resources that can also go on the more traditional side.
[00:30:58] So, so, uh, radio, um, billboards, you know, if you, if you're looking for someone to really take your business to the next level, Really look for someone who has expertise in not just one area, but can identify other areas as well because they all work together. So I'm going to be that person and I'd be happy to speak to anyone.
[00:31:20] Veronica: [00:31:20] Great. Awesome. And I loved that. You said they all worked together. Cause that's exactly what I say. Public relations is my jam, but I know great people who are in advertising and great people who are in marketing, but at the end of the day, they all have to cohesively work together. Your brand has to be aligned.
[00:31:35] Your messaging has to be aligned. And regardless of what modality you choose to get that message out. Right. They have to speak to the same person and some of us just like to hear it, see it and feel it in different ways. So I love that. You said that Monica, thank you so much for joining us. I can't believe the amazing content you delivered.
[00:31:52] It was a great lesson. Thanks so much.
[00:31:54] Monica: [00:31:54] Thank you.
[00:31:57] Veronica: [00:31:57] All right. Well, that wraps up another episode of Saturday soundbites. We are here every Saturday to talk, shop public relations, marketing, advertising, strategy, content messaging, branding. That is all the things that you need to support your business. So thank you so much for joining us.
[00:32:14] If you are listening on our podcast, please make sure you hit subscribe. We don't want you to miss any episode or any content. All of Monica, his information will be in the show notes. As well, if you're watching on the replay, make sure you, uh, hashtag replay so we can get back to you and we will see you next Saturday, sending you lots of positive, light, and energy.
[00:32:33] Have a great weekend.