Episode 9
Almost Dying Gives One Perspective with Chip Franks
Welcome Chip Franks, author and speaker, to Saturday Soundbites! He is a master at visibility and sharing his message of gratitude to make your life more fulfilling. Chip is the Chief Miracle Worker at The Miracle Morning. His passion for helping others find their love of life is truly inspiring.He is an amazing entrepreneur, author, trainer and speaker!
His journey is powerful and we can all learn from his challenges. Chip’s passion raises everyone’s vibe as he shares his story of a near-death experience and the lessons he learned on his journey. Life is a gift and he shows others how to let pain be the purpose that drives happiness and love.
Learn more about Chip at www.chipfranks.com, and be sure to read his powerful book Life Lessons From Dad: 101 Ways to Get More From Life (From Someone Who Loves You) Available on Amazon - https://amzn.to/3ahbwT3.
Veronica: [00:00:00] Hello? Hello. Welcome to another episode of Saturday soundbites. It is so great to be with you guys. My name is Veronica V Sofer, and I'm thrilled to spend another Saturday morning with you talk all things. Visibility, marketing, advertising, branding. Yeah. Public relations. You name it. We talk book all their work.
[00:00:19] We talk mindset work. We talk realtor work, you got it. We are all here to share our expertise. And as always, I'm bringing you another phenomenal guest. So we'll go ahead and get started and bring him on stage. Guys. If you are listening on the podcast, be sure to hit subscribe. I want to make sure that you get all of our episodes and get notices of when those happens.
[00:00:38] And if you're watching on Facebook, Be sure to let us know where you're tuning in from and put any comments in the chat box. We would love to engage with you. So we'll go ahead and get started. We got 30 minutes today of fantastic engaging information for you that you're going to absolutely love. So we're going to bring on our guest today, Mr.
[00:00:55] Chip. Frank's here we go. Good morning, chip. How are you?
[00:00:59] Chip: [00:00:59] Okay. I am doing awesome. Veronica. Thank you. And uh, I have to apologize about my broadcast studio here. I'm with my beautiful bride and we actually took a trip last night for Valentine's day. So that's a, this, this is wonderful. And I really appreciate you having me here.
[00:01:15] Veronica: [00:01:15] Thank you. No worries. You know, sometimes as entrepreneurs, we have to find the perfect space to do our work, and sometimes it's the card. Yes,
[00:01:24] Chip: [00:01:24] but you know what? Yeah, just a good telephone connection. And that makes everything possible from anywhere and location independent. It's an awesome world in which we live sometimes.
[00:01:35] So that's, that's wonderful.
[00:01:37] Veronica: [00:01:37] Well, good, good. Glad you could join us. So tell us a little bit about yourself, who you are, what you do, and I've got. Some questions lined out for you that I think people are going to find really interesting because I know your journey has been phenomenal and more importantly, your purpose is just inspiring.
[00:01:51] So share the world, share with the world a little bit about who you are.
[00:01:55] Chip: [00:01:55] Well, sure. Thanks. So actually I'd say what I do right now, and this is what I find really inspiring. And for myself is that I help people love life again. And that's just, just what I want to do in the world. And, uh, it started back when I owned a real estate company and, uh, did pretty well with that, but, uh, fell into kind of a depression, uh, over that time and just wasn't loving life despite.
[00:02:23] Having seemingly checked all of the boxes of life. Uh, and I don't know if you, or if your audience has been in that situation, but I was there and I found a few things that turned it around for me. And that caused me to look deeper, go deeper down the rabbit hole and, and see what it is that really makes us love life and just, uh, take joy and gratitude and kindness and, uh, and just really.
[00:02:51] Enjoy waking up every day. And I certainly didn't do that before. And, um, along the way, I had a stroke, I wrote a book for my kids. So I'm an author, uh, just recently started a podcast with this to, to spread the message. And, um, and again, it's, it's my goal to help people who may have been like me and just not enjoying life so much, despite doing what everyone told them to do and, um, and love life again.
[00:03:19] Veronica: [00:03:19] Yes. Oh, that's so I love that. That's exactly true. And I think a lot of us have been there, especially when we were at the peak of our success or the peak of what was supposed to be a successful career. And, and it really makes you open your eyes. So I've, you've got some phenomenon. I'm going to show up here for the readers, your website, so they can go check you out too.
[00:03:39] But you mentioned your book. Um, one of the things you talk about is being that your gift. Your wound. And that was really profound when I read that. And I'm interested in knowing what inspired you to put that together and what do you think that means for us and how it can help people?
[00:03:56] Chip: [00:03:56] Yeah. Well, thanks. I actually, I'm going to give credit to that as my friend Philip McKernan.
[00:04:00] Uh, it had said that. And, and what he said, when that, when he met your gift is right next to your wound. And I think it applies to everybody and it means that wherever you are hurt and wherever you've had problems with in the past is your gift to be able to give to someone else on how to get out of it.
[00:04:21] And I'm a real big believer in Joseph Campbell and the hero's journey. Yeah. I think that all of us have something that, that we can do and something that we're generally supposed to do in the world. And I think that's linked to how we've heard in the past and what's happened in our hearts or in our lives that we're able to help with others.
[00:04:42] And yeah, I think. Yeah, it sounds, it sounds kind of strange, but pain has a purpose if you're able to use that purpose and especially to help other people. And, and that's kind of what happened with me of, um, scratching my own itch with this and that, uh, I obviously didn't feel good in life, but after finding a lot of this, um, a lot of these techniques and these ideas, uh, my life has turned around and I hope that it helps other people as well.
[00:05:11] Veronica: [00:05:11] I love that. And I love how you, as a natural storyteller turned that into a book, uh, for your children. Tell us a little bit about that because we have a lot of book authors in our audience. Um, what I have found is regardless of what industry or space you're in, right. Most people genuinely at their core are wonderful storytellers and it takes something to put it together in a book, get organized enough to get it either published by a publisher or self-published, and then do all the marketing for it and not something you've done.
[00:05:40] So tell us about what inspired you to write the book and how it's helped you along this journey.
[00:05:45] Chip: [00:05:45] Okay. Well, that was a pretty strange story, but I, I mentioned briefly that I had a stroke and I was, uh, I was at a conference of entrepreneurs in California, about 1400 miles away from home and suddenly talking with one of my friends after lunch, I realized that I couldn't speak, or at least I thought I could speak.
[00:06:06] I thought I knew what I was saying. And I was lucid during the entire time. But the words coming out of my mouth were just jibberish. Oh, well, yeah, and they, um, and my friend to his credit, he knew what was going on. I didn't, I went and tried to find a seat and just sat down. And, um, and he came by with the event organizers and they, they brought me up to the lobby, brought a lot of paramedics to the scene and, uh, did a stroke test and realized that I had a stroke.
[00:06:32] And they, then I was in the hospital probably about 15, 20 minutes later. I mean, it was very, yeah. And they had me in the hospital and. What I remember when I was, when I was being pushed out on, on the stretcher and, uh, and just very fearful of my own mortality and what was going on. I was just looking at the lights pass, pass by and seeing some of my friends with open mouth.
[00:06:58] Like what's going on. And one of the questions that I, I was asking is, did I tell my family and my kids, everything that I wanted them to know. And, and I didn't, and it was very, again, a very scary experience, but I, I remembered that tremendously. I just, that, that stuck with me. And I didn't want to leave this world without telling the kids, my kids, especially what I'd want them to know.
[00:07:28] Yeah, uh, that led to, uh, that led to, um, Led to my book, life lessons from dad. And it's all about what my kids, what I think that they should know as adults in this world and everything that I'd want to tell them. And, uh, it's, it's funny because everything that I wanted to tell them, I just wrote until I finished it until I felt like I was finished and I finished, and it turned out to be 101 life lessons and about 700 pages as it ended up being a lot.
[00:07:59] But that was the, that was the reason behind the book. And, you know, just, uh, something else for me is, um, ever since I was in third grade, I had wanted to be a professional author and I just wanted to do that. And, uh, up to that point, it was a 40, 44 years of my life. And I hadn't written a book. So that was, uh, that was something that was on my bucket list and I was able to do, and.
[00:08:27] Yeah. Sometimes it's just a brush with mortality that causes you to look at your life and realize that there's, there's a lot more to be done.
[00:08:35] Veronica: [00:08:35] Wow. So amazing. And I, and I encourage all of you who have an inner book. That's just ready to be written and put on paper to do it. And don't let a situation like this or a health crisis, be the impetus for it.
[00:08:49] You know, a lot of people, I had a guest chip on my show. Um, a few months ago, a book author who ended up writing. Three books during COVID. So from the time and one year she was able to write three books and we all have that gift of storytelling inside of us. And it just takes something to, it takes that very first step and you did that.
[00:09:08] Um, and so that's very inspiring and I love that it was focused on your children. So tell us about that. Yeah. Tell us about what other than the inspiration did they, was it well received? Were they embarrassed? Were they like, Oh my gosh, dad, what are you doing? Right.
[00:09:24] Chip: [00:09:24] They're not embarrassed, but well-received, I would say it was well-received outside of the family.
[00:09:30] And then inside of the family, they read some of them, but it's obviously it's a really big book. So I've told them to approach it like a cafeteria. So they can take and choose which life lessons are appropriate. I go, uh, one of my daughters has a, well, I guess they both have boyfriends, but one of them talked to me this week about romance and doing something special for Valentine's day.
[00:09:52] And I'm like, Hey, there's a chapter on that. You know, let's go look at it, let's read it. And, uh, so it, it's kind of something that we can refer back to. And they both promise me that if I do pass away that they will read every single word. So, yeah. So. I, I don't want to make that happen yet. I'm not ready for that, but yeah, it, it, it will happen for sure at some point that they're going to read it all and you know, and, and it's fun too.
[00:10:19] And if, if anyone in the audience is thinking about writing the book, not only will you have that in your family now, but just in generations to come, they'll say, Hey, that was, that was my grandmother. That was my grandfather or whatnot. And I think about. How wonderful. It would have been for me to have something like that from my grandfather or great-grandfather, or as someone in the family.
[00:10:40] So, um, I'm hoping that that, that serves the same purpose here.
[00:10:45] Veronica: [00:10:45] That's wonderful. And, um, I know you've done a lot of work with, um, how, how, how L rod and the miracle morning, and I'm familiar with a lot of his. Books, which was so exciting when I saw the connection there, which is one of the main reasons why I wanted to have you on the show, because we talk about gratitude.
[00:11:03] We talk about, um, all those exercises that we put into place, affirmations, routine strategies, and everyone finds it. from different places. And it sounds like on your journey, you went to different, um, different books, different strategies, techniques to find those inspirations and you put them all together.
[00:11:21] And all of a sudden, now you've got a podcast that's kind of celebrating all of that knowledge. And, and I love that. And I want our audience to hear more about that.
[00:11:29] Chip: [00:11:29] Yeah, absolutely. And inhale has become a very dear friend of mine. And, uh, obviously I agree with his mission. And for those of you who don't know, it's the miracle morning and, uh, and that is doing the six most timeless self-development, uh, routines and rituals in the world, which are the savers, is what he calls them.
[00:11:48] Silence, affirmations, visualizations, exercise, reading, and scribing. And rather than just doing one or two of these in the morning, which most people say, Oh yeah, it's all about exercise. Or, you know what, it's all about my meditation practice. But when you do them all, you get the benefit from them all. And obviously he's built up a big, a big following with that and I was able to help him with it.
[00:12:11] And he and I got together. And I just agree with his mission of. Elevating the consciousness of humanity one morning at a time. So it's a, it's a labor of love to be able to help him and get his movie out into the world. And I helped with his book, the miracle equation and promoting that and, uh, and just helping with the marketing of things.
[00:12:30] And that's, uh, that's been an awesome experience. So. Yeah, I appreciated doing that. And then you mentioned the podcast and I did start my podcast and actually I had a guest hosted for Hal and his very popular podcast several times. And, um, and I realized I really liked, it had been interviewed on podcasts before, and it was a lot of fun.
[00:12:52] Yeah. But actually doing the podcast and, um, honestly receiving some of the feedback on it was just, it was a great experience and doing something that I love that helps other people is, is about as good as it gets professionally. So I, I just really enjoy that. And now it's the chip chat podcast. Um, we are several weeks old now and I've done a lot of interviews with it and it's been received really well.
[00:13:17] And yeah, I'm, I'm very biased, but it's, it's great information. It's good stuff. Uh, we talked about one episode was the meaning of life and, uh, so that was good. Uh, we just had our Valentine's day extravaganza, which included 25 ideas of things to do with your sweethearts over Valentine's day, as well as.
[00:13:37] Interviews with, uh, two of the most loving people I've ever met with each other 50 years, never had an argument, uh, love each other dearly, and they kind of spilled their guts on the secrets of how to do that, which is just amazing. And, um, and really it's a lot of fun and I call it, of course, the chip chats podcast, and it's conversations about leading a better life.
[00:14:00] And it's long form conversation and we just, uh, we have a blast doing it. I just recorded a few yesterday and, um, and. It's awesome to be doing this as a career when it's so much fun.
[00:14:12] Veronica: [00:14:12] Yeah, I agree. I agree. I have spent many times behind the computer typing away, creating press releases, writing, messaging, developing strategic plans.
[00:14:23] And now that I have the opportunity to share with colleagues and with friends and people like you, that I've come across, it's been so much fun to use this new medium. And I love that it's. Authentic genuine connection. What I tell my clients all the time about thinking of thinking about their visibility strategies, you have to be completely authentic.
[00:14:41] And it sounds like you have found that magic, um, component with, with your podcast, bringing all those things that you love and enjoy.
[00:14:50] Chip: [00:14:50] Oh, absolutely. And I, I imagine, uh, Aloha, eh, I, I can't imagine doing something and not being sincere about it or not being yourself and, uh, and just being completely open.
[00:15:02] And obviously that's that resonates with. With most folks. And yeah, I think that most people have that built in BS detector that if you're not being sincere and you're just saying platitudes or cliches or whatever, then, uh, then maybe it's not going to work as well. So
[00:15:19] Veronica: [00:15:19] yeah, I. I agree a hundred percent.
[00:15:22] And when you, now you also do, uh, speaking keynote addresses, inspirational speaking. You're you're a professional speaker as well. And do you feel like that is another opportunity for you to do sort of the same thing that you're doing on your podcasts? Yeah,
[00:15:36] Chip: [00:15:36] I, the, the idea and obviously a professional speaking is a little up in the air right now with the way that the world is.
[00:15:44] But the way that that I feel with this is getting people to love themselves. And to love life more and to actually give ways to do that. I mean, because everyone says, Oh, be more grateful, you know, and we all nod our heads and we're like, Oh yeah, be more grateful. That's so profound. Let's do that. And no one ever talks well, how do you do that?
[00:16:05] I mean, what are the ways to do it and why should I do it? And, uh, how do I get started on it's and, and, uh, no one talks about that. So it is fun. And say, yeah, I think it's a definitely a worthwhile endeavor to, to help people do that. And I know the difference it's made with me and just from, from really loving life and, and hating to get out of bed in the morning to just, um, to.
[00:16:31] All the sounds sounding CRISPR and the, the, um, the color semi more brights and just being a better dad, a better husband and a better human being. And I think a better business person because of, uh, because I'm enjoying life. And if I can give that to anyone and just show them a few things to, to help make them, uh, happier throughout the day, a little more grateful, or maybe mindful of all the blessings that, that surround us every day.
[00:17:01] I mean, this, this is a miracle to even be alive and to be able to experience things through these five exquisitely limited senses. I mean, it's, it's just. Uh, such a blessing. And I think all of us take it for granted so often. And if I can help people with those tools and those, those ways of actually feeling that, that, that gratitude and that deep appreciation and love for life.
[00:17:28] Um, I mean, I think that's what I'm here for. You know, and getting it back from your wound is, is your gift is right next to your wound. That's it. And, uh, I think that applies to everybody because we've all been knocked down by life and other things. And it's just, um, I think it's part of our gift to be able to give back to the world, to, to reach out and help other people.
[00:17:50] And there's absolutely no downside to that. It's a. Yeah. When we show kindness to other people, uh, we feel good about it. They feel good about it in everyone witnessing it feels great about it as well. And that's actual, scientifically proven, but I think we all know that intuitively anyways, so yeah, that's it.
[00:18:11] It's exciting. It is,
[00:18:13] Veronica: [00:18:13] it is. Yeah. And I got to tell you, your energy level is, um, it's some people call it an aura. Some people call it your energy level, whatever it is, however it is you label it. I just got to tell you, I love the. Positivity. And it's not just that, but your gratitude genuinely comes out.
[00:18:32] And every syllable that, that I hear from you and I just it's, it's a wonderful, and I hope our listeners can hear it on our podcast. And I know our viewers can see it on your face, but I have to tell you that you are a living embodiment of gratitude and, um, You know, things happen and we ha sometimes technology works.
[00:18:49] Sometimes it doesn't. Sometimes we have good weather. Sometimes we have bad weather. Sometimes people lose great careers and, and have great losses of people that they love. But finding that beauty and being able to be grateful for what it is we either had with that person or had in that time is truly, truly the, um, The energy that propels us forward.
[00:19:10] And I just think you do such a good job of exemplifying it in your books. And I know people, so tell us about your books, because I want people to be able to get some of these great nuggets that you've shared. Where can people find your books? How can people learn more about you? How do they engage with you?
[00:19:25] Like I have so that they get the benefit of the gratitude and just the energy that you're sharing.
[00:19:31] Chip: [00:19:31] Oh, well, thank you. Yeah, I appreciate that. Well, one, one book is published now and that's life lessons from dad and it's subtitled 101 ways to get more from life from someone who loves you. And you can look that up.
[00:19:43] It said chip Franks. And if you put that into Amazon, it pops right up. And it's interesting because I'm actually finishing up my second book now. And I might say I reserve the right to change the title, but right now it's great. It's great at gratitude is what it's called. And that is all about how to have gratitude.
[00:20:03] And it goes through the science of what happens neurologically with our brains and how it works. And the extraordinarily encouraging fact that as we get better at it, and as we do gratitude, because I think it's not necessarily something that we just have, but it's something that we do. When we go out and actively appreciate, which is a lot more active than kind of the passive of thank you for all the things that come to me.
[00:20:28] But when we go out to meet it, inactive appreciation, uh that's, that's what, what the book is about. And when we do that, literally our brain changes and there's a lot of. Uh, science that goes over that the neurons, uh, they wire together and fire together and you just get better. And it's just like a muscle at the gym that you work.
[00:20:48] It's a gratitude muscle. And this goes over 20 different ways to have gratitude and to show gratitude. And it's from simple, very simple things. Like a, what I call the Wayne Dyer. The exercise, the Wayne Dyer technique, um, which is when you first wake up that I like to do it outside. I wake up and I go outside pretty, pretty quickly.
[00:21:11] And you just take a few deep breaths and you say, thank you. Thank you. Thank you. And that starts the entire day. I mean, it sets the tone for, for how we are and just to, to feel. Fill that appreciation that, uh, that we got another day at life. I mean, because obviously it's not, it's not guaranteed. It's not granted to us.
[00:21:34] Uh, every breath that we take is grace from something or someone or a creator, or I would say God, and, uh, And we have a chance to be thankful for it or to take it for granted. And I think the default is that we take it for granted because that's just, just, um, tends to be how we are as human beings, but we can absolutely cultivate that.
[00:21:58] So that's. That's just one way of adding gratitude to our life and I have 19 others. And actually I'll give another one real quickly. Yes,
[00:22:07] Veronica: [00:22:07] please. We love it. This is what we call on clubhouse dropping gems. So you're dropping gems
[00:22:13] Chip: [00:22:13] on us. Okay. Well, well this one and this one made a big difference for me. I call it the joy alarm and it's super simple.
[00:22:20] It's very, very easy, but, uh, on my phone every day at set at 7:00 PM. I have an alarm that goes off and it just, I am so very blessed and at 7:00 PM. And of course you can set an alarm anytime that you want to for that. But what I do is I, I have the song, what a wonderful world by Louis Armstrong, and it just starts playing and I've done it for so many years now, whenever it starts, it just takes me to that place.
[00:22:45] Just instantly, just a, like a Pavlovian response. It's uh, I hear the notes of that song and it just, uh, I, I just stop wherever I am. I close my eyes and I think about what a blessing, all of this is. And, um, yeah, a true story. I was in the Cleveland airport and someone recognized me, uh, and they said, Hey, our family does the joy alarm, you know?
[00:23:06] And they, they talked to me about it. And what they did is they, they set up every day. The, the joy alarm for them went off at a different time. Every day and it just surprised them every day in my mind still surprises me. And it's been 7:00 PM for about the last six, seven years now. And, uh, and, and it just surprises you and wherever you are, if you're having a bad moment or a good moment, it's just, uh, it reminds you to take a breath.
[00:23:33] And just be very mindful and just again, soaking all of the blessings and, uh, and, and that makes that moment beautiful, which is wonderful. But it also, every time we do that, it changes our neurology and it reinforces that that feeling of gratitude that each one of us has. And, um, and it, it's just very simple things like this that, that can make a big difference in anyone's life.
[00:23:56] I believe so. That's, that's the second book and that's, that's what I'm finishing up now. And I guess there's 18 more of those where, where that came from. Yeah. So that's, that's what I'm working on now. And I imagine it will be out by the summer. So, um, I'm excited about that again.
[00:24:15] Veronica: [00:24:15] Yeah. Yeah. I can't wait to get it.
[00:24:17] I can't wait to read it. And I, you know, I have one that I'll share and, um, I actually heard about it many, many years ago and I did it for maybe a week and it was the five by 55 affirmations. And you write out a, an affirmation. 55 times for five days in a row and I read it and then he did. Yeah. And I recently, so your hand, it works your hand, but I think that's back to the science of what you talked about, rewiring your brain and the neuroscience.
[00:24:43] You know, we always talked in college about how important it was to write notes, even if you were listening because writing reinforces and I recently did a phenomenal course with Amy Lee. who's a dream design coach. Um, Just a few months ago. And it was part of her curriculum as well. And she had us write one affirmation 55 times for five days in a row.
[00:25:04] And it really helped me get connected to that affirmation and to, and one of the things you talked about was gratitude and actually. Putting gratitude in into action. And I felt like that for me, that was really helpful. So I'll just share with you, uh, one of my little journals that I had, I literally have page and page and page and page of affirmations written.
[00:25:26] Yeah. So you can see, it looks like, you know, the chalk, what you wrote on the chalkboard in school, and you had to write something open. I will not interrupt the teacher. Some of us had to write that numerous times throughout our career. Um, Which is funny now, because it's funny now,
[00:25:43] Chip: [00:25:43] but it is some negative information too.
[00:25:45] I will not interrupt, interrupt the teacher, but anyways, yeah. They didn't know that then I guess.
[00:25:51] Veronica: [00:25:51] So he did an or maybe they did, and they felt like that was okay. But now we know that the same exercise can really benefit someone who's working towards bettering their, sell themselves, uh, bettering their, their, improving their mindset and really creating.
[00:26:06] A place of gratitude or a place of peace or whatever it is that you're working towards. So I love that you shared those, um, those gems with us and folks definitely look at chip Franks his website, and you'll probably learn more as the book is made available. Um, and in the show notes, I included a link to your AMA, to Amazon where they can purchase your book right now.
[00:26:27] So, yeah, so I want to make sure that people know that they can reach you that way. And too, we have a lot in common. We're both from Texas. Yes,
[00:26:37] Chip: [00:26:37] I am giggling. Yep. My bride, who is off camera here and will remain that way or I'll
[00:26:44] Veronica: [00:26:44] get in trouble. I went to North Texas, but I do have lots of Aggie friends and I work with some phenomenal colleagues who are Aggie.
[00:26:51] So I appreciate that very much. And I love that you spent some time with us. Um, Today and, and honestly the gratitude and the message for folks, entrepreneurs, uh, professionals, those of you looking at different things in your life, whether it's personal professional gratitude is definitely the key. So chip, thank you so much for spending some time with us today.
[00:27:13] Chip: [00:27:13] You're welcome, Veronica. This has been wonderful. And then I hope we get a chance to talk again. So thank you for having me on.
[00:27:20] Veronica: [00:27:20] Absolutely. All right, I'm going to move chip off stage and folks. This is another episode of Saturday soundbites. I love, I love engaging with people who have positive messages who have steps that we can execute and take to make our lives strong or whether or not you're an entrepreneur, a professional, you have a brick and mortar business.
[00:27:42] All of us need to learn and grow from each other. And this is a. Perfect opportunity and example of how we can do that. So make sure you check out Chip's website, he's got another book on the way. You're absolutely going to love it. And if you're looking for a speaker, he really had some strong messages that are going to help you in your team.
[00:27:57] So be sure to check him out and thank you so much for spending your Saturday with us. If you're listening on the podcast, make sure you hit subscribe so that you don't miss another episode of Saturday soundbites. And if you're watching on Facebook and checking us out on the replay, be sure to hashtag replay.
[00:28:10] So we know you're watching have a great one and we'll see you next week.