Episode 8

Marketing Insights with Vince Warnock

A big welcome to Vince Warnock, award-winning business and marketing strategist, coach, podcaster, sought-after speaker and author of Chasing the Insights, which is available on Amazon.

Vince has an eclectic background, training as an Electronics and Computer Engineer before broadening into sound engineering, radio announcing, web development, and film until, eventually, marketing. Currently a full-time author, marketing strategist and coach, Vince was previously the Chief Marketing Officer at Cigna Life Insurance and co-founder of high growth tech startup Common Ledger. With his wealth of knowledge and experience in the marketing industry, Vince gives back regularly through his work with the Marketing Association and as a mentor and tutor.

Join Vince and Veronica as they discuss the basic of Marketing 101 and sharing tips on what every entrepreneur needs to know to have a growth mindset and grow their business! www.chasingtheinsights.com


Veronica: [00:00:00] Hello. Hello, welcome to Saturday soundbites. This is Veronica Sofer and I'm your host for Saturday soundbites. I'm so glad that you're joining us. If you are watching on Facebook, make sure you let us know that you're here type in the comments. If you're watching on the replay hashtag replay. And if you're listening on our podcast, be sure to hit subscribe.

[00:00:21] We want you to not miss any of our episodes. So we are just. Super excited that you're here for another edition of Saturday soundbites. We have a phenomenal guest today. You guys are just going to be blown away. We talk about marketing here. We talk about visibility strategy. We talk about public relations, how to get your name out, how to get your branding, how to make sure you're aligned.

[00:00:41] We share tips and techniques, strategies, and action. And this week, I've got another guest for you. So he's going to be joining us in just a second. You're going to find all his contact information and the comments are in the show notes. So let's go ahead and welcome in Vince Warnock to the show Vince.

[00:00:57] Hello, how are you?

[00:01:00] Vince: [00:01:00] I am very good. I'm so happy to be here, Veronica.

[00:01:03] Veronica: [00:01:03] Great. Now, for those of you that don't know I'm in Texas, so you can probably hear that this you're not from Texas.

[00:01:10] Vince: [00:01:10] No just slightly further out from Texas. I'm a Wellington New

[00:01:13] Veronica: [00:01:13] Zealand. Yeah. New Zealand. Oh my goodness. So just so you guys know, uh, we are international.

[00:01:19] We absolutely are international. We're thrilled that Vince is here and he's going to share with us some phenomenal tips and strategies. And he's going to give us a little bit of background. Um, Vince is with chasing insights and Vince, why don't you tell us a little about yourself, your background, and what people can expect to hear from you

[00:01:39] Vince: [00:01:39] today.

[00:01:39] Sure. Um, okay, so background. Oh my goodness. Well, once upon a time now, um, so I actually, I have a really weird background. I, I trained as an electronic computer and software engineer, so I did all three disciplines at the same time. Um, and then realized very quickly that despite my passion for technology, that really wasn't what drove me or motivated me, uh, what really did was people, it was understanding human behavior.

[00:02:03] It was understanding why people do the things they do. Um, what inspires them, what motivates them, what challenges them, et cetera. And then I discovered after then looking into psychology and looking into human behavior, I discovered the intersection of the two. So when technology meets that human behavior, that's, that's marketing, there's digital making in particular.

[00:02:20] So that became my new passion, um, kind of fell into it and discovered that I'm relatively good at it. Uh, then did a stint on radio as well. I I'm a huge radio nerd. I worked on one of our largest radio stations here as our on air announcer for a number of years. It was my dream job. Literally my dream job, I got to do it and I was so happy.

[00:02:40] The only problem is. Dream jobs often they live up to their expectation from the job perspective, but it certainly wasn't a dream salary. They pay so poorly. I was like, Oh my goodness, I need to do something different. Um, and then just through the years, I've always been kind of in and out of corporate life versus entrepreneurial life.

[00:02:57] Um, so I left a really good job in digital marketing, whereas the digital marketing lead for organization here and started my own startup, um, and built there over four years, it was our high growth tech startup in the accounting space. And at the end of that four years, realize I'm done. I'm finished here.

[00:03:15] I'm on the road all the time with a family. I don't get to see them. This isn't healthy. I'm not enjoying this. So we had a, we had gone through a rapid growth. We raised a million dollars with the seed funding. We had crossed, crossed off a number of different milestones. And we were at that point where I could go, you know what, I'm going to step back from the business.

[00:03:32] I'll stay on as the majority shareholder, but I can hire someone to replace me. We can get somebody else in there. So made that decision and, and that would lead me back into corporate life. But then while doing that, we had a lot of people wanting to buy our company. Um, and so we went through a whole acquisition, which was.

[00:03:49] An emotional rollercoaster up until the point where you see your bank balance, then suddenly it's no longer than yeah. National rollercoaster. And you're like, Hey, I was like selling my baby and I'm like, well, and then you see your bank balance to go, actually, I've got two real babies here or two real kids, no Chucky.

[00:04:05] So, so there was a crazy journey, um, which then lead me to Cigna where, uh, worked for Cigna insurance as the chief marketing officer, um, which was a wonderful time. But honestly I met some of the coolest people. We got to do some really amazing stuff. Brought together. We actually bought a company that was the same size about as ours and merged it then.

[00:04:23] So I got to go through this massive transition, which was a lot of work and a lot of stress. But through all of that, I started to feel that pull again. And part of this was I published my first book. Uh, last year. I, I don't even know what you were in now, maybe the year before. Um, I'm losing complete track of time.

[00:04:41] It's just been crazy. Um, but published my first book, which is all on digital marketing, it's called chasing the insights. Um, and these are the methodologies that I've, uh, implemented that had, got me to where I was. So these were the things I knew worked, and it should have been an incredibly. It should have been an incredibly proud moment, like publishing about it was something I wanted to do for some time and wants to be a published author.

[00:05:03] So I was really excited about this, but I went through a massive spiral. Like as soon as that book published and someone said to me, like I was getting ready to publish. And someone said, well, don't do a book launch. Like nobody goes to book launches anymore. They did. And I'm going amateur. I'm a marketer.

[00:05:19] I hold my beer. So organize this event. It was an amazing event. We had a hundred or so people there ahead. Um, guests fly in from all over New Zealand, from Australia to come and see it and join in. And these were some of my peers in the industry. It was just, it was an incredibly supportive environment. It was amazing.

[00:05:36] So it should have been, especially as a high extrovert being surrounded by people that should have been one of the highlights of my career, but I didn't count on something happening there, which was. Every time I do a signed copy of the book because that's what everyone would want. I'd signed the book, give it to them.

[00:05:51] And each of them says something along the lines of, Oh, thanks. I can't wait to read it. And every time I heard that comment, I can't wait to read it. My stomach would not. And that's when I started to feel very exposed, very vulnerable, very raw, um, the imposter syndrome that we all seem to encounter as entrepreneurs, it's teeth got a lot sharper and it dug into me and.

[00:06:12] That night, I just kept replaying over and over in my head, all these fictional conversations that I created, you know, um, things like, Oh, people are gonna think. Who do you think you are writing a book or what makes you think you've got the right to say something different from anyone else or? Oh, I started reading the book.

[00:06:27] What an amateur, all these different things that were going through my head and I aspire really quickly for about two weeks. I didn't even want to talk about my book anymore. I just thought, you know what I'm done, I'm really busy. And I really actually was really busy as chief making ourselves as it's an insane job, but I turned down and this is the only part of the story, by the way I genuinely regret was actually turning down media interviews.

[00:06:48] So we had Forbes, CIO magazine and Diginomica, or want to do these big, full page spreads. And it would have been amazing, but I just went, sorry guys. I'm just too busy at the moment. And it wasn't until, uh, one of my mentors actually called me up and he never calls me by the way. He's one of those people, you have to book time with them and I'm like, Oh.

[00:07:06] And he just called out of the blue and said, look, how's the book sales going? I mean, Oh. And I told them they were actually going really, really well, which was awesome. Anyway. No, that's good. And he goes, but I haven't seen anything out there. I haven't seen you talking on social. I haven't seen any press. I haven't seen anything like this.

[00:07:19] And I was like, yeah, I'm just relying on word of mouth. You know, I'm so busy at the moment. And he went, nah, he says, I'm going to call you on that. And he asked me something. He said, do you know what I go through? Every time I publish a book and this, by the way, he's, he's published over eight books, they're all best sellers.

[00:07:37] And, and then he told me through, talk me through the journey that he goes through every single time he publishes a book and it was the exact same thing I'd just gone through. And that it did two things. It immediately made me feel a lot better because I thought, wait, I'm not alone. That what I've just gone through as in crazy.

[00:07:53] Like, I'm not, I'm not mean to what I might be mean to it's. Okay. But this is normal that people go through this kind of stuff. Even people that I admire and I look up to as well. So it immediately kind of lifted that shame off for me, it lifted that kind of pressure off me. But the second thing it did was it motivated me to talk about it.

[00:08:12] And I thought I need to take action on this. Once I, once I have highlighted that there was this, this thing that I'm dealing with, the highlight of this gap in my life, I thought, right, I need to take action. So I wrote this post, put it on, on LinkedIn actually. And just talked about all of that. Just basically explain that story.

[00:08:28] I've just gone through and then, and there at the end, I said, and now I'm going to take action on this. I'm going to tell you. You need to buy this book, right? If you're an entrepreneur or you're building a business, this book's going to help you. I know that because I poured my heart and soul into this.

[00:08:41] This is a damn good book. And it's based on principles that I know work. Like I have my track record and maca is just incredible. It's because of this stuff. Um, so I put that out there. There was scary by the way, putting that kind of attitude. Um, and it did two things. One immediately spiked book sales, which was like, yes, this is awesome.

[00:09:01] I was like, I should've done this earlier. But the second thing, and this is a bit I didn't count on was it opened up so much dialogue, the amount of people that reached out to me and said, Hey, I'm going through the same or I've been through the same or, or thank you for taking the courage. In fact, I had a senior partner at one of the big four firms, um, here in New Zealand and he somebody who in the industry, I won't name, I don't want to embarrass him, but in the industry, he is very well-regarded.

[00:09:27] He used to be a mentor of mine. He was, um, somebody who. Uh, look, basically most of the early stage businesses here look up to and I had caught up with him. It was not long after I put the article out there and he was at the same event as me and we hadn't seen each other in years. He invested in one of my previous startups and he caught up with me and he goes, Oh man.

[00:09:45] So we gave each other a hug and all this, and then he suddenly changed. Tony said, Oh, I saw your LinkedIn article. Um, can we have a talk. And immediately I thought, Oh no, here we go. He's going to be, are you okay? Do we need to lock you up? Or do we need to get you a counselor or something? He goes, say, Oh, sure.

[00:10:03] I'll give him the time. So we jumped on, we were at this party, it was a big birthday Patty for our agency here. And we went out onto the balcony and he started talking to me and he said, Oh, I'm so glad I read that. And he said, because I've never felt like I fit in. I've always felt like an outsider. And I'm looking at this guy who is considered to be one of the, one of the godfathers, basically of startups in New Zealand, the godfather of, of, um, you know, technology companies and entrepreneurs.

[00:10:32] And he's telling me that despite the fact he's been a senior partner at a big four firm for most of his life, he's never felt like he fits in. He's always felt like a fraud, and he's always worried that people are gonna find them out. And to hear that to two things that broke my heart. First of all, I'm like, how does, like he's gone through this for so long and never talked about it, but it also made me realize that I need to keep this conversation going.

[00:10:54] I need to actually get back to where I'm good at, which is actually helping entrepreneurs, helping people at the forefront of where I can see the impact rather than, you know, at the senior executive table at a, at a, you know, a huge enterprise company. So that started that pole away from their corporate life.

[00:11:09] Again, I knew I needed to write my next book, which I'm writing at the moment for and run two books at the moment because I'm silly, I guess. Yes, sir. Yeah. Why not? I, um, so writing a book called auntie perfect, which is dealing with this kind of this concept, it's basically rewriting your brain. It's creating your brains, new operating system, essentially to deal with imposter syndrome, self doubt, and that self sabotage.

[00:11:32] But then it also started this, this pull towards dealing more with entrepreneurs at their front line. And once that Paul got stronger and stronger, it became really easy for me to make the next decision. And that was to leave an insanely well-paid job by the way. And obscene seen well-paid in some cases, but to leave Cigna.

[00:11:49] And basically go off to my own, like build my own thing. So I thought right in January, I made the decision. I'd say to our CEO of, at Christmas, I think this is, this is a pull that's happening. I need to listen to this. Um, she at first was very hesitant. It was like, no, no, no. I've tried to like, try to tell me, we can take some time off.

[00:12:07] You can go down to part time. There's so many different things you can do. But none of these things felt authentic to me. And I said to her, look, you know, I know this sounds silly. I know it sounds insane to a lot of people to leave this kind of job, but I really need to follow where I'm called and I really need to follow it.

[00:12:23] My heart is leading me and that was to do something different. So Lyft Cigna just before COVID. Oh my goodness. Perfect timing. I felt really bad, but my old colleagues would call me up and go you're chick. It's your problem now? Not mine. So, so lift there and, and my goal was to then just write my next book.

[00:12:45] They're as I said, morphed into writing two books, it also morphed into, um, the kind of next phase of my passion for radio, which was launching my own podcast, which has just been a crazy, awesome ride. Having amazing guests like you, Veronica on the show. Um, and then it also led me to working in the more frontline stuff and helping entrepreneurs.

[00:13:04] So. Picking up a lot more coaching work and just seeing the breakthroughs, particularly through our lockdown, that's been one of the most amazing things ever is, you know, I started, uh, when I left Cigna, I started by working on the book. So I was interviewing a lot of entrepreneurs, um, talk to them about their mindset around the limitations, around the battles that they have internally, the, the dialogue that goes on inside them, which by the way, we're all in the same boat.

[00:13:27] Mostly if you're an entrepreneur you've probably gone through similar or are going through similar. So I was dealing with that and, you know, talking to them through and interviewing them. And then of course COVID happened. And at that point we ended up in a situation where all of these businesses I was dealing with in the U S and Australia, New Zealand, um, suddenly had no income at all.

[00:13:49] A lot of them had the same overheads. They had the same people to try and pay the same mouse to feed the same rents, the same power that they had to pay for all of these different kinds of things. But no money was coming in the door at all. And. Yeah, I, it was one of those moments where I'm going. I, I can't ignore that.

[00:14:06] I can't let go of that. Um, these are people who are in need. It was breaking my heart to see them go through such anxiety and stress. So I said, right, okay, I'm just going to have to do this. So I stepped out and said, look, how can I help? What can we do? And, and a lot of cases, they had no idea, but we just sat down and I got them back to why they're doing what they're doing.

[00:14:26] Took them back to what they actually offer their customers. They're not just not just the products that they sell, the services they sell, but actually going through a process of identifying the need that their customers have and how they meet that need like a good example of that is, uh, a friend of mine who was dealing with who's a chiropractor.

[00:14:43] So she runs a business where she has a clinic, but she also goes into large corporations and does GMs. And okay. Okay. Right. So she would go in there and companies would lead her in and they pay you a per message and all this kind of thing. And it was to help de-stress the clients, uh, other people that worked there.

[00:15:00] And of course, when lockdown happened, everybody works from home. There is no companies to go in and do GMs edges with. Plus of course face-to-face contact forget about it. So she was kind of freaking out about that and I took it back to. Why do these companies let you in the door? Like why do they allow you on the premises?

[00:15:18] And she's like, Oh dude, it's a message to clients. I mean, is it, or is it something else that we stepped back? And she goes, well, actually, you know, what's it, what, what, what benefits does massage give the clients? And she was like, well, it enables them to be stress-free. And you know, these companies have realized that if they've got stress-free employees, they're far more productive, And so at covenant to test something and she called up each of the companies that she worked with and said, look, obviously it's very challenging time at the moment your staff are going through a massive amount of anxiety and stress, and they're all working from home and they're trying to juggle all these things.

[00:15:51] I'm worried about them and tears out the companies. We're worried about them as well. She goes, obviously I can't come in and do TMR searches, but what if I could do group zoom calls where I teach them? Self-care. I teach them breathing exercises. I teach them how to look after themselves, teach them self massage, all of these different kinds of things.

[00:16:08] And it was a resounding hell year from every company she dealt with. And that's when she realized, when you come back to the actual value that you're adding as an entrepreneur, it's never the product or the service or the, you know, whatever it is that you're the system that you're creating. And there is more to it than that.

[00:16:26] So, so kind of peel it back and then she started now, by the way, she makes far more money. Yeah. Yeah. But I started seeing these kind of results from each of the companies that I was dealing with and that made me go, okay, that's a, this is where I am now. And I'm just going to keep doing this. I'm going to work with entrepreneurs who are favorite people in the world.

[00:16:45] Um, outside of my own family, of course, and maybe comic book nerds because

[00:16:50] Veronica: [00:16:50] yeah, for them too,

[00:16:54] Vince: [00:16:54] but entrepreneurs are incredible. If you're an entrepreneur, I just genuinely think you are kind of a different kind of cloth from people. Like you are one of the very small percentage and we need to get realistic on this very small percentage of human beings that have the courage.

[00:17:09] To, to act on your convictions to go, you know what? I'm going to create something that doesn't exist. I'm going to birth something into existence. And then. That is just something so special. So I love that. I love working with entrepreneurs to help them to kind of bring their dreams alive. Like you got to a program that I take people through, like these different stages where they deeply understand their company.

[00:17:29] And then they kind of, we ordered all their systems, all these kinds of things, but we get to the point where. We get to the last stage of this, which is where we look at the value that you're adding to your clients, to your customers, your potential customers, what is the value that you're offering them and how do you get value back from them?

[00:17:45] So that's just honestly such an exciting time.

[00:17:48] Veronica: [00:17:48] That's, that's an amazing, um, piece of nugget there. And I want to go back to, um, celebrating. The, um, ability of your client to be real with herself and take, take a side, Oh, the fear that I'm losing money and I'm not going to be able to go into these businesses and applaud you for coaching her through that next step of pivoting.

[00:18:11] And you know, the word pivot is, becomes the word of 2020, and we still have a few yeah. A few days left in the year, but it really is about. Rethinking repackaging. And as an entrepreneur, how you package and how you message is absolutely going to make or break what you do next. And so I love that you are taking people through that and that you have a process in place because it is all about the message it really is

[00:18:38] Vince: [00:18:38] had ever seen.

[00:18:39] And I've seen this as well, Pat, Pat of. Part of the work I do is helping people to define this story. Um, and this is that's, there's so many different elements to this and so many different reasons why this is so critically important for people. Um, but I've got one of my clients I'm just going to, um, I'm gonna, I'm not going to shame him at the moment and tell them who I'll tell you who he was.

[00:18:58] But one of my clients is just this incredible entrepreneur, but I remember sitting down with them and saying, look, you know, let's. Let's work on your pitch. Cause it's pitch was, um, I can't think of a polite way to say Tara, well, this picture is terrible, but what he does so amazing, like honestly, I had worked with them previously.

[00:19:16] Um, so when I was chief marketing officer at Cigna, he was one of the companies that we would use for some of the projects that we're doing. And always, I saw this like different thing, like there's different aspects of the way he approached it. So I sat down with them and say, look, you know, why are you so passionate about doing what you do?

[00:19:31] And he said, Oh, because they make really good money. And I'm like, Oh, no. And I said, why do you love working with the clients that you love working with? And he goes, Oh, cause I like really love producing really good quality work. And I went, no, that's not it. So we sat down and I interviewed him and I took him through basically his whole life journey.

[00:19:50] And we took him through his earliest memories of working of encountering the industry that he's in. Um, and immediately he lit up as soon as I said, what was the first time he ever remember encountering this? And he goes, Oh my goodness. I remember you guys. I was with my dad and my dad used to take me and my brother to the movies and we would go and see diehard and lead the way.

[00:20:08] But it was, Oh, it was such a good time, but I always remember it brought us together and it gave us this common language and we would talk to each other and I'm going, Oh my goodness, this is the passion. This is why you do what you do. And then we talked through his journey and we kind of, I got this thing called the beats method where I take them through all these structures.

[00:20:24] Uh, there's beat structures of, of how the story unfolds. And we would just do all of this. And then I compiled it all together and said like, here are the different things. This is your why, this is your, what, this is your, how, this is who, this is all the different aspects of your story. Let's piece it together.

[00:20:38] Um, and I try to teach them. It's not an, it's not necessarily linear. So it's a story that can flow in and out of, depending on who they're talking to. Um, and then he went away and he kept practicing as home. It was always to practice this pitch and this story. And he came back to me just before Christmas and we sat down and I said, right, okay.

[00:20:55] I said, we're working through some stuff with them. I said, Oh, your, your story, your pitch, like, give it to me just off the cuff now go. And by the time he had finished his story, I sat there and I'm going, okay, hold it together. But it's hard to get the don't cry. Don't cry. It was just so inspirational. And it tapped into what makes him so special.

[00:21:14] And like I said, you know, dealing with this guy, dealing with his company, Uh, when I was at Cigna, I knew that they had something different from everyone else. There was just something about them, where they were so much easier to deal with. Like whenever you gave them a project, they would capture what's inside your head and bring it to life.

[00:21:30] And not many companies can do that. And now I know why, because I mean, you hear the story, you hear the passion behind that. I was like, yeah. That's it. And I said, the minute that you tell people that story then is where the value is, they will, they will begin to work with you. Um, so it was just, honestly, I feel like a proud dad.

[00:21:46] It was just such a proud moment. I'm like, yeah, this is awesome. I kind of left there and I sat in the car for a little bit, go, Oh dear, hold it together, hold it together.

[00:21:54] Veronica: [00:21:54] That's fantastic. And that's really what the benefit of working with entrepreneurs is that you get inspired from each other and that's what being part of community is.

[00:22:03] And that's why I love that. We've been able to connect. And share our stories and share our communities because there's inspiration, there's growth. There's all of those things all come together. And, um, it's really exciting. So tell us how people can work with you. I mean, you've mentioned a few clients.

[00:22:19] How, what kind of structure do you have available for folks?

[00:22:22] Vince: [00:22:22] Sure. Well, I don't have any, no joking. Um, I've have. I've got it kind of in three tiers as the way I would. So, um, the top tier is the ones who aren't coaching. Um, so then I'm very selective. Uh, if anyone wants to, it's not about what you're offering, it's not about the services or anything like that.

[00:22:39] It's really about how open you are, how passionate you are, how much do you want to impact other people? Um, so only worked with, with, uh, clients that really do genuinely wants to make an impact. So if it sounds like you then do reach out to me on social. Um, that's, you know, I can go through a process with you and assess and see if it's the right fit.

[00:22:57] Uh, I'll always be very honest and open with people about, you know, whether or not I feel like I can help them. Um, but the other aspect of that is I'm launching a group program and February. Um, so at the end of effect, the first week of February, we've got a virtual summit coming up, which is going to be a free summit for people to, um, hear from some of the best people in the industry around positioning yourself for growth for 2021.

[00:23:19] I really want people to kind of crush their goals, uh, in this coming year. Um, and then at the end of that, I'm launching a group program, which is where I can take. Far more entrepreneurs through that kind of framework through that program and help them. Um, so all of those kind of details will be on the chasing the insights.com website.

[00:23:36] But then I have two other tiers. I have the lower tier, which is the free tier, which is where, um, basically the Facebook group where I support most of the entrepreneurs. And there there's the podcast, obviously, where I get to talk to some of the most amazing entrepreneurs, some most amazing marketing PR and salespeople in the world.

[00:23:54] So you get to hear, hear their journey, why they're so passionate about what they do, but also you get all these insider tips and tricks, which are really cool. So they're going to help you to, for your business. Um, and then I've got the next tier and between those two, which is, um, I think called the insider's club.

[00:24:09] So it's a way that people are supporting the podcast. And so they pay $10 a month. Us, they get access to exclusive content. So as well as the podcast stuff, they also get additional interviews with each of the speakers. They get master classes from me. It's where they can go deeper on these things. So if they're really passionate about moving the needle for their business, this is where they'll get the resource for that.

[00:24:29] So I've got downloads, all sorts of things. Um, and then I'm doing some, some many master classes and stuff like that as well. So I just love keeping busy, bro. Yeah. You were

[00:24:37] Veronica: [00:24:37] so busy. I mean, I, and I got to tell you, if you haven't checked out his podcast, please do chasing the insights is fantastic, but content is amazing.

[00:24:47] Check out the group because that's where the magic's at inside

[00:24:50] Vince: [00:24:50] the yeah. Yeah, we, we just had a Christmas party. So, um, we've got a whole pile of them to dial into a zoom call. And I really asked my Christmas Ninja story. It's a children's story I've written and we just, we celebrate it. It was just so much fun.

[00:25:03] Honestly. I love that. It's like a second family to me. It really is, but I love those guys to bits. They're so supportive, so encouraging and, uh, yeah, it's just, it's amazing seeing them grow and seeing them kind of challenge each other as well. It's awesome.

[00:25:18] Veronica: [00:25:18] Absolutely. Well, and I was glad I got to peek in for a little while and watch some of the antics and I enjoyed it.

[00:25:23] Vince: [00:25:23] Okay. That is a good description.

[00:25:26] Veronica: [00:25:26] Well, I am in marketing and public relations, so no, this has fantastic guys. If you haven't had a chance to check out the website, please do all of the details and links are in the show notes. Then you did a phenomenal job. Thank you so much for sharing your expertise in your stories and these great tips.

[00:25:44] Great nuggets. It was fantastic.

[00:25:46] Vince: [00:25:46] Oh, thank you for having me Veronica, any chance that you and I catch up as a, I mean, I know this is for the podcast or for your Facebook community or this kind of thing, but I don't care. It's a selfishly, this is just you and I catching up. So to talk with

[00:25:58] Veronica: [00:25:58] you, yeah. Pumped and I'm ready to crush 20, 21.

[00:26:01] I mean, I'm right there with you. You just need got me going for the day. So all right, then we will see you soon. Thank you so much. Thank you guys. Just truly, truly, truly. We are ready to say goodbye to 2020. We are ready to launch 2021. Please make sure you're checking out some of the resources from our guests.

[00:26:21] Vince's phenomenal. His group is truly amazing. I've enjoyed so much of the content. It's really helped me and we all have opportunities to grow. None of us knows everything. We all need to be learning from each other. We all need to be sharing our content. Trust me, there are going to be things that you haven't heard of before.

[00:26:37] So make sure you're engaging in the groups, make sure you're engaging in the communities that you're involved in and share your knowledge. So. We're going to go ahead and sign off. I'm so glad you were able to join us today. Again, if you're watching on the replay hashtag replay so we can get back to you.

[00:26:52] If you have any questions and thank you for being with us. If you are listening on the podcast, please hit subscribe. We want you to subscribe and be able to get notices. Every time we drop a new episode, we are. So thrilled that you were able to enjoy this episode and we look forward to seeing you guys@makesureyoucheckoutronicavsofer.com for the latest and greatest.

[00:27:16] We've got a couple of summits coming up. We're going to have one next Saturday, January 2nd, high powered, 2021. We're going to share some great processes with you and it's a mini summit. So it's just a couple of hours, but our speakers are phenomenal. Great tips. We're going to talk about copywriting and we're going to talk about.

[00:27:33] Managing your books and your finances. How to have a good mindset. We're going to talk about visibility, strategy and communication. We've got a great lineup. So make sure you check that out. The information will be in the comments as well. Thank you so much for joining us. I enjoyed spending another Saturday with you and as always, I'm sending you lots of positive energy and light.

[00:27:52] Have a great one.



Episode 9


Episode 7